Dajin royal family

Chapter 187 Departure

Chapter 187 Departure
Wenxi County Government.

Pei Yuanyan packed up his luggage, led the horse and prepared to leave.He was sent by the patriarch to assist Jiang Chengxiao, the governor of the six counties in Shandong, to inspect the people's livelihood in Shandong. In private, the patriarch also told him that this time Jiang Chengxiao was actually investigating the officialdom in Shandong.His task is very simple, he can use the strength of the Pei family to help Jiang Chengxiao under the conditions allowed.

As for the allowed conditions and the speed, Pei Ju left it to Pei Yuanyan to grasp.

"Grandfather, I still don't quite understand what the Patriarch means. Am I going to help or not?" Pei Yuanyan scratched his head and asked Pei Yun who was also going to the court.

Pei Yun actually took a neutral attitude towards his elder brother's optimism about Jiang Chengxiao. In his heart, he always felt that his elder brother was thinking too much, but since his elder brother said that he was still in the observation period, he would not interfere too much with his elder brother's plan.For this Prince Zhao's son, he neither likes nor dislikes him, he can only say so-so.

And he always felt that this young man was shrouded in a layer of fog, making it impossible to see through.

"Well, this matter is also an experience for you." Pei Yun smiled lightly, "Yuan Yan, since the son is optimistic about you, and the head of the family is also optimistic about you, you have to seize the opportunity. I can only tell you one thing, don't be too strong. This time, everything in the past was based on Zheng Ruyi's opinion."

The news that Zheng Ruyi was brought over by Jiang Chengxiao could not be hidden from the courtiers, because the emperor had ordered him to form his own team, so basically everyone knew about it.And Pei Yun, a descendant of the three generations of the Zheng family, is also aware of it.

Although Pei Yuanyan is good at martial arts, he is not stupid, "Grandpa means that it is enough for me to wave the flag and shout after Zheng Ruyi?"

Pei Yun chuckled, and adjusted the court clothes, "You can't say that, don't argue with Zheng Ruyi head-on, just express your feelings to the prince and be honest. All in all, everything is up to you."

After speaking, Pei Yun got into the carriage and left.

Pei Yuanyan sighed, got on his horse and headed out of the city.To be honest, he didn't know that prince well, and the two of them were not familiar with each other, so he really didn't understand why he let him follow him.I have to admit that this is a good opportunity to mix seniority, but such a good opportunity is usually known by Pei Ning, and this time it was his turn.

"I hope everything goes well." Pei Yuanyan twitched her hips and left quickly.

Outside the city of Chang'an, a group of more than a dozen people had already gathered together, and the young boys were sitting on horses and chatting with each other.The leader was Zheng Ruyi, and then Yu Qingze. Both of them had been Jiang Chengxiao's best man, so they were familiar with each other.Pei Yuanyan stood on the side relatively silently, pinching the horse lance wrapped in black cloth from time to time, and then waited boredly for the appearance of Prince Zhao.

Pedestrians who came and went saw them and all avoided them. Among the three evils in Chang'an, playboys belonged to the first evil, and no one wanted to provoke them.

"So, do you really want to serve Qingque as a small official for three years?" Zheng Ruyi teased.

Yu Qing nodded with a bitter face. Thinking of this, he felt sullen in his chest. If he had known at that time, he would not have bet with him.Compared with doing work like going out to inspect, he still prefers to stay in Chang'an Mansion to study scriptures.

However, his father Yu Shinan disagreed.There are two reasons. The first is that since he promised Jiang Chengxiao and lost, he should keep his promise.The second is that he is still young and should go out and learn more.Furthermore, the follower Zhao Wang Shizi, the clan that is valued today, if he performs well, he will have good qualifications and a good future in the future.

At this moment, a cavalry team of more than a dozen people rushed out of Chang'an City, led by Jiang Chengxiao.

"Everyone, I'm late."

Jiang Chengxiao pulled the rein and apologized to them with a smile: "Everything in the mansion is busy, and everyone was wasted time."

Zheng Ruyi said: "Okay, let's talk about what to do, let's go."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and gathered everyone to head east.

