Dajin royal family

Chapter 135 Chu Luo's Decision

Chapter 135 Chu Luo's Decision

Who is Jiang Chengxiao, the eldest son and only son of King Zhao, anyone who knows the situation knows that he is the lifeblood of King Zhao.Once he died, the King Zhao family would be completely extinct.Therefore, when the ministers in the Guangming Palace learned the contents of the letter, they all expressed sympathy to King Zhao.With 20 infantry against [-] Turkic wolf soldiers, you can know what will happen if you think about it with your toes.Even if it is defended according to the city, it can last for a few days.

The atmosphere in the Guangming Palace was a bit sluggish, and all the ministers didn't know how to speak.Do they want them to persuade King Zhao that Lord Langya died for his country and deserved his death?What a joke, it wasn't your son who died, of course it doesn't hurt to say that.For any father, especially an aristocratic father with only one son, it would be light to scold him at this time, "Shuzi Ergan".

The emperor's face was also very ugly. Earlier, when He Ruojuan sent the Great Victory Newsletter, he was very happy to see the description of Jiang Chengxiao's battle in it.Unexpectedly, only a few days later, Jiang Chengxiao almost fell into a certain death situation.If he died, King Zhao lost his son in his middle age, would he still be able to hold on?
"Don't be impatient, Uncle Wang, Qing Que is a smart child, and he will definitely save the day." The emperor could only say this dryly.Now that Chu Luo has entered Yan'an County, Yi Shaxie must have already made a move. The imperial court dispatched a large army, and it would take at least four or five days to reach Taiyuan. Will Jiang Chengxiao still be alive at that time?
More importantly, Jiang Chengxiao probably doesn't know that there are 20 troops ahead of him waiting for him to bump into them, and he has no time to run.

Zhao Wang was silent for a while, the blood in his eyes still did not fade, he said in a hoarse voice: "Your Majesty, Suide County has fallen, and I think that Chu Luo should be attacking Yanchuan County now. To be conservative, Your Majesty can send three guards." The army confronted him in the past, so there is no need to rush to take down Chu Luo, as long as Chu Luo's patience is spent. In addition, His Majesty can send someone to contact He Ruofan, and ask him to harass Chu Luo's army on the flanks, and wait for Chu Luo to be exhausted. Offensive, the general trend is certain."

"In addition, Yichaxie in Bingzhou is the most important thing. Your Majesty must send an army of four guards and gather government soldiers along the way. It is necessary to block them in Taiyuan and prevent them from going south to the hinterland of the Central Plains."

Changsun Sheng glanced at King Zhao worriedly. Although he was also very worried about his son-in-law, the situation was critical at the moment, and Yi Chaxie had to be defeated first.

"Your Majesty, this minister agrees."

"Senior minister!" The ministers agreed one after another.

On the eighth day of March in the third year of Hongye, the emperor appointed Changsun Sheng as the commander-in-chief of the left army, and led 15 troops from the left and right guards and the right Yiwei to the confrontation place in Yan'an County.He also ordered Yang Taisu, the prime minister of the right, to be the commander-in-chief of the army on the right, leading Zuo Yiwei, left and right Weiwei, and Zuo Yuwei with 20 soldiers and horses to help Bingzhou.

The news of Jiang Chengxiao's death has not been spread, and the strategic layout of Bingzhou is classified as confidential. The ministers in the Guangming Palace know the seriousness of the matter, and no one dares to disclose it.The dispatch of troops was very fast this time. The emperor gave an order that day, and the army was ready to go out the next day.

Yang Taisu, the coach who supported Bingzhou, marched very fast this time. Nearly [-] cavalry galloped at full speed, leaving the infantry behind far behind. The vanguard general was his son Yang Gan.

"General, is it disadvantageous for the army to be out of line?" Yang Gan galloped on the horse and turned to ask his father Yang Taisu.

Yang Taisu immediately said in a deep voice: "Choose the time to change, now Bingzhou is in critical condition, everything depends on speed." Now he can't wait to arrive in Bingzhou immediately, the 20 Turkic wolf soldiers in the hands of Yi Shaxie can mess up Taiyuan County in three days .

Hearing this, Yang Gan stopped talking and turned his head to hurry on his way.Seventy miles in front of Yang Taisu's army, a cavalry of 18 galloped away. Their speed was almost three times that of Yang Taisu's cavalry.

