Chapter 107 Take My Dad's Head!

The patriarch of the Wang family was replaced by Xiao Wang just like that, and the major gentry clans also readily collected enough food and grass for the expedition.

Everything was ready, just as Cao Ziyou was pulling the calendar to choose a date, Dian Wei came in with a troubled expression.

"My lord, someone wants to see you outside."

"Then let him in."

"But, but that man has fought with us, he is our enemy!"

Cao Ziyou was taken aback.

"Since it's an enemy, why don't you just kill him? Why don't you know how to operate after the enemy comes to your door?"

Dian Wei said with embarrassment:
"That man is shouting outside, saying that he is your father."

Cao Ziyou was furious.

"Fuck me, I don't know how many fathers I have? No matter if it's my father or not, I'll chop him up! Dismember him!"

"Yes! I will try my best!"

Dian Wei gritted his teeth, took his weapon and went out to fight.

Cao Ziyou didn't care, with Dian Wei's martial arts skills, which father would be his opponent!

It is estimated that it will not take a stick of incense, and the head of the guy who claims to be his father will be placed in front of him.

Sure enough, before a stick of incense came, there was another sound of heavy footsteps in the hall, and it was Dian Wei's.

Cao Ziyou said without raising his head:

"Where's the head? I recognize what my father looks like!"

Dian Wei said aggrievedly:
"Young master, I never hit him."

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

What?Dian Wei never fought? ?

How can this be? !
Cao Ziyou subconsciously thought that Dian Wei was joking to make him happy.

But when he raised his head and found the bandage and blood on Dian Wei's arm, Cao Ziyou knew that what Dian Wei said was true.

How powerful is his "father"?

"Dian Wei, are you underestimating the enemy or..."

"No, I'm fighting with all my strength!"

Cao Ziyou asked suspiciously:

"Who is it? How could it be so powerful?"

Dian Wei spit out two words slowly.

"Lu Bu!"

"Hiss! Lu Bu came in person??!"

Cao Ziyou immediately stood up and shouted:
"Let Xu Chu, Tai Shici, and Zhao Zilong come, get me a gun, and go get my father-in-law's head together!"

"I can't! I can't!"

Dian Wei stopped Cao Ziyou.

"My lord, you can't just go up and take the head when you see father. You have to think about Mrs. Lu! If there is a gap between the two of you because of killing Lu Bu, how can I bear it? "

"It makes sense, then I won't go, you go kill it."

Thinking of how Lu Qiling would complain about her in the future, Cao Ziyou directly picked herself out.

It was Dian Wei and the others who killed me, so what do I care about Cao Ziyou?
After all, I, Cao Ziyou, are so filial, how could I be detrimental to my father-in-law?
Dian Wei froze in place.

Cao Ziyou didn't want Lu Qiling to blame him, and neither did Dian Wei!
If Lu Qiling had nothing to do, she would blow pillows to Cao Ziyou, and if she had nothing to do, she would say bad things about Dian Wei in Cao Ziyou's ear, how could Dian Wei be able to prevent him?
Could it be that Dian Wei also squeezed onto the bed, and followed Lu Qiling to listen to Cao Ziyou?

I'm afraid Cao Ziyou can kill himself without Lu Qiling!

Seeing Dian Wei not going, Cao Ziyou gave him a kick.

"Why are you standing there? Go and blame me!"

"Then you can't blame me in the future?"

"Don't blame me, don't blame me, don't worry, I, Cao Ziyou, is generous, generous, chivalrous, single-minded, smooth sailing, how can I blame you?"

Cao Ziyou said it so righteously, he nodded Dian Wei foolishly.

Think about the Wang family, and then think about the present.

Cao Ziyou thinks Dianwei is better.

Dian Wei is really a person, and he will not be as fancy as those of the gentry.

This kind of person is most suitable for taking the blame for himself!

It would be great if the gentry were all like Dian Wei!
Under Cao Ziyou's satisfied gaze, Dian Wei patted his chest and assured:
"Okay! Then I'll find Zilong and the others to cut off Lu Bu's dog's head!"

At this moment, a female voice came.

"Ziyou, I heard that my father is here?"

Accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, Lu Qiling ran in.

"Ziyou, is my father here?"

"Uh, I'm leaving soon."

"Go? Is he leaving just now?"

Lu Qiling glanced at the two of them suspiciously, and when she saw Dian Wei's murderous expression, Lu Qiling asked:

"General Dian, what are you going to do?"

"Under the order of Young Master Ziyou, take your father's dog's head!"

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

Good for you, Dian Wei, you are usually a simple guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Why did you sell me for the first time now? ? ?
I am Nima!
Cao Ziyou discovered that in today's society, people's hearts are sinister and morality is degraded!
Not at all what he was when he was a kid.

The people around him backstabbed one after another, making Cao Ziyou doubt his IQ.

Lu Qiling looked at Cao Ziyou tearfully and asked:
"Ziyou, do you have to kill my father? Can you spare his life?"

"of course!"

Cao Ziyou explained:

"Dian Wei told me that someone was calling for war outside the city. I wouldn't let him go and see it! Who knew it was my father-in-law outside the city! Is Cao Ziyou the kind of person who kills his father? It's all Dian Wei's fault. If you can’t understand a single word, you’ll be uneducated at first sight!”

Dian Wei sighed and touched his wound.

Lu Qiling glanced at Dianwei's arm and asked accordingly.

"Hey, General Dian, have you already fought against my father?"

Dian Wei glanced at Cao Ziyou cautiously, then asked softly:

"My lord, can I answer?"

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

"Cough cough, Dian Wei, you are unforgivably guilty of assaulting my father-in-law. From now on, Xu Chu will be in charge of the guard work, so get out and lead the soldiers!"

Xu Chu looks honest and honest, so he probably wouldn't stab himself in the back, right?

After sending Dian Wei away, Cao Ziyou comforted Lu Qiling for a while, and then someone let Lu Bu in.

After pouring the tea, Lu Bu breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at his increasingly beautiful daughter.

It seems that Cao Ziyou didn't bully Lu Qiling because of him.

"Father-in-law, last time in Yanzhou, I caught Yuan Shao and hurried back, why did you leave without saying goodbye?"

Lu Bu snorted coldly.

Just one Cao Cao beat him to pieces.

In addition to Cao Ziyou, wouldn't he beat him so much that he had to go see those adoptive fathers?

"I think my son-in-law was quite busy at the time, so I won't cause trouble for my son-in-law. I came this time to take away my camp and two generals. They have been in Xuzhou and consume a lot of food every day. How about my son-in-law return them to me, so as to save some food!"

Cao Ziyou slapped his forehead.

"Hey, look at my memory! Not long ago, Yanzhou and Xuzhou joined forces to wipe out the Taishan bandits. I sent Gao Shun and Zhang Liao out, and they are still in Yanzhou and haven't come back yet!"

Lu Bu frowned and asked:

"My son-in-law, where are the soldiers and horses in my battalion?"

Cao Ziyou said without changing his expression:

"Also in Yanzhou."

"But I went to Yanzhou first, Master Mu Cao of Yanzhou said he hadn't seen it?"

"Old Cao is very bad, father-in-law, don't believe what that old man says!"

(End of this chapter)

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