Chapter 303 Cao Ang who rushed to Chibi

Dian Wei questioned Cao Cao angrily, complaining that he took Cao Ziyou away halfway, which caused Dian Wei not to meet Cao Ziyou.

Cao Cao became anxious immediately.

That's not bad, how did he become the murderer who framed Cao Ziyou?

I was still counting on being able to take over Cao Ziyou's power!

"Dian Wei, listen to my sophistry, things are not like this."

"Hmm, what's that like?

Originally, I had already discussed with the lord, he was sitting in the sedan chair, I snatched the marriage halfway, and ran away after meeting the lord.

But because of you, the lord was taken away in advance, and I didn't meet the lord.

It's also because of you that you didn't send someone to escort the lord, so the lord's whereabouts are still unknown! "

Cao Cao quickly waved his hands and said:
"No, no, obviously I saved Ziyou."


"Your plan went wrong, someone robbed the wedding party on the way, and Ziyou was taken away as the bride.

If I, Cao Cao, hadn't discovered it in time, hehe, Ziyou would have given birth to a child long ago. "

Dian Wei:? ? ?
"Okay, Mr. Cao, wait a moment."

Dian Wei cupped his hands, turned and retreated.

Cao Cao stayed where he was, complacent.

So what if he can't beat Dian Wei!

Facing Cao Mengde's wisdom, didn't he still deceive Dian Wei?

So, sometimes the brain is more useful than the fist!

Just when Cao Cao was secretly happy, Dian Wei came back with a man.

"Mr. Cao, this is Wenpin, the general of Jingzhou, who was in charge of leading the whole wedding party at that time.

Come on, General Wen, tell me who stole my lord! "

Wenpin pointed to Cao Cao.

"Of course it's him. Don't forget what you promised me. After you find your master, let me go!"

"That's natural. Mr. Cao, how do you explain it?"

Seeing Wenpin pointing at him, Cao Cao was dumbfounded.

You don't play by the rules.

Why did you directly find the person involved?
"Ahem, Dian Wei, I am Ziyou's father after all, you have to trust me.

I think it's pointless to dwell on these things now, the first thing to do is to find Ziyou.

what do you say? "

"Hehe, where can I find it?"

Cao Cao said with determination:

"Chibi! Ziyou must be in Chibi!"

Seeing Cao Cao's self-confidence and his understanding of the lord, Dian Wei had no choice but to nod.

"Cao Gong, then I will trust you one last time.

If the lord is not in Chibi, please trouble Cao Gong and go to the underworld to ask Hades! "

On the other side, Cao Ziyou returned to the camp.

Xu Chu and Huang Yueying arrived a few days earlier than him.

"My lord, where is Dian Wei?"

"It's hard to say, when the time comes, you send a few people to disguise and go to Jingzhou to spread the news of my return to the camp, and see if Dian Wei can receive it.

Call Huang Zhong again. "


Xu Chu left in a daze.

I don't know why the lord came back alone.

Soon after receiving the news, Huang Zhong came to Cao Ziyou.


"Old general, sit down."

After Huang Zhong sat down, Cao Ziyou asked:

"How's the war going during this time?"

"Our army and the Jiangdong Army fought more than [-] times, except for three defeats and one tie, the rest were victorious.

The Jiangdong Army is now basically exhausted of food, grass and supplies. Counting the time, it is time to launch a general offensive.

By the way, my lord, the Jiangdong army didn't know any means before. After contacting Huang Gai many times but failed, they knew that Huang Gai was unfortunately killed.

Therefore, General Lu's plan to act as an internal response may have failed. "

"It's okay."

Cao Ziyou said indifferently:

"In the beginning, it was necessary to use some means to kill the generals of the Jiangdong Army.

However, the war has reached this level, and we have all kinds of advantages, so we don't have to engage in these little tricks.

But I snatched Huang Yueying over here, Jingzhou probably will send troops.

It's time to lure a wave and completely defeat the Jiangdong Army and Jingzhou Army! "

Huang Zhong nodded in agreement.

"My lord, although I am not afraid of fighting on two fronts, the general feels that Jingzhou may not actually send troops."

No matter how you say it, Huang Zhong has been in Jingzhou for half his life, and he has a thorough understanding of Liu Biao's character.

"On the one hand, the lord did not go here with much fanfare, and did not even reveal his identity, Liu Biao may not know that his daughter-in-law was robbed by us.

On the other hand, many generals in Jingzhou do not want to oppose the Lord.

It's like Huang Zu's prefect, who knew that Madam Cai was in our camp, but never sent any news to Jingzhou.

Therefore, the final general believes that Jingzhou can be defended, but not greatly.

The focus is still on the Jiangdong Army, with the primary goal of destroying the Sun family. "

When it comes to Jingzhou, even Cao Ziyou is a little uncertain now.

"Liu Biao really didn't know? It shouldn't be, Lao Cao was pretending to be the Xuzhou Army at that time!"

"My lord, this matter is simple.

If Liu Biao has no intention of being our enemy, he may send envoys to clarify the rumors.

If they want to join forces with Sun Bofu, then the Jingzhou army will move to the east! "

"Okay, then let's wait and see how long Jiangdong Army's supplies can last!"

Cao Ziyou didn't wait for the envoy from Jingzhou, but Cao Ang who came in a hurry.

After all, Cao Ang led tiger and leopard cavalry, and the marching speed was fast.

In addition, after Jingzhou determined the strategy of uniting Cao to carry Sun, Cao Jun was not blocked along the way.

When Cao Ang saw Cao Ziyou, he immediately shed tears of happiness.

He won the bet!
"Brother, if you don't guard Wancheng, what are you doing in Chibi?

You also brought so many tiger and leopard riders, you have emptied Lao Cao's old background! "

"Woooooo, Ziyou, I almost lost sight of you!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, Cao Ang hugged Cao Ziyou's thigh and started crying.

Tears and snot flowed down, making everyone disgusted.

"What's the matter? Could it be that you robbed Lao Cao's woman and framed him?"

"No, woo woo, Ziyou, you don't know, Lao Cao, Lao Cao is planning your funeral in Wancheng! Woo woo~~"

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

"Wait, bro, get up and speak slowly.

Why did you suddenly jump to the funeral?
Lao Cao knows that the Cai family is with me? "

Cao Ang: ? ? ?
"Damn it, Ziyou, it's really you!

No, that's not the point!

Here's the thing.

Not long ago I met Dian Wei and the others and took them to Wancheng.

When Cao Cao learned that you were missing and whereabouts were unknown, he wanted to take away your inheritance by force.

I thought, Ziyou, you are so blessed, how could something happen to you?
But I am single and weak, and I am not Lao Cao's opponent.

So he lied to five thousand tiger and leopard riders, saying that he would search and rescue you near Wancheng.

Then took the opportunity to go all the way east and came to Chibi to find you. "

Cao Ziyou nodded.

"So that's it, brother, this time I remember you as a favor!"

Cao Ang was overjoyed.

"Hey, you and I are brothers and sisters who are very close, why do we have to divide them so finely?"

"It makes sense, then I won't remember your favor, just because I don't know how to pay it back."

(End of this chapter)

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