Dajin royal family

Chapter 130 Decoy

Chapter 130 Decoy

He had always believed that whether it was Cao Li going south to invade Taiyuan or going north to escape back to the grassland, he would eventually meet him with a dead end, but now it is different.These 5000 people appeared here, and they had to do it themselves, otherwise letting these 5000 people enter Taiyuan would definitely bring about a military disaster.They are involved here, and Jiao Li himself can lead tens of thousands of horses to the north. At that time, only General Han's [-] defenders can resist the Jiao Li's Ministry?
More importantly, he has sent the Qingqi scouts back to report to the general that the Turkic main force appears here. Once the general abandons Lou Fanguan and the whole army comes to help, the pressure on the straw side will drop sharply, and he will be able to escape at that time. go.

Damn it, he really thinks about war too simply.

"Jiang Huqi, what's the matter, the Turks have already fought General Zhao, we should rush to help." Seeing that Jiang Chengxiao had been silent, Xue Li reminded him.

Jiang Chengxiao came back to his senses, and said coldly: "Quick battle and quick decision, we must wipe out this Turkic army before dawn."

"Yes!" Xue Li couldn't wait to kill these Turkic dogs. He clasped his fists heavily, put on his iron helmet, and turned around to call for four thousand cavalry to kill the Turkic rear.

He sighed softly, now that there is no large army from the Ministry of Defense, these five thousand Turkic troops are no match for them at all, not to mention they are attacking back and forth, this group of Turkic troops will undoubtedly die.But he was not reconciled, he actually lost to that straw in strategy, if only he could wait, just wait.

Jiang Chengxiao turned his head to a soldier and said, "Urgent military letter, immediately tell the general that more than [-] people will go north to escape from Loufan County, and you must guard Loufan Pass!"

The Ministry of Human Resources must have set off early, and since they did not hesitate to take out 5000 people as bait, the speed of escape must be very fast.Although he knew it might be a bit late to find out now, he still wanted to give it a try, and hoped that General Han could hold Lou Fan Pass.

At the Xizhou Pass, the Turkic soldiers and horses were hindered by the first horse trap and barbed wire.Zhu Xieluo immediately ordered: "The whole army presses forward, and we must take the Xiezhou Pass before Prince Jiaoli arrives."

As the sound of war drums sounded in the dark night, and the torches were lit one by one, it seemed that there were countless orange-red stars on the land in the dark night, and they rushed to the Lianzhou Pass in an orderly manner.The torches illuminated the horse traps and caltrops on the ground for them, but they also revealed their positions.

Zhao Jiao immediately shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

At this moment, the crossbowmen only need to shoot the arrows in their hands at the torches, and countless arrows burst through the air, shooting towards the Turkic soldiers and horses below.


There were screams one after another. These Turkic people had not seen a single Jin army. They were either shot to death by arrows, or fell into a horse pit and their hearts and lungs were pierced. Screaming again and again.

Zhu Xieluo followed at the end of the army. He gritted his teeth and looked at the blurred mountain pass. The Jin army ambushing here must be the same one that ambushed him earlier. These Jin troops did not garrison the county town. Could it be that they have seen through their thoughts? what.

No, he has already disappointed the second prince once, and this time he must not be disappointed again, "Chong, Commander Sheng, who is the first to rush into Taiyuan County, will reward a hundred slaves!"

Hearing his words, the Turkic people became more excited, screaming and rushing towards the mountain pass, even though countless arrows had already taken their brothers' lives, but when they thought of the Jinyang Palace ahead, the concubine of the Jin Emperor, the treasure, these Turkic people Became crazy, only had eyes for the mountain pass.

Compared to the madness of the Turkic people, Zhao Jiao was very calm. When the Turkic people were about to rush to the mountain pass, huge boulders fell from the sky, smashing more than a dozen Turkic people into meat paste in an instant, followed by a series of arrows Flying towards them, these Turks had no choice but to stop at the mountain pass.The mountain pass is really too narrow, these Turkic soldiers and horses swarmed up and blocked them all, and the boulders falling from the sky smashed them to pieces one by one.

