Chapter 17
Li Gang remained silent, and immediately said: "The medicinal materials of the palace are all treasures, and I did not lie. The prince is wrong."

Jiang Chengxiao was too lazy to argue with him, and said lightly: "That day I went to Li Gong's mansion to see a doctor, and your mother ran around insanely in the mansion, talking nonsense, and she was very evil. Your father's temples turned white overnight, walking It's not as powerful as in the past, and I followed every step with a cane."

The so-called evil is actually a neuropathy.

The corners of Li Gang's eyes were wet, he put his head in his hands, and grabbed his hair tightly.

"Li Gong didn't ask me to save you, but I have troubled Li Gong to treat you for many years, and I couldn't bear him to grow old and lose his son, so I came to see you without authorization."

Jiang Chengxiao paused for a moment, and said with sharp eyes: "However, if you talk about death at every turn, do you think it is the words of the Son of Man?"

Li Gang bit his lips tightly, and after a long while, he slowly said: "Don't worry about me, my son, don't meddle in this matter, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengxiao's eyes narrowed slightly, it seems that this matter is not simple.Li Gang regards death as home, and it is clear that it is definitely not such a trivial matter as corruption of medicinal materials.

The cell was quiet, and Li Gang said after a while: "If Li Gang dies alone, the whole family can be saved, no regrets."

Jiang Chengxiao thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, since you want to die, I won't stop you, do you have any unfulfilled wishes, or you want to bring a word to your father, because your father has treated me for many years, I will help you."

He does things but asks for a clear conscience and does his best.Helping Li Que was just a whim on his mind. If there was a real danger of harming himself, he would definitely let go.

Li Gang thought about it, shook his head and said no.

Jiang Chengxiao saw all of this.

"Okay, I wish you a good journey."

Jiang Chengxiao left with his slaves.

He came to the government office and met Zheng Shanyuan.


After seeing the ceremony, Jiang Chengxiao asked, "What's the matter with Li Gang's case?"

Zheng Shanyuan said: "Well, the evidence of the crime is convincing. The medicinal materials that Li Gang embezzled are all rare and precious items for special offerings. The Ministry of Criminal Justice has already examined them clearly. This case is not easy to start."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and said: "I just met Li Gang, and he confessed to his guilt. It seems to be true. I don't think I was overthinking this time."

Zheng Shanyuan smiled and said: "Da Lang doesn't need to blame himself, if you have such a heart, Li Que will surely be comforted if he knows it. But don't worry, I will give him a good place to go to Wuyuan County directly. At that time, Da Lang's revision book will be handed over to the Dai Wang, and Li Gang's life must be safe."

Wuyuan County, that is a barbaric place beyond the Great Wall, and they are directly facing the murderous Turkic people.

"Thank you for your grandfather's advice, Cheng Xiao will remember it."

Zheng Shanyuan waved his hand and said, "Da Lang has a benevolent heart, and he knows how to repay his kindness. This is a good thing."

Not long after, Jiang Chengxiao left with his slaves.After he left, the guard who had led him into the cell came to Zheng Shanyuan and whispered a few words behind his ear, Zheng Shanyuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"My lord, where are you going next?" Shenju asked.

Jiang Chengxiao sat in the bullock cart, closed his eyes and cultivated for a while, and said, "Shenju, go and find out what medicinal materials Li Gang is responsible for buying out of the palace. Which medical officer in the palace does he mainly communicate with? In addition, the investigation Let’s take a look at Li Gang’s recent whereabouts.”


A few days later, Jiang Chengxiao got the news that Li Gang had died in Dali Temple.

"How did he die?" Jiang Chengxiao knelt on the couch, a little dazed.

Shenju replied: "The Dali Temple's statement is that Li Gang committed suicide in prison in fear of crime, and Master Li Que has already asked Master Li Que to collect the body."

"Suicide in fear of crime?"

Jiang Chengxiao narrowed his eyes. He didn't believe this statement in his heart. Although Li Gang regarded death as his home, he would not die at this time.

If he really wanted to die, he wouldn't wait until now to commit suicide. It is entirely possible that he would commit suicide immediately after being imprisoned.

He looked down at the letter on the table, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and he was going to write a letter to his father, asking him to take care of this Li Gang.

