Dajin royal family

Chapter 12 Yuhua Building

Chapter 12 Yuhua Building

Yuhua Building is located in Qinglefang, which is actually a "commercial street".The Jin Dynasty had relatively heavy control over merchants. Merchants could only open shops in places designated by the court, and had to pay various exorbitant taxes every year, and their status was extremely low.

In Qinglefang, there are various shops.Brothels, restaurants, gambling stalls, cloth shops, blacksmith shops, flower and bird shops, jewelry shops, rice shops, etc.

Yuhua Building, according to the official statement, is a place for "listening to music", but in fact, any sensible person knows that it is a place for fairies.

The bullock cart of Daiwangfu stopped in front of Yuhua Building, Shenju opened the curtain, Jiang Chengxiao pulled the hem of his robe, and got out of the cart slowly.When Yu Wenhuaji saw it, he immediately stepped forward to greet him, "My lord, Huaji has been waiting for you for a long time."

Jiang Chengxiao cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Brother Yuwen."

He looked left and right, but did not see Yuwen Zhiji, so he asked a little narrowly: "Did Linger come today?"

Yu Wenhua and Hearing the words were a little embarrassed, how could this happen, his buttocks were smashed, and if he didn't raise him for a month or two, he might not be able to get out of bed.

"Erlang is in poor health, don't blame your son."

Yu Wenhua stretched out his hand, "My son please."

Jiang Chengxiao didn't know about Yu Wenzhi's being drawn by Yu Wenshu, he just thought that Yu Wenzhi lost face because he lost, and he was embarrassed to come here to meet him.

Bringing the slaves along, Jiang Chengxiao and Yu Wenhuaji entered the Yuhua Building.

The young man in front of the door opened the curtain, and as soon as he entered, he saw clusters of fragrant skirts and guests coming and going.

"My son, please follow me."

Yu Wenhuaji led Jiang Chengxiao to the private room on the third floor, where the screen was painted with fans, and the fragrance was overflowing.Long ago, there were two actresses with beautiful looks and graceful figures sitting on the futon on their knees.

Seeing Jiang Chengxiao and the two of them, the two actresses immediately got up and saluted.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled, "Brother Yuwen, is this going to be exchanged for a magic weapon? I'm afraid it's..." He half-spoken, looking at Yu Wenhuaji with a half-smile.

The two of them knew very well that it was impossible to take out the gold-plated phoenix wings, so Jiang Chengxiao said these were actually mocking him.

Yu Wenhuaji waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty, how could Huaji treat you so slowly? This is just an appetizer." He smiled and knelt down on the cushion with Jiang Chengxiao one after another.

Two actresses landed on Jiang Chengxiao's left and right sides, pouring tea and wine for him.If he wanted to mess around, these two women would probably not object.

Yu Wenhuaji clapped his hands, a figure sat behind the screen, playing the piano with plain hands.

"My lord, the matter of fighting slaves is the first thing to do, let me accompany you first." He held up the wine cup and said, "My father loves the magic soldiers very much. Although my second brother and I begged in every possible way, my father did not agree. "

Jiang Chengxiao picked up the wine cup, shook the rice wine inside, and said calmly: "Brother Yuwen also knows that my body is not suitable for drinking."

Yu Wenhua put down the wine cup in embarrassment, it seemed that the prince didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

"My lord, Hua Ji didn't break his promise intentionally, there is really nothing we can do." Yu Huaji turned around and said, "But don't worry, my lord, the magic weapon can't be given to me, Hua Ji has other things to make up for my lord."

Yu Wenhuaji turned his head and gave the slave a wink, the slave immediately turned and went to the inner room, then walked out with a box in both hands, came to the two of them, and gently put the box on the table.

Yu Wenhua looked at Jiang Chengxiao with a smile on his face, "My lord, please look at me."

Jiang Chengxiao waved his hand, Shenju stepped forward, squatted down, reached out to open the box, and a fist-sized emerald green bead lay quietly on the red satin.

"Ye Mingzhu?" Jiang Chengxiao asked suspiciously.

Yu Wenhuaji nodded, and said: "What the son said is true, but this is not an ordinary night pearl, but Huaji bought it from a Hu merchant in the Western Regions. Huaji also knows that the value of this night pearl may not be comparable to that of the magic weapon." , I also ask the prince to save face, and everyone will get closer in the future."

"Brother Yuwen is serious."

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Courtesy is less important than affection, so I just accept it. As for the issue of face, you and I are of the same generation, and we are destined to be officials in the same dynasty in the future, so we still need to help each other."

The corner of Yu Wenhuaji's mouth twitched slightly, what does it mean to be less polite and more affectionate, his luminous pearl is worth ten thousand gold, it is not light at all.Fortunately, this son is not too much, this matter is over.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Yu Wenhua answered with a half-hearted smile.

Afterwards, the two chatted a little more, and after listening to the song, Yu Wenhua waved, and two identical women walked out behind the screen.The two women had good looks and good figures, their heavy chests trembling slightly with the swaying steps.

