Chapter 123 Where is Cao Thief

After taking a nap, five thousand Huns stood there stupidly.

Five thousand war horses just disappeared overnight?
On the other side, Zhao Zilong looked at the [-] Dawan horses in front of him with an expression of admiration on his face.

"Sure enough, Mr. Ziyou didn't lie to me!"

Zhao Feng was dumbfounded a long time ago, pointing to Da Wanma and asked:
"Could it be that this is the task that Mr. Ziyou entrusted to you?"

"Hmm! Master Ziyou said that God entrusted him with a dream, saying that as many women as there are in this life, how many Dawan horses will appear today. I will go and count the number of horses, and I will grab enough for Master Ziyou in the future. After all, this is God's will!"

"Okay, you stay and count the number, and I will continue to chase the group of Huns."

Zhao Zilong refused:

"No, you stay and count the horses, and I will go after them. I always feel that there is someone hiding in the group of Huns, who has been attracting me and wants to snatch it for you!"

Zhao Feng smiled.

"Bring down Zilong, you can't be too greedy. With so many big horses, it's enough to bring them back to ask for credit. The Huns are a bunch of savages. Could it be that there are talented women among them?"

"Maybe, didn't we pick up a lot of books when we were chasing before?"

"Tch, there are books but not necessarily human beings, human beings not necessarily women, and women not necessarily beautiful women. You go chase after them, I'll honestly count my Dawan horses here!"

When Qubei and others stood at a loss, the lingering sound of horseshoes sounded again.

The complexion of the Huns changed drastically, and they fled in all directions in a panic.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Cai Yan smiled.

It was the Han army that was chasing the Xiongnu. Presumably the leader of the army must be a handsome and polite Confucian general!
Sure enough, when Zhao Zilong appeared in front of Cai Yan, Cai Yan knew that he had guessed right.

After a rush, a large number of Xiongnu soldiers were killed, and Qubei was captured alive.

Seeing Zhao Zilong walking towards him, Cai Yan lowered her head shyly.

Oh, how embarrassing!What will he say?How should I respond?
Just as Cai Yan was thinking wildly, Zhao Zilong glanced at it and nodded.

"This girl is good, tie her up and bring her back to the young master!"

Cai Yan:? ? ?
"General, could you be more polite?"

"This girl is really nice, please tie her up and bring her back as a gift to the young master!"

When Zhao Feng saw Cai Yan, he was stunned.

"Zilong, there really is a woman in the Huns!"

"Hehe, when did I miss it!"

a few days later.

A cavalry approached Luoyang City.

Seeing the once prosperous Luoyang turned into ruins, Cao Ziyou sighed:

"What a bunch of rebels!"

"That's right, there are not many loyal ministers like Ziyou in the world."

Even after several days of communication, Cai Yan still felt that the man in front of him was shrouded in a mysterious fog.

Although he is very young, he is already in a high position, holding an army of 10,000+.

Even though he was in Xuzhou, he traveled thousands of miles to escort him, even bringing his own coffin.

It's been less than half a month since meeting the emperor, but he has already gained the trust of the emperor. Even the fact that Dong Guiren often looks for Cao Ziyou can be ignored.


Cai Yan is very interested in Cao Ziyou, and it happens that her father has a good relationship with Cao Cao.

In terms of seniority, she is still Cao Ziyou's aunt.

In the name of taking care of his little nephew, Cai Yan has been by Cao Ziyou's side every day these days.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet your eldest nephew!"

Cao Ziyou and Cao Ang successfully joined forces. Xia Houyuan wanted to make a move, but Cao Ang held his arm tightly.

"Uncle Miaocai, the emperor is here, we have to make a good impression!"



Xia Houyuan could only watch helplessly as Cao Ziyou led Liu Xie into Luoyang City.

"Zixiu, Luoyang City has been taken over by Ziyou's cavalry battalion, and even Cao Chun has been kicked out. When shall we act?"

"At midnight tonight, you take Ziyou to the barracks to discuss matters, and I lead five hundred knives and axes to ambush outside. As soon as you drop the teacup, I will rush in and tie him up immediately!"


Cao Ang patted his chest and assured:
"Don't worry, Uncle Miaocai, leave everything to me, it's all right!"

Xia Houyuan nodded and left in peace.

In Luoyang City, Cao Chun stood outside the city with a sad face, looked at the soldiers on the city wall, and couldn't help asking again:

"I said, brothers, are you sure you won't let me enter the city?"

"Master Cao, Mr. Ziyou has an order to let you go to the military camp outside the city to rest, and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry will temporarily return to Mr. Ziyou's leadership. If you have any objections, please be patient and go to the city to find your son tomorrow morning!"

"But I am the leader of the tiger and leopard cavalry!"

Cao Chun wanted to cry but had no tears. He was originally ordered by Cao Cao to restrain Cao Ziyou.

As a result, the command right was directly taken away by Cao Ziyou.

Thinking that Xia Houyuan and Cao Ang were stationed outside the city, Cao Chun could only mount his horse and run towards the barracks.

"Zihe, why are you here alone?"

After seeing Cao Chun, Xia Houyuan was shocked.

"Miao Cai, don't mention it. I'm naked now!"

Xia Houyuan took him to the camp and took out Cao Cao's warrant.

"Zihe, look at this."

"Hiss! Ziyou under house arrest? Are you crazy?!"

Cao Chun quickly stuffed the warrant back into Xia Houyuan's arms.

"I can't do this, please ask Gao Ming!"

Xia Houyuan grabbed Cao Chun's shoulders and met his gaze.

"Zihe! This is Duke Cao's order!"

"How could Mr. Cao give such an order? Ziyou is his son!"

"We only put Ziyou under house arrest for more than ten days. After Zixiu brought the emperor and the tiger and leopard rider back to Yanzhou, we will release Ziyou without harming him. What are you afraid of?"

Cao Chun hesitated and said:
"I always feel that something is wrong, are you sure Zixiu will help us?"


"I'll think about it again."

Cao Chun picked up the teacup on the table and drank it.

Xia Houyuan continued to persuasion:

"As long as the three of us work together, Ziyou won't be able to make waves! Don't worry, after we put Ziyou under house arrest, you will take over the cavalry battalion!"

Cao Chun asked suspiciously:
"Why do I always feel that you are so cruel to Ziyou?"

Xia Houyuan gritted his teeth and replied:
"Because he fell in love with my dead brother's orphan girl!"


Cao Chun was shocked, and the teacup in his hand accidentally came out, fell to the ground and broke into pieces.


Suddenly, there were shouts of killing everywhere, and several openings were forcibly split into the huge tent.

Cao Ang was the first to rush in.

"Where is Cao thief? Take your life!"

Cao Chun was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Xia Houyuan was also in a daze, the day was still bright, and Cao thief hadn't come out to act yet!
"Zixiu, step back quickly, this is Cao Chun, there is no Cao thief!"

Xia Houyuan looked at his tent with distress.

Come on, have to get a new one.

(End of this chapter)

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