It seems that there is no need, people are dead, and there is a fart for writing letters.Jiang Chengxiao picked up the letter, ignited it, and threw it on the ground.

He got up and walked to the door, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse outside, and there was no cloud in the sky.

The water in Chang'an is very deep, and he felt terrified.This Li Gang died inexplicably, and he didn't know what happened behind it.

He doesn't know anything about all this, if one day this kind of thing happens to him...

Jiang Chengxiao swallowed, his nails turning white.Although this assumption is difficult to establish, Li Gang died in Dali Temple.

What kind of place is that, in future generations, it will be the prison for special criminals in the capital, and it is unclear if someone can make people die there.

What else is impossible.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he had no power to resist when facing the dagger in the darkness. If one day he was "suicide in fear of crime" like this, his death would be in vain.

On behalf of the prince's son, blood relatives of the clan.

Jiang Chengxiao sneered, this is the most dangerous.

Although he didn't know who the mastermind behind this incident was, there would not be more than one person capable of killing people in Dali Temple.He didn't know what role the emperor sitting in the center of the imperial city played, but it was true that Jiang Chengxiao himself was incapable of resisting this.

Slowly raising his hand, looking at his palm, he murmured: "Weakness." There was a touch of sarcasm on his thin lips, not sure if it was for himself or because of something else.

Royal Palace.

The emperor touched Yu Jue, his eyes flickered, and then he looked at the man kneeling on the ground, "Did you find out?"

The man whispered: "It is indeed the man of the King of Han. The one who died was once the guard of the King of Han. The two who escaped entered Luoyang along the Tongji Canal and were picked up. If you guessed right, they should have gone Qi County."

A fierce light flashed across the emperor's eyes, and he forcibly suppressed the anger in his chest, looked at the man and said, "Decree, let the left and right prime ministers enter the palace immediately to see me!"


The man stepped back immediately.

After the people left, the emperor slammed the jade in his hand to the ground, and it fell apart with a "snap".

"Third!" The emperor gritted his teeth and spat out a few words.

Not long after, Gao Xun, the left prime minister, and Yang Taisu, the right prime minister, entered the palace.

"Participate in your majesty, your majesty for ten thousand years."

The emperor waved his hand, "The two Qing families are free of courtesy. I summoned the two Qing families in the middle of the night. I have something to discuss with you two."

"Sharing your majesty's worries, and serving as a courtier, please show me your majesty." Gao Xun said.

The emperor said: "I have received a secret report that the King of Han intends to rebel."

"What?" Gao Xun and Yang Taisu were startled first, then Gao Xun said: "Your Majesty, this matter is absolutely certain? The King of Han is stationed in Qilu, with 30 armored men. This matter is no small matter."

The emperor glanced at Gao Xun, then nodded, "It is indeed true."

Gao Xun and Yang Taisu gasped and were a little stunned.

Yang Taisu said: "Your Majesty, you should immediately send an officer to call the King of Han back to Beijing."

Gao Xun shook his head and said: "No, since the King of Han is determined to rebel, he will never agree to return to the capital. I am afraid that sending imperial officials will not help. This will only scare the snake, which is not conducive to the deployment of the imperial court."

"According to my opinion, I should send the clan to go there and call them back on the grounds of the spring hunting ceremony. At the same time, the court has to prepare for a crusade. It must not sit still and wait for the king of Han to raise the flag of rebellion."

The emperor thought about it for a while, and felt that Gao Xun's approach should be the safest one, so he said, "Which clan can be the envoy?"

"His Royal Highness."

Gao Xun said: "His Royal Highness Daiwang controls 40 soldiers and horses at the border, and he is the best candidate for prestige and strength in the clan."

Yang Taisu said: "Standing the border on behalf of the king, if you transfer away without authorization, the Turkic people may take the opportunity to go south. I don't think so, Your Majesty, please think again."

Gao Xun frowned and said, "The rebellion of the King of Han is a pain in the viscera, or a pain in the flesh of the Turks, which one is more deadly?"

"Gao Xiang." Yang Taisu's displeased tone sounded.

"All right."

The emperor interrupted and said: "The king of Dai cannot be transferred away from the border casually. The Turkic people have not evacuated when they went south."

"Yang Xiang, I named you the Marshal of Zhengdong, leading 30 soldiers and horses to wipe out the anti-king."

Yang Taisu cupped his hands, "I obey the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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