Qingjian River is a branch of the Yellow River, runs through the entire Yanchuan County, and enters Suide County in the north.Chuluo's 15 troops camped next to the Qingjian River, about 20 miles away from their target Yanchuan County.The camp stretches for seven or eight miles, and tents are densely packed like small hills next to the Qingjian River. There is a huge open space in the camp, and more than [-] Turkic war horses gallop wildly in the middle.

Chu Luo stayed in the king's tent set up with the golden wolf banner in the center, and the tent was full of Turkic nobles at the moment.A Turkic nobleman stood up, touched his chest with one hand, bent slightly towards Chu Luo, and said, "Khan, what are you waiting for, let's go to Chang'an as soon as possible, and rob all the wealth of those Han people, woman, kill Jin Emperor!" Die, make his head into a wine vessel, and occupy his palace!"

The nobles in the tents breathed heavily, as if the treasures, women, and fine wines in the Jin Emperor's palace were already at their fingertips!
"Khan, I would like to be the vanguard and capture the Chang'an Palace for Khan!"

"My Zhu Xiebu is willing to kill those Han people who resist for the Khan."

One by one the Turkic nobles expressed their attitudes confidently one after another, but Chu Luo just glanced at those nobles with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and then waved his hands to make them quiet.When everyone quieted down, Chu Luo turned to look at the great priest on the left, and then said with a smile: "Just now the sentry sent news that Yanchuan County has received reinforcements from the Jin Dynasty, about [-]."

"Only [-]?" The leader of the Zhu Xie tribe said disdainfully: "Khan, give me the little Yanchuan County, and I will take it tomorrow!"

"Humph!" Chu Luo snorted suddenly, he felt blushed for these low-IQ subordinates, where is this place, so close to Chang'an, these idiots don't really think that the Jin Dynasty only has such a small army, right?

"Enough, pass my order, don't attack the city, the whole army pays attention to the movement of the Jin army." Chu Luo knew very well that the strength of the Turkic soldiers lies in riding and shooting rather than in attacking the city. If the Jin army is willing to go out of the city to fight with them Of course he couldn't wish for it, and if they stayed in the city, he wouldn't try to forcefully attack the city.

The Turkic nobles left the king's tent with dissatisfaction and confusion.Chu Luo left behind his two sons, Du Lan and Jiao Li, and the high priest who had never spoken to him.

"Father Khan, are we really doing nothing, just serving as bait for Yi Shaxie, so that he can enter Bingzhou smoothly?" Jiao Li's expression turned ugly.His [-] tribes were all planted in Bingzhou because of Chuluo's plan, and even Zhu Xieluo died there. He was unwilling to sacrifice them for the so-called Turkic joint plan. Isn't he afraid that Yishaxie will suddenly bite back? .

Du Lan's face was also very ugly. His left ear was cut off by a lieutenant in the Jin army and turned into a single ear. The [-] tribes under his command suffered heavy casualties. He said with a gloomy face: "Father Khan, If we don't get anything, other tribes will be dissatisfied. Let Yishaxie be the bait here, and when he becomes stronger, we will be the first to swallow us."

Chu Luo smiled and looked at the two sons.Jiao Li should be the most angry. All the people under his command were planted in Bingzhou, and he also narrowly escaped death.The same is true for Du Lan, it seems that this time his two sons are extremely dissatisfied.

"Then what do you think should be done?" Chu Luo asked back.

Du Lan said coldly: "Withdraw the troops and let the Jin army go directly to Bingzhou to destroy Yi Chaxie. Let's go back to the grassland and directly swallow all Yi Chaxie's tribes."

Jiao Li agreed with his elder brother Du Lan's plan in a rare way, and echoed: "I agree, the Jin army with millions of armors is not something we can resist now."

Although I am very unhappy with the statement, Chu Luo must admit that the Jin army does have millions of armors, and the 15 army in their hands cannot defeat such a powerful Jin army.In other words, he never thought of defeating the Jin army from the beginning.

"Okay, just do as you two said." Chu Luo changed his voice and ordered directly: "Du Lan, Jiao Li, each of you will lead [-] Turkic warriors to head back to the grassland immediately. Take down all the tribes!"

Jiao Li and Du Lan were stunned by the sudden order. They said these words out of anger, and never thought that Chu Luo would agree to them directly.

"Why, you don't have confidence?" Chu Luo smiled all over his face.He knew that his decision would surprise Du Lan and Jiao Li.

(End of this chapter)

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