Chapter 237 Cheng Yu Gone Forever
Liu Biao was taunting Cao Ang with his subordinates, but he didn't realize that a big black-faced man would come out of the city.

Not to mention, this big guy is pretty crazy!

"Zhang Yide? I've never heard of it. Who dares to fight and take his head for me?"

"The end will be willing to go!"

A young general rushed out of Liu Biao's army, and he was stabbed and fell off his horse as soon as he joined.

"Who else? Could it be that no one in Jingzhou is a match for this big man?"

"Let my two brothers come!"

This time it was two generals who fought, one on the left and the other on the right, and rushed towards Zhang Fei.

Cai Mao introduced Liu Biao at the right time:

"My lord, these two brothers are fierce generals under my tent, each of them has the courage of a man, and he will definitely be able to cut this black-faced man under his horse!"


As soon as Liu Biao finished nodding, the two fierce generals were stabbed to death by Zhang Fei one after the other.

Cao Ang stood at the top of the city and sighed:
"Uncle Liu Huang is really lucky. When he started his family, he was able to pick up General Guan and General Zhang, two enemies of ten thousand people.

Hey, speaking of which, where did General Guan go? "

Liu Bei said confidently:
"My second brother, Yi Bo Yuntian, must be on the way right now!"

After killing three generals one after another, the morale of the Jingzhou army was low.

Seeing this, Zhang Fei took the cavalry and rushed forward, forcing Liu Biao back temporarily.

In addition to Liu Biao's attack on Wancheng, Zhang Lu attacked Liangzhou, and was beaten up by Han Sui who had been prepared for a long time.

Liu Zhang didn't move at all, because his father had just died and Yizhou hadn't been fully controlled yet.

As for Yuan Shu, after Cao Ziyou returned to Xuzhou, he never went north at all.

Therefore, Liu Biao was the one who fought the most fiercely among the southern princes.

As soon as Cao Ziyou finished arranging reinforcements, people sent by Cao Cao arrived.

"Ouch, isn't this my Uncle Zhongde, please sit down quickly!"

After Cheng Yu saluted, he sat on the chair.

"Uncle Zhongde, what are you doing in Xuzhou instead of arranging food in Sili? Are you here to borrow food?

I have to tell you, I just won a large piece of land and need a lot of food reserves! "

Cheng Yu smiled and said:

"Master Ziyou, your father knows better than you how much food there is in Jizhou.

In order to inquire about Jizhou's intelligence and strive to capture Jizhou, your father has spent a lot of effort to find out Jizhou's granaries and supplies.

It turned out that I didn't expect that you got there first. "

Cao Ziyou covered her face shyly.

"Oh, I'm not that good either.

It is mainly Yuan Shao's fault, I said no, he insisted on giving it to me, even if he gave me Jizhou, he even gave away Youzhou.

Tell me what this is called!He got two states for no reason, and Lao Cao's coffin was smoking in the middle of the night. "

Cheng Yu took a deep breath, his blood pressure was a little high, so he had to slow down.

"Huh~~ If Mr. Ziyou doesn't need it, you can leave it to us.

Now Yanzhou is very difficult, and there is not enough food and grass. If there is a granary in Jizhou, the number of troops can at least double! "

"No problem, this matter is easy to talk about, you go to that so-and-so, that Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shang and the others.

Jizhou is their territory, if they are willing to give it to you, I will definitely not stop it! "

If Cheng Yu hadn't just returned from the front line in Bingzhou, he would have believed Cao Ziyou's nonsense.

So who is Yuan Shao?
Cao Ziyou's sibling!

A lot of them are as old as a mad dog, and they go to chop Xiahou Dun with a big knife.

At that time, Cao Cao and Cheng Yu were all stunned.

If Cao Cao hadn't patted his chest to promise, Cheng Yu would have thought that Cao Ziyou was Yuan Shao's own son, which would be too hard work!
As for Yuan Tan, who is Yuan Tan?
Check no such person.

Now everyone is called Cao Gao, not Cao Cao's Cao, but Cao Ziyou's Cao.

I'm even more dear to Cao Ziyou than my beloved relatives and friends!

It is impossible to come to Jizhou from him.

Not much to say about Yuan Shang and Gao Gan, they are all from the next generation.

All in all, of the four members of the Yuan family, only Cao Ziyou obeyed.

Even Cao Ziyou's own father dared to cut him down, so who wouldn't be afraid?
Cheng Yu was worried that if he went to the Yuan family to ask for Jizhou, the four of them would tear him apart.

"Master Ziyou, since Jizhou has already fallen into your hands, let's not mention this for now.

I came here this time under the order of Duke Cao, and I came here to ask Mr. Ziyou a few questions. "

"Is this your attitude of asking people for advice? Just sitting on a chair, so calm, so natural?"

Cheng Yu: ? ? ?
No, didn't you sit me down?
Thinking of Cao Cao's expectant eyes before he left, Cheng Yu quickly stood up and bowed respectfully to Cao Ziyou.

"Student Cheng Yu, I'm here to ask a few questions."

"Don't teach."

Cheng Yu asked suspiciously:

"Why? Did I salute?"

"Why, you are right after you salute? I have to teach you after you salute?
During the Chinese New Year, if you salute again, I will enshrine you in the ancestral hall of my Cao family?
Zhong De, you must not be kidnapped by morality. Fortunately, I have no morals, otherwise I would be tied up by you! "

Cheng Yu: ? ? ?
"Excuse me, farewell."

Cheng Yu made up his mind, and kowtowed to Cao Cao to apologize after returning home.

Whoever likes to come, anyway, he will not come here to suffer.

"Why, you can come and leave whenever you want. What do you think of me, Xuzhou?! Someone, take it for me, and take it to Youzhou as an army adviser!"

Cheng Yu panicked.

"No way, Ziyou, your father still needs me!"

"Kill Gongsun Zan, and I'll make you the governor of Youzhou!"

Cheng Yu swallowed.

He seemed to understand why Xun Yu and the others liked to follow Cao Ziyou.

As soon as he made a move, he was the governor of Yizhou, and he was directly on the same level as Lao Cao!

"This is mainly Mr. Cao, he has this kind of grace for me, this kindness."

"Govern Youzhou well, and I will make you a Marquis. If something happens to you during your tenure, I will take care of your wife!"

Cheng Yu knelt down to Cao Ziyou with a "plop".

"Cheng Yu, pay homage to Duke Ming!"

"Hahaha, please hurry up, my husband, like a fish in water, and a tiger with wings!"

With more and more territories, Cao Ziyou needs more and more talents.

The school is a long-term strategy, and it will not be able to provide top talents for a while, so he can only poach Lao Cao's corner.

Of course, there are also some available talents in Jizhou's original advisers.

People like Tian Feng can completely govern states and counties.

It's just that Youzhou is a little far away from Xuzhou, Gongsun Zan's vitality is a little bit strong, and there are many alien races in the north, so the situation is a bit complicated, so Cheng Yu, a "Cao family" with upright Miaohong roots, is needed to govern.

Cheng Yu needs qualifications and qualifications, as well as ability and ability.

Hand over Youzhou to him, Cao Ziyou is relieved.

Just as Cheng Yu was sent away, Yuan Shao's people also came.

Yuan Tan stood in front of Cao Ziyou with a stranger, and introduced him respectfully:

"My lord, this is the high-ranking governor of Bingzhou. I have always admired you, so I won't come with me."

Without saying a word, Gao Gan pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, and bowed to him.

"Father-in-law, please be respected by the child!"

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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