Dajin royal family

Chapter 120 Changes in the Prairie

Chapter 120 Changes in the Prairie

There are many routes for the Turks to go south, but there are only two best routes that go straight to the hinterland of the Central Plains. This is also the experience that Chu Luo has gained after so many years of plundering south.

Dingxiang County, Dali County, here is one of the four major army towns in the north of the Jin Dynasty.This is the place where the Turks went south to bear the brunt of the brunt, and it is also a strong city that Rang Rouran and the Turks repeatedly encountered.

The guard of Dali County is named Yu Han, who is in his 30s and was born in a noble family in Guanzhong.A few days ago, a letter from the family told him that the patriarch's title was lost today, and the whole family was sent to Taiyuan. Only in this way can he be transferred back to Chang'an.

As usual, Yu Han patrolled the tower every day.Of course, he will not appear most of the time, because Zhao Wang defeated the Turks, he does not think that the Turks will go south to plunder during this period, and more importantly, the snowstorm in the north this year has caused heavy damage to their Dali County. Many were frostbitten.

Suddenly there was a huge roar in front, it was a dull vibration, as if hitting the hearts of every defender.Yu Han raised his eyes and saw a large area ahead of him, a long black line appeared in the snow-covered world, and that black line was advancing towards the city of Dali at an extremely fast speed.

Yu Han's pupils trembled, and he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Be alert! The Turks are coming!"

Boom boom boom!
A sound of warning war drums sounded, and it quickly spread throughout the entire city tower. The guards and soldiers immediately moved into action. Rolling wood and thunder stones were transported to the tower, and the trebuchet behind the city was quickly reloaded.The bed crossbowmen were preparing behind the city, and a group of archers quickly climbed up the tower, waiting for the order from the guard Yuhan.

Yu Han clenched the long knife in his hand, his eyes fixed on the distance between the Turkic soldiers and Dali City.Just when the Turkic soldiers and horses entered the range, their cavalry phalanx suddenly scattered like birds and beasts, like stars in the sky, and the distance between each cavalry was very large.

"What do these thieves want?"

Yu Han frowned with his thick eyebrows hidden under the helmet, and looked at the Turkic soldiers who stayed outside the range with great puzzlement.He quickly turned around to find a few scouts, and let them out to observe the number of Turkic soldiers. After a while, the scouts came back and told him that the Turkic army was more than [-].

"Thirty thousand!"

The defenders of Dali City are only [-], how could it be possible to resist the [-] Turkic army, Yu Han said to the messenger: "Go to Yulin City to ask for help, and light the beacon tower to warn Taiyuan."

The messenger was ordered to leave, and Yu Han looked at the gradually gathering Turkic army with anxiety, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

The Turkic army just squatted outside Dali City like a pack of wolves. They didn't attack, just wandered outside the city like this, occasionally shooting one or two arrows to greet the soldiers of Dali City.

It's not that Yu Han has never encountered this kind of situation in the past, but at that time the Turkic army rushed directly to attack the city, regardless of other things, why is it so abnormal this time, do they want to attack at night?
Overnight, the scouts reported that the Turkic army outside the city was still increasing, and now it has exceeded 5 horses.Yu Han panicked completely this time, and sent two requests for help to Yulin and Jiuyuan respectively.

On the night of the third day, the Turkic army suddenly moved. As arrows flew towards Dali City from the darkness, Yu Han hurriedly summoned his soldiers to fight back. Both sides shot a wave of arrows blindly at each other. arrow.

The next day, some Turkic corpses were seen lying on the ground below the city.After harassing Dali City three times in a row, Yu Han finally couldn't help it, and sent another request for help to Jiuyuan and Yulin.

But the other party was still in the dark, and did not reply at all. On the fourth day, the entire Turkic army attacked, and a dense crowd surrounded it. It took half a day to encircle the city of Dali.A fierce battle broke out between the two sides, and the Turks adopted the simplest and most direct siege tactics, using piles of heads.

No matter how many people are killed by rolling wood, thunder and stone, or how many people are shot to death by arrows and crossbows, someone will fill the gap immediately. The city of Dali with only 4000 people can't hold it at all. He led the remnant army to flee to Shanyang.

On the other side, under Yulin City, nearly [-] Turkic troops are confronting Yulin City soldiers.Du Lan was riding on a war horse, holding the head of a scout from the Jin army in his hand, his eyes were extremely cold.Du Lan's father was Chuluo Khan of East Turkic, and according to the prior arrangement, he was in charge of Yulin City.

"Even if we take down Yulin City, our warriors won't get anything, unless we can break into the Central Plains. Otherwise, our warriors will die in vain." Du Lan said.

Zuo Du Hou Beishan said: "Prince, our goal is not Yulin Pass. As long as the second prince can take down Dali City, our mission will be completed."

Du Lan snorted coldly and said, "He still ate some meat. Many of my tribe have froze to death here these days, but they couldn't get anything. Do you think it's fair?"

"What... what does the prince mean?"

A cold light flashed in Du Lan's eyes, "No matter how Father Khan and Yi Shaxie discussed it, I can't waste the energy of the warriors here. Don't persuade me, our task of holding back the Yulin Jin army has already been completed. If he still can't take Dali City after so many days, he might as well die."

Beishan smiled helplessly, "Prince, let's not act rashly and just wait for the news from the second prince. This time, let him take advantage first."

Du Lan chuckled, playful: "Bei Shan, don't forget the task that Father Khan entrusted to me. I'll be more impulsive and make more noise. Isn't it more beneficial to Father Khan?"

"However, Khan's order is for the second prince to attack Dingxiang County, let us preserve our strength and wait for the order." Beishan frowned.

"Hmph, Beishan, your cautious character is really like those Han people, useless things, not worthy of being a Turkic warrior." Repeatedly trying to persuade Beishan, Du Lan got a little angry, and immediately cursed.

Beishan said: "Prince, I'm not a sheep. I'm just strictly following the Khan's orders. Please don't force me." He will strictly follow orders.

Du Lan's eyes became unkind, and he said coldly, "What if I must do it?"

The atmosphere suddenly froze, Beishan didn't know how to answer, he was just a small Zuoduhou, and this was the eldest prince, it seemed that he really couldn't restrain him just by Khan's order.

Beishan was silent for a moment, and had no choice but to say: "Prince, please don't miss Khan's plan."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Du Lan's mouth, he knew that Bei Shan had succumbed.Du Lan turned to a Turkic messenger and said, "Send my order, the army will attack the city!"

The [-] Turkic army moved suddenly, and the cavalry quickly rushed to Yulin City. The Turkic people were good at riding and shooting, and immediately marched quickly with rounds of arrows and moving horses.

The defenders of Yulin City were not vegetarian either, because the Dulan soldiers surrounded Yulin earlier than Dali City, and they had received reinforcements from Yincheng earlier. Panic.

Chen Jing, the defender of Yulin City, organized his soldiers to defend the city in an orderly manner. Compared with the immediate predicament, he was more worried about Jiuyuan and Dali City.The Turkic action this time is really strange. It took such a long time to attack, and it is hard to figure out what it wants to do.

At this moment, a soldier rushed up to the tower, took out the secret letter from his arms and handed it to Chen Jing.When I opened the secret letter, I saw that it said: Dali City has been lost, the Turkic army marched straight into Yulin County, and went straight to Fuchang County!

Chen Jing's eyes darkened, and what he was most worried about happened. Once the Turkic cavalry captured Fuchang County and cut off the grain road, wouldn't Yulin City be an isolated city? How to feed.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of the stars in the night sky (8/8)

(End of this chapter)

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