Chapter 206

Under the light of the torch, Jia Xu's face looked cloudy and uncertain.

At this time, all the soldiers of Cao Ying were crossing their shoulders, holding wine bowls in their hands, and preparing to go back to the barracks.

"Hahaha, Lao Zhang, I thought there would be a fierce battle in Wancheng this time. I didn't expect Zhang Xiu's grandson to be so cowardly, he surrendered directly!"

"See if you can! Surrender is the best. My mother said that she will marry me a daughter-in-law when I go back. We didn't fight this time, so it would be nice to return home safely."

"That's right, who likes to fight these days. It would be great if everyone else surrendered to Duke Cao just like Zhang Xiu."

"Tch, even if you surrender, you have to surrender to Mr. Ziyou!"

"Hey, I'm talking about Lao Huang, you have a problem with your thinking. It's Mr. Cao who paid you the military salary. Why are you so focused on Mr. Ziyou?"

"Nonsense, what strength is the Xuzhou army? What equipment? What treatment? Not to mention anything else, if Mr. Ziyou becomes the head of the Cao family, our strength can be doubled!"

The soldiers chatted and returned to the barracks drunk.

After a while, there was thunderous snoring in each tent.

Except for the scattered soldiers on patrol, everyone else fell asleep.

He took down Wancheng without doing anything, and gained military exploits for no reason.

Therefore, all the soldiers of Cao Ying were very happy, and fell asleep under the influence of alcohol.

At this time, Jia Xu slowly opened his mouth and said:

"General Hu Che'er, take a troop and go to the gate of the city. Be sure to guard the gate and prevent Cao Cao from escaping!"

"As ordered!"

Hu Che'er led a Xiliang army and rushed towards the gate of the city in the dark.

"General Zhang Xiu, take the rest of the army and head straight for Cao Cao's camp. Remember, there are no strong generals in Cao's army, so a quick battle is enough. As long as you can kill Cao Cao, great success will be achieved!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Xiu held Jia Xu's hand and said affectionately:

"The military adviser will not fail me, and I will not fail the military adviser. When I kill Cao thief, we will take his dog's head and go south to Yuan Shu!"

"it is good!"

Looking at the back of Zhang Xiu leading the army away, looking at the empty barracks all around, Jia Xu sighed.

As a representative figure of being wise and safe, he doesn't know if his move is right or not.

It's just that under the will of his lord, he has expanded his advantage to the maximum.

If Zhang Xiu can really kill Cao Cao, then the situation of the world will undergo earth-shaking changes again!

As the mastermind behind the scenes, Jia Xu's body was trembling slightly with excitement.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Jia Xu.

"Hey, Mr. Wenhe, you are here."

Jia Xu took a closer look, and it turned out to be Cao Ang, Cao Cao's eldest son!
"Young Master Zixiu isn't going back to the barracks to rest, what are you doing looking for me?"

"Well, Mr. Wenhe doesn't know something. Before going to bed, my father specifically told me to get closer to my husband."

Jia Xu's eyes showed a look of warning.

"What? So Mr. Cao eats all men and women? Taking away General Zhang's aunt and daughter doesn't count, but you also want to take me away?"

Cao Ang quickly explained:
"No no, Mr. Wen He misunderstood! General Zhang's aunt and daughter are for my second brother Cao Ziyou. You are my father's target!"


With Cao Ang's explanation, Jia Xu felt that he was even more dangerous.

"This Mr. Zixiu, in fact, I don't discriminate against Mr. Cao's sexual hobbies. But I think that I may be closer to Mr. Ziyou, hahaha, I hope Mr. Zixiu will help you introduce me if I have a chance in the future!"

Seeing that Jia Xu was leaning towards Cao Ziyou, Cao Ang became anxious.

His goal this time is to take down Jia Xu and ensure that Jia Xu will not switch to Xuzhou after meeting Cao Ziyou.

In the end, Jia Xu already had this idea before he even met Cao Ziyou.

Doesn't this show that he is not a good lobbyist?

Of course, in Cao Ang's heart, the responsibility this time is entirely on Cao Cao's side.

After all, it was Lao Cao's friend Qi Hobby who frightened Jia Xu, and Jia Xu wanted to join Cao Ziyou.

"Mr. Wenhe, in fact, this hobby is nothing, and you will get used to it after a long time. You don't know that Ziyou has married so many daughters-in-law at a young age, and even cut off one of my daughters-in-law. Thinking about it makes me panic!"

"Hehe, man, it's normal and normal."

In Jia Xu's heart, she has long been wary of Cao Cao and Cao Ang.

Cao Ziyou's lust is lustful, and the good ones are women!
Look at you father and son, how handsome you are!

If Zhang Xiu hadn't succeeded at this time, Jia Xu would have wanted to poke tens of thousands of holes in Cao Ang's body.

Let him feel what it feels like to be stabbed by a man!
No, what if they are this party?

Thinking of this, Jia Xu felt a chill all over her body, and her skin got goosebumps.

Only then did Cao Ang notice something strange.

"Huh? Why is it so quiet in your camp, and no patrolling soldiers have appeared for a long time?"

Jia Xu smiled and said:

"With Mr. Cao's army here, why do we need to patrol anymore! Everyone is very relieved of Mr. Cao, and they are all sleeping. By the way, Mr. Zixiu, you should go back and rest quickly. Mr. Cao drank so much wine, you Can't you take care of it?"

Cao Ang waved his hand.

"What are you taking care of? Take care of him. It's good to put him to bed. He forced me, General Xiaoqi, to start as a captain. I haven't settled with him yet!"

"But Mr. Cao is drunk! What if Mr. Cao wants to drink water?"

Jia Xu counted the time, Zhang Xiu and Hu Che'er were about to reach their destination, and if he got involved with Cao Ang, his life would be at stake if he got caught!

So Jia Xu said eagerly:
"By the way, Mr. Zixiu, I forgot to tell you. There are spies from the Jingzhou forces in Wancheng. If they take advantage of Mr. Cao's deep sleep and harm Mr. Cao, I'm afraid..."

Cao Ang's expression changed from bewildered to surprised, and finally changed to eager.

"It's broken, why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Jia Xu was secretly happy.

"Young Master Xiu, you should hurry back!"

"It's too late, it's too late."

Cao Ang hurriedly paced back and forth in front of Jia Xu.

"Mr. Zixiu, why is it too late? What if the spies don't do anything? I'm just guessing, Mr. Zixiu, acting quickly is king!"

"It's too late, Mr. Wenhe, oh, it's all my fault! Lao Cao's coffin was obviously placed in Yanzhou, why did I forget it! Forget it, I'd better go out of the city and discuss with Ziyou about the opening of the banquet." .

Mr. Wenhe, I have to leave beforehand, remember to come to dinner then! "

Just as Cao Ang was about to leave, Jia Xu grabbed him.

"Wait, Mr. Zixiu, what did you say you were going out of town for?!"

Cao Ang replied with a natural face:

"Looking for Ziyou. This kid has a lot of money, so he should pay at least half of the opening fee, right? Mr. Wenhe, do you think what I said makes sense?"

(End of this chapter)

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