Dajin royal family

Chapter 170 The Queen Summons

Chapter 170 The Queen Summons (1836)

At the beginning of May of the third year of Hongye, the imperial banquet went to the Turkic generals who had meritorious service.Ordered Taichang Temple to set up the imperial seat in the Ganlu Hall, spread the emperor's coat of arms, Jinwuwei set up 24 guards to stand by, set up nine music and songs in the hall, and set up great music outside the hall, and the dance team waited outside the hall.Set up a wine pavilion to the west of the imperial seat, and a dining pavilion to the east of the imperial seat.Set the crown prince to the east of the imperial seat, and the king to the west. The officials of the fourth rank and above are in the hall, and the officials of the fifth rank and below are entertaining outside the hall. In addition, a group of people such as pot stewards, wine lords, and food lords will be arranged to wait on the side.

When the banquet was held, the emperor walked into the Ganlu Hall with a smile on his face, took the main seat, and waited for the emperor to take his seat. The Prince, King Qi, King Zhao, and King Guan took their seats in turn, followed by officials of the fourth rank and above, and finally it was the turn of the hall. Foreign officials and soldiers.

Jiang Chengxiao was named a champion general of the fourth rank by the emperor, and he was the governor of the six counties of Shandong from the third rank. Naturally, he was entertained in the hall.When he was named the Governor of the Six Counties of Shandong Province, many officials objected. Naturally, the reason was that the son of King Zhao was still young, so how could he hold the official position of the third rank.

However, the emperor implicitly stated that this was just a casual job and had no power, so that all the censors shut up.

The emperor is in a very good mood today. After all, the Turkic people have been laid down all at once, and the dangers on the frontier have basically been cut off. He can focus more energy on the inside and implement his plan.

The servant offered a glass of imperial wine to the emperor with both hands, and the emperor took it, stood up and raised the glass.Seeing this, the ministers below naturally followed the emperor and stood in the hall.The emperor said in a deep voice: "I am blessed by the heavens. The soldiers of the three armies have used their lives to defeat the Turkic bandits. The first cup of wine is to honor the soldiers who died in battle."

As he spoke, he drank the wine in one gulp, and at the same time, a servant outside the hall spilled the wine.

Then, the emperor filled another glass and said, "The second glass of wine is to tens of thousands of meritorious soldiers."

This time, all the officials inside and outside the palace raised their glasses and drank together with the emperor.

The waiter filled the third cup for the emperor, and the emperor said: "I wish the military revolution will rest forever, and the Jin Dynasty will prosper!"

"May the soldiers die forever, and the Jin Dynasty will prosper!" All the officials congratulated, and then the monarch and ministers drank it at the same time.

The emperor nodded to the servant, indicating that he could start the banquet.The servant got the order and said loudly: "The emperor orders, let's start the banquet!"

One after another voices came and went from inside the hall, echoing outside the hall.The court dancers and musicians practiced one after another, and the maids shuttled among the officials with court meals, and each meal was placed on Jiang Chengxiao's case.

He sat in a relatively inner position, after all, his official position in the hall was not high.Unlike his father, King Zhao, who stayed close to the emperor.However, it was quiet enough here, and most of the officials sitting next to him were officials who were not familiar with him, so after meeting and greeting each other, everyone either sat down and enjoyed the food or watched the dancing girls.

There was a lot of noise in the hall, and the flattery of officials slapped the emperor fiercely, which was called comfort, and that was called high-spirited and complacent.

However, none of this has anything to do with him.Because, next to him came a person he knew, Yu Chijing.This time he followed Changsun Sheng to the Turks and made great contributions. The emperor transferred him back to the Jinwu Guard and promoted him to General Lang to be in charge of the palace guard.

"Don't you need to go outside to maintain order?" Jiang Chengxiao asked him strangely.Yu Chijing's official position is not enough for him to eat in the hall.

Yu Chijing said unhappily: "Why, you can't be lazy for a while." Now he is a little jealous of this good friend, he went out with the army and fought a beautiful battle, and now he has surpassed him in one leap, and is highly valued by the emperor.

"Okay, okay, no problem." Jiang Chengxiao smiled and filled him with a glass of wine.After all, if you covet someone else's girl, it's okay to be cowardly when it's time to be cowardly.

"Hum..." Yu Chijing snorted softly, picked up the wine and drank it down, and then said: "Qingque, you are really dishonest, you actually married Sanniang back as a flat wife."

