Chapter 298 Gossip
After a while, Cao Cao and Cao Ziyou sat on the ground, glaring at each other.

Xia Houyuan stood between the two, at a loss.

Seeing that the two of them were unwilling to speak, Xia Houyuan had no choice but to raise the topic first.

"Second son, why are you wearing Huang Yueying's clothes?"

"Ha ha."

"Mr. Cao, why did you snatch the Second Young Master back?"

"Ha ha."

Xia Houyuan:? ? ?

Alright, you two keep venting your anger, I'm going to find a place to rest.

Xia Houyuan turned around and was about to leave, but Cao Cao couldn't sit still.

"Miaocai, is there a resting place nearby?"

"Ha ha."

Cao Cao: ? ? ?
Cao Cao, who was worried and had nowhere to vent, was happy.

Raising his fist, "Bang Bang" gave Xia Houyuan two punches.

Xiao Mian, I can't deal with my son, I can't deal with you?

Xia Houyuan held his head and said aggrievedly:

"Mr. Cao, there is a village not far away, where all the caravans are resting."

"It's over if you say it earlier? Put on the clothes of the caravan, and let's join in the fun."

Xia Houyuan nodded, and quickly got a set for Cao Ziyou.

After the group changed their clothes, Cao Ziyou didn't follow them away, but got on his horse and wanted to leave the team.

Xia Houyuan hurriedly held down his horse's head.

"Second Young Master, what are you going to do?"

"Go back to Chibi, I'm still fighting with Sun Ce!"

Xia Houyuan said anxiously:

"No, there is still some distance to go to Chibi. The second son has no guards to escort him. There are many dangers along the way!"

"Don't be embarrassed, I'm in danger after following you."

Cao Ziyou glanced at everyone with disdain.

"When Liu Biao reacts, Jingzhou will be sealed off and the whole territory will be hunted down.

Even if you pretend to be a caravan, you can't escape Liu Jingsheng's ruthless hands.

And someone like me who was alone would not be a gangster who snatched a relative at first glance, but would be safer. "

Hearing Cao Ziyou's cynicism, Cao Cao couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hehe, a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, he doesn't understand such a simple truth.

Going to Jingzhou alone, I really thought I was invulnerable!

That is to say, you are lucky, and I snatched it by accident.

Otherwise, when you arrive in Xiangyang, you will not answer every day, and the ground will not work. Let's see how you are still! "

"Hehe, if you hadn't come to snatch the marriage, I would have run away by now!"

The two came to the village while bickering.

Smelling the aroma of rice wafting in the air, Cao Ziyou's stomach rumbled.

"Hey, isn't someone going back to Chibi? Isn't he fighting with someone?"

"Don't worry, I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes, otherwise when I go home, I'll have to find my grandpa to judge me."

When Cao Taigong was mentioned, Cao Cao subconsciously shrank his head.

"You don't talk about martial arts! Why can't you afford to lose, and you are still called a grandpa?"

"What do you know, it's called acting with reason!"

When they came to the village and spent money to buy some food, everyone started to eat.

While eating, he asked the villagers for information.

"What? You're talking about snatching up, hehe, you've got someone to ask!
My neighbor's third aunt's aunt's nephew was there at the time, and he was a member of the welcoming team, but he told me the truth about what happened.

It is said that this Wenpin is actually Cao Mengde's pet boy..."


Cao Ziyou couldn't hold back, and sprayed Cao Cao's face across the face.

"I said, old man, is your inside story credible?"

"You young man, I told you with good intentions, why do you still question me? People in Jingzhou don't lie to people in Jingzhou!"

The other old man on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and retorted:

"Pull it down, you are talking about the inside story of the hammer."

Cao Cao wiped his face.

"Come on, tell me."

Grandpa said proudly:
"I heard from my son's neighbor's seventh uncle's daughter that Wenpin and Cao Cao have long been in private love for life.

It’s just that Liu Jingsheng, in order to resist Cao Cao, intervened in the relationship between the two, deceived Wen Pin, and threatened Cao Cao not to go south..."

Cao Cao couldn't bear it anymore, stood up suddenly, and was about to look for his weapon.

Xia Houyuan hurried forward to hold him down.

"Don't get excited, this is in Jingzhou, in Jingzhou!"

Cao Ziyou didn't think it was a big deal when he watched the excitement, so he comforted the old man:

"Hahaha, old man, just keep talking, don't worry about him, he just gets carried away with excitement when he hears something interesting.

Don't worry, it won't bite, and it won't defecate anywhere. "

The old man nodded and continued to say vividly:

"This time Liu Biao really did everything wrong, and wanted to use the name of his son's marriage to transfer Wenpin back to his side and fill him in the mansion.

And Wenpin is also a straight-tempered person, who would not stop doing anything, contacted Cao Cao and the two ran away directly. "

Cao Cao gritted his teeth and said:
"Then have your relatives told you the inside story about Cao Ziyou robbing Huang Yueying?"

"Yes, the two are talented and beautiful, and their ages are not much different.

One is Cao Sikong, a powerful man, and the other is the beloved daughter of a celebrity in Jingzhou.

To be honest, even an old man like me thinks that they are a good match!
Regardless of the fact that the groom is the eldest son of Mr. Jingzhou Shepherd, who in Jingzhou doesn't know that Mr. Jingzhou Shepherd prefers the second son?
If you ask me, it would be better for Jingzhou Muzhen to accept his new wife as a righteous daughter, and then marry Lord Sikong to maintain the relationship between the two families. "

Cao Ziyou gave the old man a thumbs up.

"Okay, the uncle understands it very well! The pattern is really opened."

"Hahaha, old man, I mainly met more people, so I have mastered a little bit of culture!

Although our village is not big, many caravans traveling north and south have stopped in our village.

There are also many repeat customers, do you know why? "

Cao Ziyou thought for a while, then said uncertainly:
"Could it be because it's convenient to pass by your place, or your place has complete supplies and delicious food?"

"No, no, actually, our village has a special product, that is our home-brewed wine.

Guest officer, these wines are all brewed by our families according to the craftsmanship of our ancestors. They are rich and mellow..."

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

Good guy.

No wonder he is so good at talking, he turned out to be a wine seller.

"Stop, stop, old man, what you say is useless, you can give us a bowl first."

"Just a bowl of Ang, I'll give you a taste."

Trembling, the old man poured out half a bowl of wine and put it on the table.

Cao Cao had quick eyes and quick hands, picked it up and took a sip.

"Tsk tsk tsk, old man, your smell is so light, why is it mellow?"

"What do you know, we didn't add anything, what we drink is healthy!"

"Okay, okay, I'm full. You guys continue to break up with this uncle who sells fake wine, I'll go first."

Cao Ziyou wiped his mouth and burped.

Turned on the horse, slapped the horse's buttocks, and ran towards the east.

Cao Cao also wanted to leave, but the old man grabbed his sleeve.

"Guest officer, you didn't give me the money for this bowl of wine!"

(End of this chapter)

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