Chapter 25 Entering Xuzhou

"Ding, Cao Cao's grievance value +1, filial son's value +1"

A reminder sounded in his head, and Cao Ziyou nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that Zhang Yun has arrived in Yanzhou and has taken over the Black Mountain Army.

Very good, everything is going according to Cao Ziyou's prediction.

The next step is that Xuzhou Tao Qian.

Gongsun Zan was defeated, the two brothers Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao attacked each other, and there was no news of the Black Mountain Army.

Only the good old man Tao Qian was left in the coalition forces.

In Xuzhou City, Tao Qian sat on the top seat, and below sat the nobles from all sides in Xuzhou.

The generals are led by Cao Bao and Xu Dan, while the civil servants are mainly Chen Gui, Chen Deng and his son.

Today, when everyone gathered in the city, Gain Tao Qian received a letter.

The honest man Tao Qian frowned, holding the letter in his hand and asked:
"Everyone, Cao Ziyou, the second son of Yanzhou Mu, is coming to Xuzhou, how should I reply to him?"

Cao Bao jumped up against the case and scolded loudly:
"It's no secret that Cao Mengde and Yuan Benchu ​​teamed up! Cao Ziyou first defeated Liu Xuande, Gongsun Zan's subordinate, captured Gaotang City, and then defeated the Black Mountain Army who rushed to support. If you want me to say, everyone has already torn their faces!

Since Tao Gong and Yuan Shu formed an alliance, they are naturally the enemies of Yanzhou and Jizhou.When dealing with the enemy, there is nothing to say, just do it! "

Cao Bao had just finished speaking, before he sat down, he heard Chen Deng laughing.

"As expected of General Cao, I don't know if General Cao Bao knows that our Xuzhou is next to Yanzhou? Who is Cao Mengde in Yanzhou? Do you dare to assassinate Dong Zhuo? Do you dare to lead people when the eighteenth princes stand still? Are you going to attack Xiliang cavalry?

The Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army was subdued by Cao Mengde, and there were at least 30 warriors!Plus Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, Li Dian, Lejin and the others, are you sure Xuzhou can beat Yanzhou? "

Cao Bao retorted unconvinced:
"Why can't we fight? We have elite soldiers from Danyang! Moreover, Xuzhou is rich in food and supplies. Yanzhou has just been pacified not long ago. Do they dare to initiate a war? If they dare, Cao Ziyou will not send a letter, but directly Come with soldiers and horses!"

"Hehe, it seems that General Cao Bao is very confident!"

Watching the people below quarreling, Tao Qian sighed.

The factional disputes in Xuzhou are not weaker than those in Jizhou. I have been in poor health for the past few years, and the tyrants headed by Chen Deng have already started looking for the next Xuzhou shepherd.

Therefore, Chen Deng and others strongly opposed the war, for fear that their own interests would be damaged.

And Cao Bao, as the leader of Danyang soldiers, naturally likes war.

Tao Qian can only try his best to deal with the two forces, hoping to stabilize Xuzhou.

He thought about it and finally decided:

"The visitor is a guest. Cao Ziyou treats me with courtesy. I can't lose my courtesy. Cao Bao, you lead the Danyang soldiers to strengthen your guard around. Chen Deng, you go to prepare a banquet to entertain Cao Ziyou. If you can't fight, don't fight. Defeat is a matter of time, we can't let Xuzhou fall into war."

As soon as Tao Qian finished speaking, a messenger ran in from outside.

The messenger looked flustered and said anxiously:

"Lord Zhou Mu, it's bad, the Yanzhou army attacked Xuzhou and captured ten cities in a row!"


Tao Qian was furious, and ruthlessly tore off the letter in his hand.

"Cao Ziyou, you are too deceitful! Cao Bao, give me some soldiers and horses, follow me..."

"Report~~Cao Ziyou is here!"

None of the officials, big or small, in Xuzhou city expected that when the Yanzhou army was attacking the city of Xuzhou, Cao Ziyou came to Xuzhou city with a few personal guards!

Under the surprised gazes of everyone, Cao Ziyou walked in with his head held high and Dian Wei swaggering.

"Ziyou met Master Xuzhou Mu."

With a slight bow, Cao Ziyou completed the meeting.

Tao Qian asked in surprise:
"You are Meng De's second son, Cao Ziyou?"

"Not bad!"

"Your army is attacking Xuzhou now?"


"Then do you know that if I give an order, your head will fall to the ground?"

Cao Ziyou burst out laughing upon hearing this.

"If Xuzhou can withstand the anger of Yanzhou and Jizhou, then Master Xuzhou Mu can do it."

Cao Ziyou's courage overwhelmed everyone present, and no one responded for a while!
When Tao Qian came to his senses, his face turned red, feeling that he was ashamed in front of the children.

He could only greet Chen Deng and the others to treat Cao Ziyou, and left the hall for the time being on the pretext of tidying up his appearance.

Looking at Chen Deng and Chen Gui and his son in front of him, Cao Ziyou asked proactively:

"When I was in Yanzhou, I heard about the Chen family in Xuzhou. When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation."

Chen Gui was overjoyed, and replied flatteringly:
"Mr. Ziyou has defeated Liu Xuande and Zhang Yan one after another at a young age. Given time, he will surely shock China!"

The gentry in Xuzhou did not have any conflict of interest with Cao Ziyou, so they chatted happily at the table.

Cao Bao wanted to ask Cao Ziyou why he was still allowing the army to attack Xuzhou, but he couldn't get in the way, so he left the banquet in a fit of anger.

Cao Ziyou looked at Cao Bao's back and said meaningfully:
"It seems that Xuzhou is not as united as I imagined!"

The brothers Mi Fang and Mi Zhu who were accompanying them quickly explained:

"General Cao has been in a bad mood these past few days. He has neglected Mr. Ziyou a lot. Please don't blame him, Mr. Ziyou."

"Pull it down, he just wants to fight Yanzhou and hold the military power in his own hands! Mr. Ziyou, don't worry, Cao Bao can't represent Xuzhou!"

Chen Deng bluntly said that he had long disliked Cao Bao.

Coupled with Tao Qian's advanced age, the powerful nobles in Xuzhou are looking for the next agent.

Therefore, during the conversation, Chen Deng did not shy away.

After a while, Tao Qian finished packing and walked in from the outside.

Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Cao Ziyou.

"I'm full, I wonder if I can rest at Mi's house for a day today?"

Mi Zhu glanced at Chen Deng, found that Chen Deng nodded, and hurriedly said:

"No problem, Mr. Ziyou is here, my Mi family is flourishing!"

The gentry in Xuzhou supported Cao Ziyou just like that, and left the hall in front of Tao Qian.

Tao Qian's complexion turned green and pale, and finally turned into a helpless sigh.

After walking out of the government, Chen Deng issued an invitation.

"Master Ziyou, my Chen family also has a spare room."

"No, your sister is not good-looking."


Mi Zhu suddenly regretted that he had brought Cao Ziyou back to Mi's house so rashly.

After a while, everyone parted at the gate of Mi's house.

Cao Ziyou followed Mi Zhu and Mi Fang into Mi's house.

On the way, Mi Fang asked:

"Master Ziyou, where did you get information about my little sister?"

"It's a coincidence that when I was sleeping a few days ago, an old man told me in a dream that the Mi family has a daughter who should be my wife! Before dawn, I rushed to Xuzhou immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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