The Turkic soldiers who finally rushed here didn't know what to do, and there was no way out, but at this moment, there was no way to retreat, because all the troops behind rushed up, and everyone crowded at the foot of the mountain. At this time, Zhao Jiao gave way to the infantry again. The boulder was pushed down, and with the sound of "boom, boom, boom", these Turkic soldiers were finally afraid. They knew that if they stayed here again, they would definitely die.

The rout began, and the Turkic soldiers who rushed to the foot of the mountain first began to retreat like crazy, but some were still shot to death by arrows.However, those Turkic troops who were not hit by the boulders and arrows collided with their own people and suddenly became a mess.Zhu Xieluo stopped a hundred steps away from the mountain pass, and his personal soldiers held shields in their hands to resist the arrows shot in the dark night.

He is now at a loss, how can he capture this mountain pass?This is impossible at all, he doesn't have any sharp weapon for siege, even if there is, this is not a city, but a mountain pass, how can a battering ram work.

"Master Zuo Duhou, what should we do now, we have lost many people!" A commander galloped to report to Zhu Xieluo.It has only been half an hour since the outbreak of this battle, and they have suffered heavy casualties without even seeing a single Jin soldier.

What to do, he also wanted to know what to do, how could Changshengtian treat your suffering children like this, why didn't he send down divine lightning to kill these Jin soldiers.Zhu Xieluo gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Retreat!"

Just when he said the word retreat, there was a commotion in the rear, followed by the sound of war horses reverberating in Zhu Xieluo's ears.A soldier beside him rejoiced and said: "The reinforcements must belong to Prince Jiaoli."


An arrow hit him between the eyebrows before he finished speaking, killing him, and the soldier fell straight down on the horse.Zhu Xieluo immediately yelled: "Fight! Fight! Fight!" The reinforcements coming from behind were not reinforcements at all, they were reinforcements from the Jin army!
Zhu Xieluo waved his long spear and led his own soldiers to kill the Jin army. Now they are attacking one after another. His only way of survival is to break out of the siege, and staying here is a dead end.

Zhu Xieluo regretted that he had underestimated the Jin army too much. He should have retreated when he knew that the Jin army was guarding the mountain pass, but he was ambushed by them twice.He immediately shouted: "Kill these Jin troops, Prince Jiaoli's reinforcements will arrive soon."

The soldiers and horses of the two sides quickly fought together. The Turkic soldiers and horses fled because of the heavy casualties in the previous battle to attack the mountain pass. Now they encountered this Jin army. They had no resistance at all and were crushed and killed by four thousand cavalry. .

Although the sky had completely darkened, the Jin army, who had adapted to the dark sight, had no effect on fighting at this time. What's more, these Turkic people were living targets with torches in their hands.

As an elite heavy cavalry, Xue Li was very familiar with this kind of night battle. He saw the long knife in his hand slashing left and right, and went straight to the main banner of Langtou.

After the battle broke out here, Zhao Jiao, who was guarding the mountain pass, immediately led his army to attack the Turkic soldiers and horses from behind again according to the prior arrangement.Nearly 6000 people surrounded and massacred the Turks, and the battle lasted until the second half of the night before it slowly came to an end.

This time no Turks could escape, and all [-] Turkic soldiers and horses were wiped out at the mountain pass.Zuo Duhou Zhu Xieluo failed to break out of the siege, but was cut off by Xue Li, and his body was separated.Yan Hu, the school lieutenant under his command, also got the main flag of Langtou as he wished.

On the mountain peak, Zu Yan reported the battle situation to Jiang Chengxiao.

Sure enough, during the nearly four hours of fighting, none of the troops from the Ministry of Power showed up. He must have escaped, and the five thousand soldiers were definitely the bait.

Although he killed nearly 7000 Turkic people and successfully prevented the Turkic people's ambition to enter Taiyuan, he was not happy at all.On the first expedition, in the strategic game, he missed a move, did not anticipate his real purpose, and let him escape.

Although he fought this battle successfully and completed the task He Ruoyu assigned him, he always felt uncomfortable.Cao Li's 7000 troops marched south, but he only ate [-] people, just for scraping.

"Disappointed." He looked at the dark sky.

(End of this chapter)

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