Chapter 1
In the second year of Chuping (191), Cao Cao was defeated by Du, Bai Rao, Suigu, Yu Fuluo, etc. in Dongjun, and Yuan Shao presented him as the prefect of Dongjun.

In the third year of Chuping (192), in order to resist the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army, Jibei Minister Bao Xin and others welcomed Cao Cao as Yanzhou Mu.

Cao Mengde, who was supposed to be proud of his horseshoe disease, was riding his horse angrily at this moment, and was rushing home with his guards following him.

Before arriving at Cao's mansion, he handed over the reins to the attendant, and strode into the mansion.

"Where's Cao Ziyou? Tell him to come see me!"

Just based on the tone of voice, everyone in the mansion knew that the Second Young Master was going to be unlucky today.

The quick-witted one has already run to the backyard to inform Mrs. Ding.

When Cao Cao came to the hall, he found a handsome little boy holding a pen, not knowing what to write on the paper.

"Zihuan, where's your brother?"

The little boy replied crisply:
"Brother Ziyou asked me to do his homework for him, and he took people hunting."

"This bastard!"

When Cao Ziyou asked his five or six-year-old brother to transcribe "The Art of War" for him, and then went hunting outside by himself, he immediately became angry.

Not long after, there was a loud noise at the door, and Cao Cao knew that the Lord was coming.

Cao Xuan, named Ziyou, is 11 years old.

After working overtime in the previous life and dying suddenly, he traveled to the Three Kingdoms period in the parallel world and became Cao Cao's second son.

The general development of this world is the same as the previous life, but there are still some differences in the subtleties.

As the soul of an adult, Cao Xuan should have been a child prodigy since he was a child, and he could pick up all kinds of poems and dictionaries at his fingertips.

It's a pity that a filial son system has just been awakened.

As long as Cao Cao has negative emotions, he can get rewards.

If you can trigger a critical strike, you can also get an extra gift bag.

Although most of the rewards are lollipops, spicy sticks and other snacks for children, occasionally luck breaks out and you can get attribute points!

Now based on the attribute points rewarded by the system alone, Cao Ziyou's physical fitness has far exceeded that of ordinary people.

So from the time he was able to walk on the ground, he became the little devil king in Cao's mansion.

Cao Cao often had a headache for this.

Today, Cao Cao was discussing with his advisers and generals how to deal with the Yellow Turban Army, when someone from his house suddenly reported.

Said that Cao Ziyou pissed off the 99th teacher and left.

At that time, Cao Cao was so angry that he fainted with a "Karma", and Xun Yu and the others were so frightened that they hurriedly pinched him.

After waking up, Cao Cao directly overturned the table, got on his horse and ran home.

Now that the Lord is back, Cao Cao holds the whip and looks at the door with a cold face.

"I'm back!"

Accompanied by a childish voice, a boy with a handsome face walked in.

Not only did he not run away after seeing the furious Cao Cao, but he walked behind Cao Pi with his hands behind his back.

"Cao Ziyou, what are you doing?"

Cao Cao asked angrily.

"I'm checking my third brother's homework, please don't interrupt, Father."

Cao Ziyou stretched out a finger, and made a gesture of "shh" near his mouth.

"Check your homework? Huh, okay, you check first. I'll check yours after you finish checking!"

"Ding, Cao Cao's anger +1, filial son's value +1"

Cao Cao swung his whip, and there was a sound in the air.

Then he placed the seat at the door and guarded the door himself.

There was another sound of footsteps, and the ladies who received the news in the backyard rushed over.

Because of Cao Ziyou's pleasing appearance, he usually flattered the ladies in the backyard a lot, relying on some small jokes from his previous life, he often made them very happy.

As soon as Cao Cao was about to beat Cao Ziyou, Mrs. Ding and Mrs. Bian rushed to intercede for him.

But this time Cao Ziyou committed too much.

