Chapter 178 Stockholm Syndrome
Cao Ziyou finally went to Puyang.

No way, Cao Ziyou didn't want Liu Xie to die for the time being after tasting the sweetness of coercing the emperor to make the princes.

It was as if they were following orders to crusade against Qingzhou and Sili this time.

All those who resisted became rebels.

In other words, whoever opposes Cao and his son is the one who betrays the great man.

Xuzhou's crusade against Qingzhou this time perfectly explained what is meant by "I will report you and you will approve the note".

The front foot memorial is handed up, and the big print of the back foot is stamped.

The right to speak is in your hands, so willful!
This is why Cao Ziyou came to Puyang.

Cao Ziyou sighed when he saw that the guards in the prefect's mansion were all Yanzhou troops.

The emperor was indeed miserable.

After the eunuch informed, Cao Ziyou walked in.

Liu Xie sat listlessly on the chair. After seeing Cao Ziyou, Qiang smiled and said:
"Ziyou, long time no see."

Cao Ziyou pinched his thigh, and then burst into tears.

"Woooooo, it's all my fault! If I hadn't gone south, why would Your Majesty be here?"

Liu Xie shook his head with a wry smile.

"It's not your fault, who would have thought? Maybe this is fate!"

Cao Ziyou gritted his teeth and said:

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will summon the Xuzhou Army, conquer Yanzhou, and chop off Cao Cao's dog's head to present to Your Majesty!"

"do not want!"

Unexpectedly, Liu Xie persuaded Cao Ziyou anxiously.

"Ziyou, Duke Cao is your father after all. As a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, how can you bear the reputation of killing your father?"

"Your Majesty, since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be combined. For Your Majesty, for the great man, for the community, and for the people, I am willing to bear the burden!"


Now it was Cao Ziyou's turn to be confused.

What's the situation? This is it.

Why is the relationship between His Majesty and Lao Cao deeper than our father-son relationship?

Could it be that I married Dong Guiren, and Lao Cao married Liu Xie?
That's not right, just based on the number of people in his own generation, it is impossible for Lao Cao to like masculinity.

At the very least, it has to be a two-way plug.

Seeing that Cao Ziyou didn't answer, Liu Xie thought he was really planning to kill Cao Cao in his heart, so he tried to persuade him again:

"Ziyou, it's actually quite good for me to be here. At least you don't have to be distracted from taking care of me, and you can also take advantage of this opportunity to hunt down the rebels with peace of mind!"

Not right.

It's not right.

This is not the reaction of an imprisoned emperor!

Although Cao Ziyou wouldn't really kill Cao Cao, at most he was acting in front of Liu Xie.

But Liu Xie's attitude of not even using Cao Ziyou in the play is really weird.

Why does it feel like he is Cao Cao's own son, protecting Lao Cao even more than himself!

Could it be...

In order to verify his conjecture, Cao Ziyou tentatively said again:

"Your Majesty, you don't have to think about it for me. It is my honor, Cao Ziyou, to be loyal to His Majesty! As long as His Majesty orders, we will leave for Xuzhou today. Ziyou will never let anyone stop His Majesty!"

"No need, Cao Gong said before that he was going to fight against Sili, I thought it was pretty good. If Ziyou has the remaining troops, it is better to follow Cao Gong. Don't worry, I am here, I really feel at ease."

"But I see that His Majesty looks very haggard? Could it be that Empress Fu and the others didn't take good care of her?"

"It's okay, wait for Mr. Cao to come back and let him visit me more."

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

This is definitely Stockholm Syndrome!
Stockholm syndrome refers to a complex in which the victim has feelings for the perpetrator, and even helps the perpetrator in turn.This emotion causes the victim to have a good impression of, depend on, and even assist the perpetrator.

With Liu Xie like this, it is obvious that he has a sense of dependence on Cao Cao, and he can't drive him away.

Cao Ziyou was silent for a while, then slowly said:

"Your Majesty, if I have nothing else to do, I will pay my respects to the Queen and the others before I leave."

"Okay! Ziyou, you must take care of yourself, the big man is counting on you!"

After discovering that Liu Xie really had no intention of leaving Puyang, Cao Ziyou had no choice but to salute Liu Xie and came to the back house.

As soon as she stepped into the backyard, Concubine Dong rushed forward, grabbed Cao Ziyou's arm and begged:
"Lord State Shepherd, please save Your Majesty!"

Cao Ziyou said in embarrassment:

"You should have heard what I just said in the front hall. It's not that I don't want to save him, it's that His Majesty doesn't want to!"

Empress Fu sighed.

"Lord Zhou Mu, I often hear His Majesty praise you for your intelligence. Can you analyze what His Majesty means?"

"Okay, then I'll talk about it. From my point of view, His Majesty is young and energetic, and if he is messed with by Lao Cao like this, he is fighting against Lao Cao!"


Concubine Dong Gui asked again:

"Then what should we do? Sister Fu and I are in Puyang, and we can't sleep well every day. I'm afraid that one day soldiers from outside will rush in and chop us down. Lord Zhou Mu, please save us!"

Empress Fu nodded. Like Concubine Dong Gui, she was almost suffering from a nervous breakdown these days.

Cao Ziyou looked at Empress Fu Miaoman's figure and smacked her lips.

"Thanks to the empress and noble concubine's attention, Ziyou proposed three strategies. The best strategy is that I join forces with the Xuzhou army to capture Yanzhou and rescue your majesty and the two empresses.

The middle strategy is for the two empresses to move to Xuzhou collectively with the harem maids, in order to force the emperor to follow.

The worst strategy is to use death to show one's will, and use the death of the two empresses to wake up the emperor! "

Hearing that she declared her ambition by death, Empress Fu's face turned pale with fright.

"No, absolutely not! How about we think about it again and think about it in the long run, it's better to think about it in the long run!"

Concubine Dong Gui winked at Cao Ziyou, indicating that she understood his plan.

I want them to go to Xuzhou so much, isn't it for that reason!

One is fine clothes and fine food, which can get physical and material satisfaction.

One is nervous every day, for fear that one day he will lose his life.

With these two options, anyone with a discerning eye knows which one to choose.

Therefore, Concubine Dong Gui persuaded:
"Sister Fu, the State Shepherd told His Majesty the best policy before, but His Majesty was unwilling. The worst policy is a bit extreme, why don't we choose the best policy?"

"This...won't you allow me to think about it again?"

"Oh! Master State Shepherd finally came here. If my sister is hesitant, I don't know when Master State Shepherd comes next time! Hurry up and make a decision, sister!"

According to psychology, when people put forward the three strategies of upper, middle and lower, most people will prefer the middle strategy.

This is related to the idea of ​​the mean since ancient times.

Coupled with Concubine Dong Gui teasing from the side, Empress Fu finally nodded.

"Okay, let's pretend to go to Xuzhou first. If the emperor doesn't follow, we will come back to accompany the emperor."

"Ziyou will arrange it now."

Cao Ziyou turned around with a triumphant smile on his face.

He also pretended to go to Xuzhou, and came back to accompany Liu Xie.

When Empress Fu gets into the car, will Cao Ziyou let the Empress come back?
Go to Xuzhou and lie down for me obediently!
(End of this chapter)

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