Chapter 232 A Complicated Merger

Yuan Shao asked weakly:
"Are you going to surrender too?"


Gao Gan said confidently:
"One of your Yuan family has surrendered. I am alone and helpless, alone, alone, lonely, alone, alone..."

Yuan Shao covered Gao Gan's mouth.

"Orphan, stop talking, I understand what you mean."

Now that we know the intention of the high-ranking officials to surrender, then things will be easy to handle.

Yuan Shao was afraid that he would be sloppy in Gao, so he had to lead the Bingzhou army to fight Cao Ziyou head-on.

If that's the case, he can only forcefully take over Bingzhou.

After being in the same camp, the two gradually talked more and more.

"Yuancai (Gao Gan's character), do you know how my official position is now since I joined Master Mu of Xuzhou?"

"I don't know."

"The surviving general, Marquis of Xixiang!"


In ancient times, "Hou" was a very honorable title.

Since the pre-Qin period, there have been monarchs who have conferred the title of marquis, which is the second rank of the fifth feudal rank in the Zhou Dynasty.

"Book of Rites·Royal System": "The king's system is Lujue, Duke, Bozi, male, and all five."

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liehou was divided into three types: "Xianhou", "Xianghou" and "Tinghou".

"Book of the Later Han Dynasty" records: Those with great achievements are granted the title of county marquis, while Xun Wei is the marquis of Ting, that is, the status of county marquis is the highest, followed by township marquis, and Ting marquis is the lowest.

In the body of a defeated general, Yuan Shao was conferred the title of a township lord, which is not bad.

Gao Gan asked curiously:
"I heard that Yuan Tan also dedicated himself to Youzhou, so what kind of official position was he given?"

Yuan Shao said angrily:
"Deputy General of the Surviving Army, Marquis of Yuyang Ting."

In his opinion, if Youzhou was offered by himself, he would definitely become a county marquis.

It's all because Yuan Tan cut off Hu halfway and exchanged Youzhou for a Tinghou, wasting such a large territory.

"What about Yuan Shang?"

Mentioning Yuan Shang, Yuan Shao couldn't help laughing.

"That kid thought that handing over Jizhou to Master State Shepherd would give him great credit, but he didn't know that half of Jizhou had already been persuaded to surrender by me, hahahaha!"

Seeing Yuan Shao smiling so happily, Gao Gan really wanted to ask him how he was able to smile.

Who gave more territory than his own son?

Where does this inexplicable sense of superiority come from?
They were really taken aback by Yuan's father and son!
"So Yuan Shang was not granted the title of Marquis?"

"Of course! That kid was named the third commander of the surviving army, oh yes, he was also given a county magistrate, I forgot the specifics, it made me laugh so hard.

He offered Jizhou eagerly, but in exchange for a small county magistrate, hahahaha! "

Gao Gan nodded.

Very good, the information of the three people is basically clear.

According to the contributions of the three of them and the rewards they got, Gao Gan felt that if he offered a Bingzhou, the rewards he would get would definitely be much more than Yuan Shaozhi!
Gao Gan glanced at Yuan Shao, his eyes filled with apology.

I'm sorry uncle, nephew, I also want to be named Marquis!
"Uncle, you have been exhausted all this way, go and have a rest first. Let's go to Xuzhou together tomorrow."

"Good! Good!"

Seeing that the high officials agreed, Yuan Shao went to rest excitedly.

Gao Gan thought about it for a while, and felt that Yuan Shao's seniority was there after all, and it was a bit difficult to deal with.

In order to draw people to fight against Yuan Shao, Gao Gan went to the prison in person and released Yuan Tan.

"Brother Xiansi, I have figured it out, I want to surrender!"

Yuan Tan said happily:
"Then what are you waiting for? I'll take you to Xuzhou tomorrow morning! Brother will protect you from now on!"

"But uncle is here too."

"What? That old thing is here too? Damn it!"

Yuan Tan seems to understand why the attitude of senior officials changed drastically, from the resistance group to the surrender group.

"Yuancai, what do you think?"

"I don't know either, but my uncle told me that if I go to Xuzhou with him, the position of deputy commander of the surviving army will definitely be mine.

And he will win me a Marquis of Ting and a sheriff of a certain county in Bingzhou.

I think it's good, brother Xian Si, what do you think? "

Yuan Tan really wanted to tell Gao Gan that he felt very bad.

"Yuancai, at this point, the elder brother will not hide from you. Let me tell you the conditions offered by Lord Zhou Mu!
Bingzhou, the number one general of the Bingzhou Governor plus the Survivor Army in the name of a township Houjia!
And the number one general of the surviving army is equivalent to the generals of the four directions, understand?
This condition is very rich, and one person cannot eat it.

Yuan Shao, an old man, will just give you a Tinghou and Sheriff, do you think that's enough? "

Gao Gan shook his head.

"not enough."

Not to mention Xianghou, he is one level higher than Tinghou.

And the governor of Bingzhou in name, that is the governor of Bingzhou in name!

Although it was only in name, the person would be in Xuzhou at that time, and the officials appointed by Cao Ziyou would actually handle the state affairs.

But when introducing yourself to the outside world, you can call him Lord Inspector!

The number one general of the surviving army, equivalent to the Quartet General.

The military system of the Han Dynasty, in order from high to low, is basically the generals, the generals of the hussars, the generals of the chariots, the generals of the guards, the front, left, and rear generals, and these are the generals with heavy numbers;

Under the generals of the four directions are the four generals (Zhengdong, Zhengxi, Zhengnan, and North), the four towns (Zhendong, Zhenxi, Zhennan, and Zhenbei), as well as Si'an and Siping generals;
Then there are such well-known miscellaneous generals as General Yangwu, General Qulu, General Pian and General Pi.

General Sifang is already considered a high-ranking official.

With such a generous condition, Yuan Shao only distributed such a small amount of benefits to the senior cadres, and a fool would agree.

"Brother Xiansi, I understand now. I have no way to find Master Xuzhou Mu, so I can only rely on you.

As long as the price offered by Brother Xiansi is interesting enough, I will listen to Brother Xiansi. "

"it is good!"

Yuan Tan was overjoyed and said quickly:
"Yuancai, if you go with me to visit Lord Mu of Xuzhou, the township will belong to you, and the number one surviving general will also belong to you. Besides, I will ask Lord Mu of Xuzhou to give you a surname!

I've heard that besides Cao Gao, Master Xuzhou Mu also has Cao Fen!Cao Fen, my Cao Fen, hehe. "

Compared with Yuan Shao, Yuan Tan's conditions are indeed very sincere.

Gao Gan nodded and agreed.

"Okay, brother Xiansi, I'll be counting on you from now on. But before we go to Xuzhou, you have to settle your father."

"no problem."

Yuan Tan hummed a ditty and happily went back to his room to sleep.

He didn't notice the apologetic eyes of Gao Gan behind him.

I'm sorry Brother Xiansi, Master Xuzhou Mu's conditions are too generous, I am reluctant to share with you equally.

As long as Yuan Tan can keep Yuan Shao involved, and he dedicates Bingzhou again, the credit will be all his own!
Early the next morning, before Yuan Tan and Yuan Shao woke up, Yuan Shang arrived with a large army!

Before the envoy was beheaded, he thought that the high-ranking officials would resist to the end, so he deliberately brought the army with him.

It turned out that after arriving in Bingzhou, Gao Gan was about to surrender.

Without further ado, Yuan Shang directly broke into Gao Gan's room and woke him up from his sweet dreams.

 Although there are not many people watching it, I still grit my teeth and update it. After all, I have to maintain [-] updates this month, right?
(End of this chapter)

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