Chapter 196
The beauties in Cao Ziyou's harem each have their own hobbies.

Mrs. Mi and the others like to be quiet, they stay at home every day to embroider, and occasionally play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Lu Qiling's joy led to the establishment of a women's army, which happened to be in charge of guarding the back house.

Those of the Zhen family are in charge of the expenses and income of the back house, selling the sisters' embroidery on the market from time to time to generate income.

And Cai Yan, at first, played the piano and read books at home with most of the sisters, but after a long time, she wanted to make a career for her husband.

Different from Lu Qiling's military training, Cai Yan chose a more important path-education.

As the daughter of a great Confucianist, Cai Yan inherited his father's collection of books.

In that era, the reason why it was difficult for ordinary people to receive education was because the channels of education were monopolized by the gentry.

After living in Xuzhou for a period of time, Cai Yan noticed her husband's attitude towards the gentry.

If he wanted to no longer be subject to the original gentry, Cai Yan had to train a new batch of gentry for Cao Ziyou.

Therefore, Cai Yan hopes to contribute his book collection, which will be used by the Xuzhou government to reward poor students.

If the number of books in the collection is small, only a dozen or so, Xun Yu will agree.

But Cai's collection of books all started at four figures.

Xun Yu saw the number and handed it over to Cao Ziyou.

After Cao Ziyou learned about it, he discussed with Cai Yan for several nights, and finally decided to open the school.

All Xuzhou school-age children can enter the school for free.

The teachers in the school are temporarily served by members of the Xun clan.

At the same time, a recruitment order was issued, looking for teachers from all over the world.

Not only that, in order to motivate the people of Xuzhou, let them send their children to school.

Cao Ziyou stipulated that according to the children's grades in school, tax exemptions and even money rewards should be adopted.

And Cai Yan became the first principal.

The emergence of the school is a novelty for Xuzhou and the whole world.

After all, according to common sense, those who have money go to private schools, and those who have no money work at home to help their parents. This is the right way.

Now ordinary people send their children to schools in order to reduce or exempt taxes. Doesn't that mean that everyone can study?
If you can study, you can get fame in the examination and get an official position.

How are the gentry still messing around?
It's a pity that this is in Xuzhou. The Chen family, the head of Xuzhou's gentry, has been digging into the ground every day to grow potatoes for Cao Ziyou.

How could the other gentry have the courage to resist.

Ten days later, the school officially recruited students.

Cao Ziyou even wrote an article in the Xu brothers' newspaper.

"...The red sun is just rising, and its path is bright; the river emerges from the submerged stream, and it flows into the ocean; the dragon dives into the abyss, and its scales and claws fly; the breast tiger roars in the valley, and the animals are terrified; , Huang Huang Huang; the generals are like the sea, and there are their awns; the sky wears its blue, and the earth wears its yellow; even if there are thousands of years, there will be eight wastes; the future is like the sea, and the future will be long..."

Jingzhou, Xiangyang.

In a certain mountain villa, several people sat on the ground, talking loudly.

Suddenly, a bookboy broke in with a newspaper and handed it over to an old man in charge.

Seeing the old man flipping through newspapers, a handsome man said displeasedly:

"Since the Xu Brothers took refuge in Cao Ziyou, the articles they wrote have long lost their fairness. Why is Mr. Shui Jing still reading such things?"

Sima Hui shook his head.

"Yuan Zhi, let me ask you, do you know what happened thousands of miles away?"

Xu Shu replied:

"Cao Cao marched into Sili. According to the time calculation, I am afraid that Sili has already been taken down and returned to Yanzhou?"

"What about Xuzhou? Do you know what happened in Xuzhou?"

Xu Shu was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head.

"I don't know about that, but based on Cao Ziyou's past behavior, I can make some guesses.

If it was a military operation, it should have captured Qingzhou!

If it is from other aspects, it is very likely that they have discovered something as extraordinary as water and salt, right? "

"Hahahaha, that's why Yuan Zhi. Although the Xu Brothers' newspapers are not as indifferent to fame and fortune as before, they can see Cao Ziyou's movements from above!"

Xu Shu was taken aback.

"Mr. Shui Jing thinks highly of Cao Ziyou so much?!"

Sima Hui smiled and said:
"It's not that I value Cao Ziyou, it's Mr. Pang De who values ​​it!"

Xu Shu quickly looked at the other old man, and Mr. Pang De stroked his beard and explained:
"I think Cao Ziyou will definitely stir up the world!"

"Since Mr. Pound said it, I believe it!"

Xu Shu never doubted Lord Pang De's assertion.

As a representative of Xiangyang hermits, Mr. Pang De is extremely accurate in seeing people.

He called Zhuge Liang "Wolong", Pang Tong "Fengchu", and Sima Hui "Shuijing".

And these three people have close contacts with Xu Shu, and Xu Shu is also well aware of their abilities.

After seeing Mr. Pang De say that about Cao Ziyou, Xu Shu became very curious about the newspapers in Sima Hui's hands.

"Mr. Shui Jing, can you lend me the newspaper?"

"of course."

Xu Shu browsed quickly, and soon found Cao Ziyou's movements.

"Hiss! A strong boy is a strong man! This Cao Ziyou wants to educate the people! Where does he have the confidence!"

"Don't forget about Cai Yan. The Cai family has so many books that even I can't wait to see them. In fact, I admire Cao Ziyou's mind even more. How courageous it is to share these books!"

Lord Pang De said with a smile:
"Shouldn't you be paying attention to Cao Ziyou's purpose? He is removing the roots of the gentry! He is not afraid of being united by the gentry to seize power!"

"That's not true. Cao Ziyou started from scratch, and all the troops in his hands belong to him. And the gentry in Xuzhou, as we said last time, have long been tamed by Cao Ziyou. Internal turmoil is unlikely, but foreign troubles are probably inevitable. !"

Mr. Pang De and Sima Hui praised Cao Ziyou once and for all.

Xu Shu read over and over again the young man's story copied by Cao Ziyou.

Every time you read it, you will feel it again.

After several times, Xu Shu clapped his hands and laughed.

"Hahaha, wizards too!"

Duke Pound asked:
"It seems that Yuanzhi has some insights, can you tell us about it?"

"The specifics, I'll have to wait until I meet to know. Two gentlemen, I plan to go to Xuzhou to apply for the position of a teacher in the school. Do you want to go together?"

Mr. Pound hastily waved his hand and refused.

"I'm too old to walk such a long distance. Yuanzhi can go and have a look first, remember to write to us."

Sima Hui also said:

"I'll stay with Mr. Pang De. If this school is so interesting, it won't be too late for me to bring Kong Ming and the others!"


Cao Ziyou was worried that Cai Yan lacked a female companion, and he was going to handle school affairs with her, but the soldiers came to report.

Cao Ang and Xu Chu came back from Jizhou and kidnapped Simpi's family by the way.

Xu Chu specially introduced Xin Xianying, Xin Pi's daughter, to Cao Ziyou, and Xin Xianying also looked curiously at the youngest state shepherd of the big man.

 My mentality is a bit broken, everyone can look at the comment area, the background screenshot I posted shows that I was on the second update yesterday.But I don't know why, neither the reading nor my channels are loaded.When I updated today (10.10), I was worried that it was not displayed like yesterday, or that I skipped the two chapters yesterday.Originally, the daily fee was only a dozen yuan, plus full attendance, and the monthly manuscript fee was more than 1000 yuan, but it turned out to be this, really messed up the mentality!
(End of this chapter)

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