Chapter 320 I am not interested in money

Seeing Lu Bu's victory, Cao Cao's army burst into applause.

Ma Chao's face turned blue and white.

I wanted to capture Cao Cao, but was overthrown by the generals under his command.

Annoyed, he had to order the army to attack.

The two sides fought each other, and each had losses.

Overall, Ma Chao's army is more powerful.

The fierceness of the Qiang soldiers overwhelmed the Yanzhou army.

However, Cao Cao's victory was due to the large number of people, and with Han Sui's help, he killed Ma Chao instead.

After a great battle, Cao Cao was even more eager for Qiang soldiers.

If he also has such a powerful cavalry unit under his command, wouldn't the right to speak increase rapidly?
After returning to the camp and talking about it with Han Sui, Cao Cao realized that his thinking was a bit simple.

These Qiang people fought for Ma Chao and Han Sui, and they needed to receive high rewards.

But the military discipline is poor, and the people along the way are looted from time to time.

It's just that Ma Chao and Han Sui needed the power of the Qiang people, so they turned a blind eye to these things.

After all, for them, Qiang soldiers are far more important than the people of the Central Plains.

If Cao Cao really wanted to form Qiang cavalry, it had to be limited to the border.

If you bring these Qiang soldiers into the Central Plains, it is easy to lose control, and it will be another trouble at that time.

Cao Cao nodded after hearing this, and felt that he still needed to consult Cao Ziyou's opinion.

"Wen Yue, Ma Chao is aggressive, one or two defeats won't break him at all.

You are also a veteran who is familiar with the fighting methods of Qiang soldiers, do you have any good strategies to defeat the enemy? "

Han Sui smiled bitterly and said:
"Cao Gong, if the prime minister is here, let alone one, I can think of ten strategies for you.

But the total number of soldiers in our hands is only 7 to [-], and Ma Chao can continue to borrow troops from the Qiang people.

Coupled with the difference in combat power, it is not bad for us to win a few games by chance.

When Ma Chao calms down and borrows a wave of soldiers and horses from the Qiang people, we will be the ones who lose. "

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Cao Cao blew his beard and stared, displeased.

Can the Yanzhou army trained by myself be inferior to the Qiang soldiers?
Even if you can't beat the Qiang soldiers, don't you still have Han Sui?

"Wen Yue, don't you have a good relationship with the Qiang people? You also borrow troops from the Qiang people. Let's use the Qiang people to rule the Qiang people!"

Han Sui quickly waved his hands and refused:
"Don't, don't, Cao Gong, my family is poor, and raising these Qiang soldiers under my command is already my financial limit.

Don't forget, I still have to pay taxes to the court! "

Since Dong Zhuo came to Beijing, the local government has seldom paid taxes to the court.

When it comes time to compete in the Central Plains, I don't even know who to hand over to.

However, when Han Sui attached himself to Cao Ziyou and was formally named the governor of Liangzhou by the court, he resumed taxation again.

Even compared to before, Cao Ziyou has reduced some of the unreasonable expenses.

But every year Han Sui still has to hand in part of the money, plus spend gold, silver and jewelry to manage relationships.

Listening to Han Sui crying poor, Cao Cao looked contemptuous.

An old man who doesn't even have a lot of money is a man?

"How much does it cost to hire [-] Qiang soldiers? I'm out!

I'm not talking about you, Wen Yue, when you reach middle age, you must have money in your pocket!
You have been fooling around for most of your life, tell me what you messed up! "

Han Sui couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"Cao Gong is right, it must be Cao Gong.

This time, the money will be free from Mr. Cao. According to my relationship with the Qiang people, it is estimated that the price will also drop.

How about this, Mr. Cao first prepare a few 10 taels of silver, as well as food and grass, let's talk to the leader of the Qiang tribe.

For my sake, they..."

"Wait, Wen Yue, it suddenly occurred to me that we don't need that many people.

Look at the three to forty thousand taels of silver, how many Qiang soldiers can be brought back at most. "

Han Sui:? ? ?
"Mr. Cao, the silver is used to pay the military salary, and the second is used to establish relationships.

It's not that you go and pay the money and others hand over the person.

Without channels, who cares about you! "


Seeing Cao Cao's embarrassment, Han Sui shouted in disbelief:
"Mr. Cao, you don't have money, do you? You shouldn't!"

In Han Sui's impression, the Cao family is now the most powerful family in the Han Dynasty.

Especially the major caravans that are still active now have the shadow of the Cao family behind them.

Like Mi's family and Zhen's family, with water and salt in hand, plus the road guide issued by the imperial court, it is not too much to say that they are making money every day.

As a behind-the-scenes partner, the Cao family will get a part of it no matter what, right?
The imperial court's taxes and taxes are also distributed by the Cao family.

No matter how Han Sui calculated, he felt that Cao Cao could not be so poor.

Facing Han Sui's questioning gaze, Cao Cao said awkwardly:
"These businesses are managed by Ziyou, and I'm not interested in money."

"Not interested? It doesn't matter if you don't have any money, right?
Mr. Cao, every little bit that slips through the prime minister's fingers will fill your pockets full! "

Cao Cao was not happy about being asked anxiously.

"You think I don't want to take money?
If Cao Ziyou doesn't give it to me, what can I do? !

Yes, caravans are for making money, but you also have to ask me to form a caravan!

The market has been divided up by those few caravans. I went to invest in it, but they didn't want it at all.

Let's grab it by force, all of them are daughters-in-law's natal family, I'm still embarrassed.

Tell me, what should I do? ! "

Han Sui: ...

"Duke Cao, if I don't use Qiang soldiers, I have another way."

"Oh? Tell me, as long as it doesn't cost you money!"

Looking at Han Sui's hair volume, Cao Cao nodded thoughtfully.

Unexpectedly, this Han Sui knows how to use his brain on weekdays!
Han Sui cupped his hands and said loudly:

"I heard that Duke Cao has a cavalry unit called Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

Most of Ma Chao's Qiang soldiers came from the tens of thousands of tribes of King Di.

Mr. Cao can send a fierce general to surprise relatives with tiger and leopard cavalry.

After the news came back, the Qiang soldiers under Ma Chao's command would definitely go back to support.

If we gather our troops again, we will be able to capture Ma Chao! "

Cao Cao nodded.

It's a good way, but it's a pity that Han Sui said it a few months too late!
"Wen Yue, you have been in charge of Liangzhou for so long, do you not have such an elite army under your command?"

"Yes, there are, but there are no specially organized troops like Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

Cao Gong, you are also a person who has raised tigers and leopards. You know how much it costs to raise such an army.

Liangzhou is poor, not as good as your Yanzhou! "

Cao Cao spread his hands helplessly.

"Then this method won't work, my tiger and leopard rider, Quilt You have been confiscated."

Han Sui:? ? ?
"Cao Gong, forgive me for saying a word. The prime minister will not give you money, and will take away your army.

Are you and the prime minister really father and son? "

"Hmph, the main reason is that my lord has a lot of people, so I don't want to argue with Ziyou!"

(End of this chapter)

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