Chapter 141 Yuan Shu Called Bully
After a while, Cao Ziyou slowly woke up.

The performance just now was too deep, and fell asleep shortly after the performance.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Opening his eyes, Cao Ziyou found Yuan Shu looking at him eagerly.

He was so scared that he quickly stood up and checked his clothes.

Cao Ziyou breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the clothes were intact and he had not been violated in any way.


That is to say, I am not in Shuhan.

Otherwise, your pure body will not be guaranteed.

Seeing Cao Ziyou wake up, Yuan Shu asked kindly:
"Mr. Mi, are you okay?"

Cao Ziyou pretended to support his head.

"What happened just now? How did I see a large amount of starlight falling from the sky and falling to the ground and turning into a human form?"

Yuan Shu clapped his hands!

"That's right, that's right, that's right! Just now you communicated with heaven and earth and told me the names of these heavenly beings! Mr. Mi, besides the names of people, did the gods in the sky say anything else?"

Cao Ziyou pretended to think for a moment, then said slowly:

"Heaven has the virtue of loving life. Seeing that the world is in troubled times, the people are displaced, starving and dying everywhere, and they have the intention to end all this. First, to find the true emperor, it is Your Majesty. Second, they send many immortals to help His Majesty end In troubled times, rule the world!"

Yuan Shu nodded.

The old gods in the sky are very interesting!

"Mr. Mi, it concerns many immortals. I have some doubts. I would like to ask you to clarify."

Cao Ziyou said with a smile:
"Your Majesty has no worries. To help His Majesty, God has sent a total of one hundred and eight generals. It is composed of 36 members of the Tiangang Star and 72 members of the Dixie Star.

There is a poem praising: "Take a look at the hidden places in the book forest, how many elegant and Confucian scholars are there."Fame and small profits don't worry about it, cut ice and snow, talk and laugh and watch Wu hook.

Reviewing the former king and the later emperor, distinguishing the true from the false, occupying Zhongzhou, and the Qixiong circling around the Spring and Autumn Period.

Rise and fall are like brittle willows, and life experience is like a boat.See countless fame, countless picture names, and countless escapes!

In an instant, the new moon falls in Changchuan, and the rivers and lakes and mulberry fields become ancient roads.Surprised to ask for the fish to get the tree, imitating the poor ape to choose the tree, fearing that the curved wood that is far away from the bow will be hurt.

It's better to cover the cup in your palm and listen to the new sound! "

Yuan Shu:? ? ?
Although I can't understand it, I think it's very awesome.

"That Mr. Mi, so what is your identity?"

"Hahahaha, has your Majesty heard about Crouching Dragon and Phoenix?"

Yuan Shu nodded.

"I heard that Mr. Shui Jing once said, "Crouching dragon and phoenix chick, two people get one, and the world can be safe! But who it is, I don't know."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Cao Ziyou couldn't stop laughing.

It’s okay if you don’t know, I don’t want to fool you if I know!
"Why are you laughing, sir?"

Seeing Yuan Shu's confused eyes, Cao Ziyou explained proudly.

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick are just names for ordinary people. In heaven, we all call them Baba!"



Yuan Shu thought about it carefully, and suddenly slapped his thigh, with a look of sudden realization.

"Fuck, I understand!"

Cao Ziyou's face turned pale with shock, and he quickly calculated in his heart.

Should I grab Yuan Shu by the neck and flee back to Xuzhou as a hostage?

Or should he directly threaten Yuan Shu?

Just when Cao Ziyou didn't want to understand where he was revealing, Yuan Shu said pleasantly:
"Mi Tianba, Mi Xingba, don't they add up to be Baba? It turns out that Wolongfengchu refers to you two!"

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

Dare you understand this?

Old man!

"Yes, yes, yes, your majesty is really based on the roots of wisdom, and you can understand it at one point! Hahaha."

Knowing that he guessed it right, Yuan Shu happily held Cao Ziyou's hands.

"Ba Ba! I want to be Ba Ba, why worry about the uncertainty of the world!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, Your Majesty, Baba will definitely help you with all his heart!"

Yuan Shu nodded heavily.

All the gods in the sky have come down to help me, if I still can't rule the world, wouldn't it mean that mud can't support the wall?

I must win the world!
"By the way, Mr. Mi, I still..."

"Your Majesty, you are welcome, just call me Baba, it sounds good to me!"

"Okay, bully."

Yuan Shu has an advantage, as long as you follow his original intention, then he will follow suit.

Since this mysterious and unpredictable Mr. Mi let himself be called Ba Ba, he should call himself Ba Ba!
"Baba, there are still some things I don't understand here, and I hope Baba can give me some pointers!"

"But it doesn't matter."

Yuan Shu picked up the paper from the table as if he had found a treasure, and carefully pointed to the immortal name on it.

"Baba, I don't know some people here, and I will send someone to look for them later. But is this Pan Feng, the general Pan Feng who was cut off when he was imprisoned in Hulao?"


Cao Ziyou said sadly:

"Your Majesty, Pan Feng is an immortal! Even among the hundred and eight generals, he is still one of the 36 stars in Tiangang! How could he be killed by mortals?"

"Hiss! May I ask which star Pan Fengxian is?"

"Heavenly Killing Star, Black Whirlwind Pan Feng!"

Yuan Shu nodded.

This name sounds amazing!

"Ba Ba, who is this beloved wife, Mrs. Cai?"

"Earth Yin Xing, mother worm Cai! She also has two brothers, Cai Fu, the iron arm of the Earth Star, and Cai Qing, a flower of the Earth Damage Star!"

"Hiss! How lucky I am, Yuan Shu, to be able to marry an immortal!"

Although these three belong to Earth Fiend, they are immortals after all.

In the spirit of being a corporal, Yuan Shu said that he would not choose!

"Baba, I have another question."


"The adopted son, Lu Fengxian, must be referring to Wenhou Lu Bu, right?"

"Well, he is one of the 36 stars in Tiangang, what's wrong?"

Yuan Shu rubbed his head.

"No wonder General Lu called my adoptive father as soon as we met. It turns out that there is such a relationship. By the way, what's the situation with this son-in-law Cao Ziyou?"

Cao Ziyou counted and then said:

"Cao Ziyou is Tian Kui Xing Hu Baoyi/Timely Rain! He is the leader of the evil stars of Tiangang and Earth. At a young age, he occupied Xuzhou, Keyuzhou, swallowed Yanzhou, and welcomed the emperor. Your Majesty, what do you think of him?"

"Cao Ziyou is not human!"

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

you scold again?
"It's really a god in the world!"

Cao Ziyou nodded.

Lao Yuan is a nice person, but he likes to talk and pant.

"Ba Ba, Cao Ziyou is the son of Cao Mengde, can he join me?"

"Hahaha, so he is a son-in-law, not a son. I wonder if there are any beautiful daughters of His Majesty? If not, you can search the land of Jiangdong, find a few stunning women, take them as righteous daughters, and marry that Cao Ziyou."

Yuan Shu thought for a while, and said uncertainly:

"I have a daughter, she is very virtuous, but before Sun Jian went to war, he had already arranged a marriage for his son Sun Quan. As for whether she is beautiful or not, at least everyone who has met her agrees!"

Cao Ziyou put himself in the situation and persuaded:
"Zi said: Cao Ziyou marries as many wives as possible! Your Majesty, just to be on the safe side, you can take in a few more adopted daughters and marry him together."

(End of this chapter)

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