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Chapter 88 The Artillery Breaks the City

Chapter 88 The Artillery Breaks the City
"My lord, the cable bridge has fallen, more than half of the warriors guarding the bridge have been killed or injured, and the fugitives have been beheaded."

"My lord, the defenders were caught off guard, the city gate was breached by the Ming army, and the outer city was lost. Now our army is fighting the Ming army in the outer city and moving closer to the inner city!"

Nabeshima Katsushige was about to send troops to strengthen the defense of the cable bridge, and one after another, sad news spread to the city lord's mansion.He never thought that his army would be defeated like a mountain, and the Ming army destroyed the navy and the outer city one after another without even persevering for a day. If it was too late, the Ming army would even break through the inner city!
"Follow me to the gate of the inner city!" Katsushige Nabeshima felt that the disaster was imminent, but decided to put all his eggs in one basket.

He took hundreds of soldiers and Jin Ren envoys to the inner city gate to guard, even if he died, Jin Ren envoys would be buried with him.

There were still sporadic musket sounds in the outer city.However, almost all the terrified Hizen warriors fled to the inner city, and there were only a handful of warriors still fighting the Ming army in the outer city.Originally, their number was three to four times that of Chen Jisheng's assault force, and they were absolutely sure to hit Chen Jisheng hard with street fighting.However, they were not sure how many people from the Ming army came.And most importantly, it was the Ming army who attacked them! The descendants of the group of people who beat up their parents 30 years ago!
"Suppress the musketeers on the wall for me, and I will personally lead the charge. As long as the gates of the inner city are broken, Saga Castle will be broken!" Chen Jisheng was so jealous that he was about to completely destroy the Hizen Clan. In front of my eyes, how can I not be moved!
"No, general. The opponent has basically woken up from the chaos. We lack heavy weapons. If we forcefully attack the city, we may suffer heavy losses." The intern staff officer assigned to the Fourth Brigade by the Army Lecture Hall is still very clear about the battle situation , advised.

"Such a great opportunity is in front of me. If I don't try it, I will regret it for the rest of my life! The first brigade suppresses the firepower of the city, and the second brigade will charge with me!" Chen Jisheng was so excited!

bang bang bang-

The sound of musket guns continued, and the second brigade followed its brigade commander heroically and launched a tide-like attack on the inner city!

The warriors at the top of the city have never seen such a crazy Ming army!Even in the dictation of their parents, their opponents were never so crazy 30 years ago!
"Everyone, the Ming army that invaded our Saga this time is only a few hundred people, so there is nothing to be afraid of! Eliminate the invading Ming army for me, and I am willing to share all my property with you!" At the time of life and death, Nabeshima Katsushige also Fall into madness!
He is also a ruthless person, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve today's status, facing head-to-head with the Kyushu Shimadzu family!
With heavy rewards, there will be brave warriors. The calm warriors still have some qualities of the Warring States period, and began to use the condescending favorable terrain to prevent the Ming army from approaching the city gate.

The muskets were spraying white smoke, the shouts of killing kept coming and going, and the blood was splashed on the city wall.Some warriors who appeared to throw stones were shot and killed by Ming army muskets, and some Ming soldiers were shot to death by arrows on the city wall when they charged the city gate.

After Chen Jisheng failed to attack the inner city twice, he left dozens of corpses and returned without work.Gradually calming down, he stopped the unnecessary shock.He was afraid that if the casualties continued to expand, not only might the inner city not be defeated, but the enemy in the inner city would also encounter a counterattack.

At this time, Japan had already begun to widely use matchlock guns as weapons, and the construction of Saga Castle obviously paid attention to the protection of matchlock guns. Therefore, it was difficult for infantry lacking heavy weapons to attack fortresses with more defenders than themselves.The reason why the outer city was successfully won was largely due to the fact that the opponent was caught off guard.

Behind the 500 men of the [-]th Brigade, the Artillery Battalion was long overdue.Chu Yun couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Saga Castle surrounded by gunpowder smoke.

Originally, I just let Chen Jisheng occupy the important strategic location of the cable bridge, but I didn't expect Chen Jisheng to break into the city.

"Master Commander, our Fourth Brigade lived up to expectations. We conquered the cable bridge and took down the outer city. If it wasn't for the lack of artillery, we would have even taken down the inner city!" Seeing Chu Yun's arrival, Chen Jisheng resented said.

He also specifically emphasized the "lack of artillery", which roughly means that as long as Chu Yun installs enough artillery for their brigade, Saga Castle can be easily taken down without an artillery battalion!

"General Chen, were you injured by an arrow?" Chu Yun found that Chen Jisheng's right shoulder was simply bandaged, and there was still blood oozing out, but Chen Jisheng looked like a normal person.

"It's all right, just a small injury, it's not a problem. If it wasn't for the lack of cannons, I wouldn't have to lead the soldiers to charge. As long as there are cannons aimed at their city gates, it will be fine!" Chen Jisheng said indifferently.

"Okay, after our triumphant return, I can slowly change the equipment for your brigade, right? If you want cannons all day long, life is not more important than cannons?" Chu Yun was speechless to this cannon idiot.

After the artillery battalion arrived, there were 32 artillery pieces brought to the battlefield of Hizen Kingdom by the artillery battalion, mainly light and portable six-pound guns, and six twelve-pound cannons considering the siege.

Once arriving at Saga Castle, the artillery battalion immediately began to deploy artillery positions.After the training of an army commander like the Austrian Prince Karl, the artillery officers of the Fuliao Army already have basic modern artillery literacy, and can easily select suitable artillery positions.What's more, they are only facing the army of Hizen who lacks firepower, and there is no need to move artillery positions.

Six of the twelve-pound cannons were pulled directly to the city gate and aimed directly at the city gate.

This is the simplest and crudest strategy Chu Yun chooses in the face of forces weaker than himself - crushing the enemy's strongest line of defense fiercely, leaving an eternal psychological shadow on the enemy!

The warriors of the Feiqian clan on the top of the city just rejoiced that Chen Jisheng's Ming army had retreated like a tide.Nabeshima Katsushige thought he had stabilized the situation, and planned to wait for the elders of his Nabeshima family to come to rescue from all directions of Hizen Kingdom, and he could even hold on until the shogun came in person.

However, the arrival of the artillery battalion of the Ming army as a backup force completely interrupted his delusion.

A huge cannon was loaded and unloaded on the front defense line of the inner city of Saga Castle, covering the front wall of the inner city in a fan-shaped wide angle.The most frightening thing was that six larger artillery pieces were drawn to the opposite side of the city gate, and their hollow muzzles were aimed at the fragile wooden gate.

The Hizen samurai, who had only seen small cannons, shuddered, his mind buzzing, constantly imagining whether the city gate would be broken in an instant if hit by such a giant cannon.There are six such giant cannons on the opposite side!
"What kind of behemoth did I provoke..." Katsushige Nabeshima watched in horror as the wires of 32 artillery pieces were ignited...

Boom boom boom boom boom!
A loud bang resounded through the sky!Nabeshima Katsushige felt as if an earthquake had occurred on the soles of his feet, it was deafening!
 Posted two hours late today, if there are no accidents, two chapters will be updated at 0:[-], thank you for your understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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