The land of Shandong mainly refers to the generation of ancient Qingzhou. In this dynasty, people habitually confuse the land of Shandong with Qingzhou. In comparison, the land of Shandong is much larger than Qingzhou.His governor of the six counties in Shandong mainly inspected the six counties of the Qingzhou generation.

They are: Donglai County, Gaomi County, Langya County, Beihai County, Qi County, and Lu County.

His main target this time was the mob in Donglai County. As for the investigation of official corruption, it was a cover, so when Zheng Ruyi asked him how to start, he actually thought for a while.

However, as a leader, some advantages are reflected at this time.When you have no ideas, you can ask your subordinates to brainstorm for you to open your mind.

"Qing Ze, what do you think?"

Yu Qing thought for a while, and pointed to the location of "Qi County" on the Kanyu map, "This time, Qi County experienced the rebellion of the King of Han first, and then the snowstorm. The people's hearts are uncertain, and the same is true for the officials. It’s safest to start.”

Zheng Ruyi shook her head, "Brother Qing Ze and I have a different opinion. I think we should start the investigation from Lu County. Among the six counties inspected this time, Lu County was the hardest hit. If there are officials in Lu County who are corrupt, it is impossible Can't find any clues."

Standing aside, Pei Yuanyan couldn't help touching his nose when he watched the two arguing. This kind of thing is not his specialty, so what can he say.

Jiang Chengxiao interrupted the two of them with a smile, and said, "What you said makes sense, but there is one problem."

"What's the problem?" they both asked at the same time.

Jiang Chengxiao said unhurriedly: "You two think, if we go to Lu County or Qi County to investigate with great fanfare, can we find anything?"

"Why can't it be found out? If officials are corrupt, there are always traces to follow." Yu Qing said naively.

Zheng Ruyi understood Jiang Chengxiao's meaning, "Qingque means that we must keep a low profile when we enter Qingzhou this time, and we must not let those officials know our identity and investigate secretly?"

"That's right." Jiang Chengxiao patted Yu Qingze on the shoulder, and said, "As long as it is corruption, there must be traces to follow. That's right, but Qingze, today I have to tell you something."


"A strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake." Jiang Chengxiao said: "We know nothing about the six counties of Qingzhou. This place is very strange to us. In some places, even the imperial court's control is very weak. If we enter Qingzhou with great fanfare, it will be an official. Everyone will know that we are not good people. What's more, we don't know whether someone in the DPRK has passed our news on."

Zheng Ruyi and Pei Yuanyan, as children of the Shandong gentry family, naturally clearly understood that what Jiang Chengxiao said was entirely possible.

Yu Qing opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment, he seemed a little too naive.

"So, what Ruyi said is correct, we have to cover up our identities and sneak into Qingzhou." Jiang Chengxiao chuckled and said, "But now I have a new idea."

"What's the idea?"

Jiang Chengxiao stretched out his fingers and pointed at the three of them, making the three of them look puzzled.

"Hehe, the three of you are covering for me." Jiang Chengxiao said: "We will act separately this time. The three of you will go to Lu County to investigate at the same time, while I will go to Qi County secretly."

It turns out that this is what it means to cover up. The three of Zheng Ruyi looked at each other, and Yu Qing said: "You mean to let us investigate on the bright side to attract the attention of those officials, and you secretly go to other counties to find out the situation and arrest them. Hold the evidence, and then do it?"

"How, can it work?"

Zheng Ruyi thought for a while, "This should be the best way at present. If we all enter Qingzhou secretly, no one will be a target, even those officials will be suspicious."

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Your task this time is very important. After entering Qingzhou, you can also investigate secretly. You don't need to care whether those officials know or not. Do you understand me?"

"Understood." Pei Yuanyan said: "It's confusing to hear and hear." After talking for a long time, he finally understood.

Yu Qing realized that he was still naive. When did Qingque become so scheming.

"Then which county should we investigate first?" Zheng Ruyi asked.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Lu Jun, you investigate Lu Jun, I will go directly to Qi Jun."

(End of this chapter)

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