99 teachers ran away at full speed.

Even Cao Cao didn't dare to find a teacher for him anymore.

Otherwise, once there are a hundred of them, no matter how thick-skinned Cao Cao is, he will be ashamed to go out.

The Cao family's reputation was completely ruined by Cao Ziyou.

So seeing Mrs. Ding and the others wanting to come in, Cao Cao waved directly:
"Go back! No matter who comes to intercede today, I will beat Cao Ziyou! If I don't beat Cao Ziyou today, I swear I won't be human!"

"Ding, Cao Cao's anger +1, filial son's value +1"

After hearing this, Cao Ziyou curled his lips in disdain.

What, the system beeped before entering the door.

It rang more than 20 times today, and didn't even trigger a critical strike. I'm really unlucky.

But Cao Ziyou also knew that it was time to coax Cao Cao.

Otherwise, I will make my father mad, and I will really become a filial son.

In fact, he has made Cao Cao angry for so many years, why is he still living well now?
It was because Cao Ziyou knew how to relax.

If you are only angry with Lao Cao, Cao Cao will be disappointed with him over time.

Will the disappointed Cao Cao still be angry?

No, it's just a hard cleanup.

Although the reward is good, Cao Ziyou doesn't want to be beaten.

So every time the trouble is over, Cao Cao's anger will always be calmed down by other methods.

Therefore, Cao Cao loves and hates him. Every time he comes with great fanfare, every time there is thunder and rain, there is little rain.

Cao Ziyou also had a plan this time.

After all, Cao Ziyou is not stupid, dare to run home if he is not sure?

Wouldn't it be nice to take someone to Xiahou's house to hide?

Since he dared to come back, he naturally had a way to deal with it.

I saw Cao Ziyou imitating Cao Cao, sitting cross-legged in front of Cao Pi, and said solemnly:

"Zihuan, how did Sun Tzu copy the Art of War?"

"Brother Ziyou, I've finished copying these, can you give me a lollipop?"

Cao Pi looked at Cao Ziyou eagerly.

The reason why he did homework for Cao Ziyou was firstly because Cao Ziyou had bigger fists than him, and secondly because of Cao Ziyou's lollipop.

"There's no rush for lollipops, you can answer a few questions for me first. If you were a general, how would you deal with the rogues who are so numerous?"

The people outside the room burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Cao Pi is only six years old, and it is already very good to be able to copy Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Could it be that by copying the art of war once, you can learn to lead troops to fight?

Even Cao Cao sneered. He recently faced the Yellow Turban Army fleeing everywhere and discussed with his advisers for many days, but he couldn't find a suitable solution.

If copying Sun Tzu's Art of War can solve the bandits, then Cao Mengde must read it every day by candlelight.

Under the temptation of the lollipop, Cao Pi's brain was working rapidly.

Finally thought of a good way.

"Brother Ziyou, I can give them lollipops!"

"That's a good idea!"

Seeing that Cao Ziyou was playing along with Cao Pi, Cao Cao finally lost his temper and stood up to beat him up.

At this moment, Cao Ziyou said slowly again:

"Food can stabilize people's hearts. If there is food, there will be no troubles. However, these need force to maintain. Zihuan, let me tell you, write it down under the Sun Tzu's Art of War you copied. To deal with rogues, let the enemy advance and retreat. Retreat me and chase me, the enemy stops me to harass me, the enemy... my lord father, what are you going to do?"

 Opened a new book, changed to a vest, title: "Three Kingdoms Rebellious Son List Exposure, Cao Cao Runs All Night"

  I just wrote the Three Kingdoms, but I didn't grasp the rhythm well, and many Caos didn't write it in their daily life.

  Then he opened a new book, continuing brother and friend respect, father kindness and son filial piety, filial piety degenerates (cross out)...

  Ahem, all in all, I hope you will support me a lot.

  The author will try his best to write more fun!
(End of this chapter)

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