Chapter 8 Cao Ziyou is missing!

Cao Cao waved Cao Hong to leave, and then looked at Xi Zhicai with a pleasing expression.

"Zhicai, why are you in such a hurry?"

As soon as Xi Zhicai rolled his eyes, he thought of a good way.

"My lord, not long ago our army defeated the Yellow Turban Army. Under the strategic guidance of the lord, some generals of the Yellow Turban Army have begun to show us goodwill.

Zhicai believes that if we want to turn these Yellow Turbans into a viable force in our Dagon Prefecture, it will be difficult to subdue them by force alone.

This group of Yellow Turban soldiers has experienced many years of fighting and has cultivated arrogance.It is easy to expel, but difficult to subdue.

Zhicai hopes that the lord can come up with a way, preferably to properly arrange the Yellow Turban Army, so that they can see the benefits they can get after surrendering to us. "

The placement of the Yellow Turban Army is indeed a big problem.

Cao Cao pondered for a moment and asked:
"What do you think if we put some of the young and middle-aged men into military camps, and the rest become farmers and distribute their fields to do farm work?"

"Not right, not right. The Yellow Turbans were rebels before, and they have no foundation here. My lord divided them into two. I'm afraid that the Yellow Turbans who have been incorporated into the army have no intention of training, but will sneak back to help their own people." to do farm work.

Moreover, a large number of young and middle-aged people joined the army, and the food and grass needed was also an extremely large number.With the current agriculture in Dagon Prefecture, it is simply impossible to meet the food needs of the army. "

For Cao Cao, he hopes to transform the young and middle-aged of the Yellow Turban Army into an elite army as much as possible.

Because at present, Cao Cao has too few soldiers.

When the eighteen princes attacked Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao took all his belongings to the alliance, but was defeated by Xu Rong, and the soldiers suffered heavy losses.

Although it now occupies a state, there are not many soldiers who can fight.

If a prince like Yuan Shao with a heavy army sends troops to attack, Cao Cao can only escape now.

Therefore, Cao Cao is extremely eager for the army. The Yellow Turban Army has a large number. Even if the young and middle-aged are selected to serve as the army, Cao Cao's power can be doubled.

However, the army has to eat, and the current Boss Cao is still a small boss, with a flat pocket and cannot afford to support him.

So Cao Cao could only say helplessly:

"Zhicai, do you have any good suggestions?"

"My lord, Zhicai doesn't have one yet. But Zhicai believes that with my lord's ingenuity, he will soon come up with a solution."

Seeing Xi Zhicai's expression lying flat, Cao Cao didn't know that this was Xi Zhicai's test of himself!
"Ahem, Zhicai, this method is not something you can think of immediately. How about you go back first and let me think about it for a few days. I will tell you when I have an idea."

Unexpectedly, Xi Zhicai shook his head and said firmly:

"My lord, if you want to discuss with a mysterious person, just tell Zhicai directly. Besides, Zhicai has never been able to figure out whether it is Wen Ruo or Zhong De, they are not narrow-minded people. Why doesn't your lord let that mysterious person become an official?" Woolen cloth?"

"Zhicai, there is really no mysterious person. You know my family background. How can there be any counselors?"

No matter what Cao Cao said, Xi Zhicai just didn't believe it.

In his view, it is also very simple to prove this point.

Cao Cao being able to propose a solution face to face, it means that his resourcefulness has surpassed Xi Zhicai and the others, and Xi Zhicai will naturally believe that the previous methods were all thought of by Cao Cao himself.

If Cao Cao can't bring it up, there must be a hidden counselor behind it.

Xi Zhicai is more willing to let this counselor stand in front of the stage, and everyone will make suggestions for Lao Cao together.

As Lao Cao's confidant military adviser, Lao Cao was reluctant to treat Xi Zhicai like Cao Hong.

Forced to helplessness, Cao Cao had no choice but to think hard in front of Xi Zhicai.

But the more anxious Cao Cao thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out.

After more than an hour passed, Cao Cao slapped his thigh and went on strike.

"Don't think about it, you are counselors, and I am not a counselor, hmph!"

Seeing this, Xi Zhicai was convinced of the answer in his heart, and left proudly.

The next step he plans to do is to find out the real face of the counselor, and see who it is that makes Cao Cao protect him like this.

After being exposed by Xi Zhicai, Cao Cao returned home angrily.

To improve your mood, of course, is to destroy another person's mood.

Therefore, as soon as Cao Cao returned to Cao's mansion, he sent someone to find Cao Ziyou.

But the servants reported that after the second young master left yesterday, he never came back!
"What? How did you protect Second Young Master? A bunch of idiots!"

In the courtyard, Cao Cao was angry at a group of guards.

After learning that Cao Ziyou disappeared, Cao Cao sent a large number of spies immediately.

The spies inquired back and forth, and finally found that Cao Ziyou left the city with Dian Wei and several guards as early as last night.

You must know that now that the princes are rising together, the vicinity of Guanggun Prefecture is very uneasy.

His second son left the city with a dozen people, scaring Cao Cao to expand his search area.

Even the encirclement and suppression of the Yellow Turban Army was much weaker, because a large number of soldiers were sent around Yanzhou to look for Mr. Ziyou.

(End of this chapter)

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