The emperor agreed to give him the marriage and naturally he would not go back on his word. The Shunguo government had already received the emperor's will, and there was nothing he could do if he didn't agree.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled awkwardly, and sighed: "I thought Brother Gongde knew me and understood me, but I didn't expect you to come and mock me."

Yu Chijing was startled, then smiled wryly, "You're right, I really should know this. I should know that Sanniang's girl is studying in the mansion. After all, I can't blame you for this matter, since Sanniang has made up her mind. If you decide, I will naturally support her as an elder brother. You are my best friend, so I will not do anything."

"Thank you for your understanding, don't worry, I won't treat her badly, and I won't let her down just because of how she treats me." Jiang Chengxiao said solemnly.

Yu Chijing nodded, "That's good, I can still trust you. If Sanniang does something wrong in the future, you can come to me. I hope you... well, I hope you don't bully her."

"Don't worry, I will never bully her."

"Gulu!" Yu Chijing drank the wine, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I should go out. When you come back from Shandong, let's have a few more drinks."

Looking at Yu Chijing's back, Jiang Chengxiao was in a daze.In fact, judging from Yu Chijing's current achievements, he doesn't need to stay in the Jinwu Guard at all. Whether he goes to the Twelve Guards or the Frontier Army, his future will be very good.

However, due to some reasons, Shunguo's mansion is not particularly easy now.Yuchi Jing had no choice but to stay in the capital, hoping to be reused by the emperor, or to dispel the emperor's suspicion of Yuchi's family.

Yes, suspicion.Although King Zhao no longer holds military power, the emperor is still worried about King Zhao.This time when Chu Luo and Yi Shaxie went south, the emperor insisted on not releasing King Zhao.Under such circumstances, as a good brother of King Zhao, Yu Chijiong's life is not going well now.Basically, he doesn't care about things with his salary, or the emperor won't let him watch him.

As his father said, although the emperor agreed to marry Yuchi Chifan, the two families still couldn't get closer.Or, this incident itself is the emperor's test of Zhao Wangfu?
Thinking of this, he laughed at himself, the paranoia of persecution is getting more and more serious now, he seems to have gotten used to speculating others with the greatest malice.

"The servant has seen the prince."

Suddenly a thin voice came from beside Jiang Chengxiao's ears, interrupting Jiang Chengxiao's train of thought. When he turned his head to look, he saw an servant looking at him with a smile, and said, "Your Majesty, the empress is here to invite you."

"Empress?" Jiang Chengxiao asked suspiciously.

The servant nodded, "Yes, the empress is waiting in the Hall of Fengyi, and I invite the son to go with the servants, don't make the empress wait for a long time."

"Okay, I see." Jiang Chengxiao got up and followed the servants out of the Ganlu Hall, and walked down the corridor towards the Fengyi Hall.

Halfway through the road, Jiang Chengxiao saw that there was no one around, so he took out a few gold leaves from his sleeve and stuffed them into the servant's hand, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, my father-in-law made a special trip, this is my kindness."

"Hey, how can this be done? This is the duty of a slave. How can a slave accept you? Isn't this a slave's birthday?" The servant said no, but his hands didn't stop. Take the leaves.

Jiang Chengxiao chuckled, and said: "Eunuch, I was joking. Last year, I had the honor to work with the waiter Jia Nei, and I know that it is not easy for you to serve your majesty. It is just a little tea money to add robes to Eunuch. Alas, I haven't asked Eunuch yet." What do you call it?"

"The humble name of the maidservant is not worth mentioning. The surname is Wu. The prince can just call the servant Wu Neishi." Wu Neishi smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, the empress is happy today. Seeing the son is probably to reward the son."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengxiao nodded with a kind smile.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the Palace of Fengyi, and Wu Neishi went in first to communicate. After being summoned by the queen, Jiang Chengxiao straightened his clothes and walked into the Palace of Fengyi. Bowed and saluted, "I see the empress, all blessings to the empress."

The queen nodded, and stretched out her hand to help, "You don't need to be polite, Qingque is a family."

"I don't know what is the important thing for the empress to call the ministers here?"

The queen smiled and said, "A few days ago, I heard that your wife, Changsun, was suffering from a gas disease, so I specially ordered some Goguryeo mountain ginseng to be taken from the palace's medicinal material storehouse. I hope it will be good for your wife's condition."

 Thanks to the crazy runner for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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