"Your Majesty, these two servants are well-trained, they are both virgins, one is good at playing the piano, and the other is good at playing the flute, and I will give it to your Majesty today." Yu Wenhua felt a little heartbroken, but he bought it for his own enjoyment.

But his father let him satisfy Jiang Chengxiao, he didn't dare to fool around, he didn't want to be stuck on the bed like his second brother.


Jiang Chengxiao was in high spirits, and his eyes wandered on the two women. The two women were obviously from good families. Facing Jiang Chengxiao's aggressive gaze, his pink face blushed. He asked curiously, "Who is good at playing flute?"

The woman on the left bowed, "This servant is good at playing flute."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and said: "It's good to play the flute, I like listening to the flute the most."

Yu Wenhuaji laughed, "You are a refined man, you are a friend, you have made friends."

Jiang Chengxiao gave Shenju a wink, and the latter understood, and went out to recruit the servants of the Daiwangfu, and took the twins down.

"Brother Yuwen will spend today." Jiang Chengxiao poured himself a cup of tea and held it up.

Yu Wenhua quickly toasted and touched him lightly, "Your Majesty is joking, I admire you for being an open-minded man."

The two looked at each other and smiled, each drinking their wine in one gulp.

He originally thought that Yu Wenhuaji was going to ask him to talk to White Wolf today, and wanted to say something to make him give up the "lucky head". After all, the emperor had already let him go, but Yu Wenhuaji gave him a night pearl worth ten thousand gold.

At the time of Japan and China, Yu Huaji bid farewell, and the two broke up.

Jiang Chengxiao was sitting in the bullock cart, opposite him were the twin sisters who were good at qin and xiao.

"What are your backgrounds?" Jiang Chengxiao gently rubbed the corners of his clothes.He doesn't know when he got this habit, maybe it's because the silk he's wearing feels good when rubbed, so he always does it subconsciously.

Qin Niang whispered: "Returning to the son, the maidservant and sister are from the south of the Yangtze River, and their hometown suffered from floods. Afterwards, the two of us were bought into the mansion by Mr. Yuwen."

"Is there anyone at home?"

Xiao Niang shook her head, "It's gone, my father and mother are all dead."

Jiang Chengxiao's gaze flicked back and forth over them, the two young ladies blushed and their little hearts were beating non-stop, thinking that the prince was an impatient person.

Jiang Chengxiao didn't plan to do anything to them, at least until he was fully healthy, he planned to keep the "sage mode" on.

He didn't dare to neglect his health in the slightest. The level of medical care in this era is very low, and a random flu may be regarded as a plague and kill many people.Coupled with the poor foundation of this body, it is quite troublesome to raise it.

The ox cart left Qinglefang, turned a corner, and entered Xuanrenfang.

Xuanrenfang is also a street where high-ranking officials and nobles live, but it is a little lower in grade than Fufengfang.

After walking for a while, the ox cart stopped at "Li Mansion" in Xuanrenfang.

Jiang Chengxiao got out of the bullock cart and ordered a servant to send the two young ladies, Qin Xiao, back to the Prince Dai's Mansion and hand them over to Princess Zheng.

The owner of Li's Mansion used to be the chief medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office. Later, he retired to the court when he was old and stayed in Xuanrenfang to support his elderly.

He was in poor health before, and this doctor Li had always seen him, so the gatekeeper of Li's mansion knew Jiang Chengxiao.

Seeing Jiang Chengxiao get off the bullock cart, he hurried up to lead him the way, and another servant hurried into the mansion to report to the master.

The layout of Li's Mansion is naturally not as luxurious as that of Dai Wang's Mansion, but it can be regarded as one step at a time, with appropriate shades.

The servant led Jiang Chengxiao to have tea in the side hall and told him that Doctor Li would be here soon.

Shenju was signaled by Jiang Chengxiao, and stepped forward to reward the servant with a few taels of silver.The servant immediately smiled, and said something with Jiang Chengxiao.

Not long after, an old man entered the side hall.This person's surname is Li Mingque, a family of imperial physicians, and has been a court physician since the previous dynasty.He is eighty years old now, but he still has black hair, is full of energy, and walks vigorously, not at all like a person with half a foot in a coffin.

"My son." Li Que bowed.

Jiang Chengxiao got up, walked in front of him and helped him up, and said with a smile: "Medical Officer Li doesn't need to be too polite, he has treated Cheng Xiao for many years, and Cheng Xiao should do the courtesy of the younger generation."

As he spoke, he sat on the couch holding hands with Li Que.

Li Que tidied up his robes, seeing Jiang Chengxiao's rosy complexion and bright eyes, he couldn't help but feel relieved and said: "It seems that the illness of the son has been cured. After many years of treatment, today is finally showing results."

Jiang Chengxiao smiled and said: "Thanks to Doctor Li's years of treatment, otherwise Cheng Xiao would have been a lonely soul."

In fact, he knew that the original owner was dead, and he was just occupying the dove's nest now, but he was a little curious about the original owner's illness.

(End of this chapter)

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