Chapter 105 Prepare Food and Grass
Guo Jia, Xun You and others have formulated several combat plans for Yuzhou, and they are about to take Yuzhou in one fell swoop!
Cao Ziyou deduced every plan in his mind, and found that a counselor is a counselor, and he can play tricks better than himself.

After the East Factory is established in the future, such talents will be needed!

If the soldiers and horses are not moving, the grain and grass will go first.

While Xun Yu was arranging food and grass, Cao Ziyou slipped in with his hands behind his back.

"Uncle Wen Ruo, how about our grain reserves? Is it enough?"

Xun Yu nodded.

"It's okay. Before assisting Yanzhou to suppress the Taishan bandits, we mainly used the food and grass of the major gentry. As long as we go well and take Yuzhou as soon as possible, the remaining food will just last until the next harvest."

For Xun Yu, these grains were indeed quite a lot.

After all, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, many people died just because of hunger.

Xuzhou can make the people just eat enough, which is already considered good among the princes of the world.

But these are not enough for Cao Ziyou.

After all, no one can predict when the next natural disaster will come. Once a drought or locust plague occurs, the gentry will have nothing to do, but the people must suffer.

What's more, even if Yuzhou is defeated, the food in Yuzhou may not be enough for the people of Yuzhou to consume, and they may have to supplement food and grass at that time.

It takes three months for potatoes to mature, and the first batch of potatoes is not much. Only when the second and third batches of potatoes appear can the supply of the common people be satisfied.

So Cao Ziyou thought about it, and then focused on the gentry in Xuzhou.

As a member of Xuzhou, how can we not contribute to Xuzhou?

"Wen Ruo, how about asking the gentry to donate some food?"

Xun Yu thought carefully for a while, then shook his head.

"Ziyou, this time is difficult, very difficult! Before they donated food, it was because they wanted to leave a way out for themselves. But this does not mean that they have given up resistance. The Taishan bandits are just a group of bandits. Are there any Taishan bandits?" , had little effect on the gentry.

Yuzhou is a land of one state. If we take Yuzhou, our power will expand rapidly. This is what the gentry do not want to see.

So I estimate that the gentry will not take out much food! "

"I know, go and call Mi Zhu and Chen Deng."

After a while, Xun Yu walked in with the two of them.

Mi Zhu carried the account book with him, and Chen Deng's clothes were still stained with mud.

"Lord State Shepherd, what can I order?"

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter? Who broke my brother-in-law's leg? I'll go and connect it for you!"

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other, then snorted coldly, and turned their heads away.

Mi Zhu disliked Chen Deng's status as a gentry, and now in Xuzhou, no one knows that the gentry is tripping up Lord Zhou Mu.

For Mi Zhu, their Mi family is bound together with Cao Ziyou, and as for the Chen family, they are big traitors!

Chen Deng, on the other hand, disliked Mi Zhu's status as a businessman, who knew how to make money every day and did some tricks.

Unlike him, Chen Deng, who has already found his purpose in life!

Cao Ziyou ignored the estrangement between the two, but directly opened the skylight to speak frankly.

"I plan to let the gentry bleed. The army is about to attack Yuzhou. I still have some food and grass. Tell me your thoughts."

Mi Zhu was the first to jump out.

"Okay! I will always support my brother-in-law's decision-making! This group of nobles all think they are noble, and it is time to rectify it! If the attack on Yuzhou lacks money, my Mi family can support part of it!"

Chen Deng retorted:
"Could it be that Master Zhou has forgotten the matter of Cao Gong's killing of Bian Rang? Now that the attitude of the gentry towards Master Zhou is gradually changing, why should Master Zhou force them?"

After hearing what Chen Deng said, Mi Zhu was not happy.

"What do you mean? This Xuzhou is my brother-in-law's state, how did it become your gentry's? Tell me, if you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down. Let's cut off the gentry in Xuzhou first!"

"Okay! For the gentry in Xuzhou, we only need to win over a group, suppress a group, and divide a group. Yuanlong, you are a talent, I will give you a chance to choose. Which group do you think the Chen family should belong to?" ?”

Chen Deng quickly and respectfully replied:

"The Chen family is willing to join the Lord Shepherd of the State, but I also implore the Lord Shepherd of the State not to persecute the gentry too much, otherwise when they occupy other states and counties, they will encounter resistance from the gentry!"

"Don't worry, I'm not fighting against all the gentry. You go and classify me. Those who complain about me on weekdays will be included in the suppression list. Those who respect me will be included in the solicitation list, and the rest will be classified into the division list. .”

Chen Deng said awkwardly:
"Master State Shepherd, maybe our Chen family is the only noble family that is willing to join us."

"Huh? Is my reputation among the nobles in Xuzhou so bad?"

Xun Yu and Chen Deng lowered their heads.

Why do you have such a bad reputation, do you have no points in your heart?
Which state shepherd have you seen confront the local gentry just after taking office?

Not even your father, Lao Cao, has ever been so fierce!
Mi Zhu, the dog leg, said indignantly:

"Damn the gentry! You should be killed!"

"Ahem, that's fine. In short, half of the food and grass this time will come from the gentry. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. Discuss with the gentry about how much the Chen family and the Mi family will pay. How much. After the collection of food and grass is completed, the food and grass of the Chen family and the Mi family will be returned in full!"

Mi Zhu and Chen Deng said quickly:
"Don't dare, these are our Mi (Chen) family's filial piety to Lord Zhou Mu!"

"No, since you all belong to me, I can't let you suffer! Don't worry, the water and salt are just the beginning, follow me and you will definitely be popular and spicy!"

"Master State Shepherd is wise!"

That night, Chen Deng contacted the major gentry and informed them to prepare food and grass.

Early the next morning, when Cao Ziyou went to the government office, he found a large group of old men surrounded outside.

Is this Pengci hitting his head?

After seeing Cao Ziyou, a group of old men surrounded him as if they saw their own father, scaring Dian Wei out of his weapon.

"Lord Zhou Mu, you have to be the master of our Huang family!"

"Lord State Shepherd, you can't do it, you can't do it!"

"Lord State Shepherd..."

A group of old men sat on the ground and complained for a while, saying that their family had no food and grass, and they were unable to undertake this task at all.

Seeing these old comrades in such pain, Cao Ziyou couldn't help wiping away tears.

"Hey! Do you think I attacked Yuzhou for myself? No, I did it for the emperor!"

All the old men were shocked, why did the emperor get involved?
"Wuwuwu, you don't know. Not long ago, the emperor gave me a dream, saying that he was suffering! In order to save the emperor, we must work together and overcome difficulties. You don't have enough food and grass. Have you ever thought that the emperor is suffering now? Can't even eat anymore?

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my god!My Son!You are so miserable! "

Cao Ziyou sat down on the ground and burst into tears.

The gentry were confused, what's going on?
It's always been the old man touching the young man, why did you, a young man, come here to blackmail us old people?
Where is your conscience?
(End of this chapter)

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