Chapter 380 Unblocking
unblock?The other three were shocked when they heard it!In an instant, I felt a little unbelievable... Isn't the boss's words wrong?Or, it's just that our brothers got it wrong?
The boss looked at them, didn't respond for a long time, and emphasized again: "Fourth brother, unblock!"

The fourth child had a look of disbelief: "Boss, do you really want to unblock? But... these people are just a group of mortals... Do we really need to unblock them? We... we can break through to the north, I will charge, The left and right are just mortals, and they certainly cannot threaten us..."

"Shut up!" The boss's expression was extremely impatient: "Can't you see, these human walls? It's okay now, we can still kill people through the human wall! But... if the human wall is thicker, more than After ten feet, we will not be able to escape even if we run, and we will not be able to kill! At that time, the special bloodline may run away!"

Seeing that he was still hesitating, the boss roared angrily: "Unblock! If you unblock now, then you can enjoy more of the special bloodline! If you are still hesitating and delay the big event, I will personally unblock you!"

The fourth child was helpless, lowered his head slightly, and looked at the second child and the third child.It's just...the two of them were obviously still watching the show, and although they didn't show anything on their faces, they couldn't hide the schadenfreude in their eyes!
The so-called unblocking is their desperate means to suppress the bottom of the box!If it is really unblocked, then their combat power will skyrocket in an instant, but after a while, after the unblocked time passes, they will become a situation similar to that of a useless person!This kind of outbreak damages their origin!Not only is it combat power, vitality, and blood, but it will even shorten lifespan!

Originally, if it was in a desperate state, it didn't matter if it was unblocked.After all, they are going to fight for their lives, whether they have a chance to live or not, everyone just listens to the harm of shortening their lifespan.It's just now, just to deal with some mortals, and you want his fourth child to be unblocked?Is it really worth it?

Even if he really grabs the special bloodline, can he make up for the loss of his lifespan?The strength is stronger, but the life is shorter... It's really not worth it!Besides, after the unblocking, the strength will indeed become stronger, but after grabbing the special learning, I will be a useless person... Will they really let themselves enjoy it?
The second child and the third child did not speak, obviously they were watching a play.I haven't grabbed the special bloodline yet, so the fourth child will be unblocked first, and then there will be one less person... It's pretty good!Besides, it's not letting them unblock, what does it have to do with them?Don't offend a stronger boss for the sake of a fourth child!

The fourth child sighed helplessly, the boss had already made it very clear.If I really refuse, I'm afraid... he will do something to me now... If that's the case, then... the special bloodline must have nothing to do with me...

If you really listen to him, it's amazing, just treat yourself as a mortal!At that time, it would be best if they still took themselves to hunt down the special blood.When they explode and die, I can pray for mantises and catch cicadas, and the oriole will be behind.Even if they really abandoned themselves, then... at least they were once immortals, so they wouldn't die at the hands of mortals.As for the other three, just let them go, anyway, in the end they are still dead characters!

After figuring this out, the fourth child didn't hesitate anymore, just laughed a few times, stretched out a hand suddenly, and stabbed himself in the chest!A large amount of red liquid spewed out, and the face of the fourth child gradually turned pale, but his body did turn red!

His face was ugly, like a ghost coming out of hell, he turned to look at the boss: "Boss, I'll go first! Don't forget what you said!"

The boss stood a little further away from him at this moment.This guy is now unblocked, and his combat power has skyrocketed!I am definitely not an opponent right now!In order to prevent this guy from going crazy, he deliberately stayed away. After all, he was the one who forced him to unblock him.

Seeing the fourth brother looking over at this moment, he also nodded: "Don't worry! The four of us are one body, one prospers and one loses! I will never renege on my promise and get fat!"

The corner of the fourth child's mouth pulled up an ugly arc, shook his head slightly, turned around and rushed out!When the seal was not lifted, they killed people by extracting blood from afar.And after the fourth child was unblocked, he punched open the wall of people and rushed into the crowd!Every time a punch is thrown out, there are pieces of people lying down on the ground!
In the distance, Gongyang Mo sighed, why are these immortals so fierce?I finally thought of a way to stop them, but within a few minutes, some people went crazy. If this happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete my mission...

He tilted his head and thought for a while, then waved his hand: "Don't attack in batches! Just hit them all! He can kill ten with one punch, but...we have 2 people, and he will die of exhaustion! Moreover, there must be some restrictions on this kind of outbreak, otherwise they would have rushed out. If we resist this period, we will probably win!"

The orderly behind him waved a small flag in his hand.After the commanders in front saw it, they pulled out the knives from their waists one by one: "Come on!"

In an instant, the fourth child felt that there were more than twice as many people in front of him as before!Even, killing ten people with one punch would free up about two meters of space.But now with one punch, fourteen or five people died, but there is only a field more than one meter long!He realized in his heart that the Daqin people might have come out in force!
However, he was a little shocked.Even now, these Daqin soldiers have not broken up or collapsed!Even, on the battlefield of the feature film, everyone shouted to kill, not even a single one who cried bitterly!Such a person, the Huns still want to fight with others... I really don't know how to live or die...

"Boss!" The fourth child turned his head and looked behind: "I can't bear it anymore!"

I really can't bear it anymore!Not fake!No matter how strong he is, there is only one person. When 3 or [-] people appear in front of you, really, even if you stand and let you kill him, you will be exhausted!

The boss is also pale, in fact, a few people kill tens of thousands of people, it is difficult to say, but it is easy to say!
As long as these people don't resist, as long as these people just want to run for their lives, as long as these people's too easy to kill people...they only need to open their mouths lightly, and hundreds of people will fall to the ground!

However, if these people resist...especially in an organized way, even...the organization's strategy is very effective...then don't talk about it, it's too difficult to kill people!
The boss looked ahead and remained silent, he didn't want to take a detour!

He suddenly turned his head: "Second and third, unblock!"

(End of this chapter)

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