Dajin royal family

Chapter 195 Killing and Thunder

Chapter 195 Killing and Thunder

"Master Ge, Your Majesty asked Lord Jiang to come here to suppress the mob as soon as possible, and I hope that Lord Ge will not push back and obstruct Lord Jiang from doing things. Otherwise, Lord Ge, please follow me to Chang'an." Ge Huan shuddered a little.

Ge Huan swallowed his saliva, and said: "The lower officials must cooperate, the lower officials must cooperate."

"It's not with me, it's with Master Jiang." Shen Guang corrected.

"Yes, cooperate with Master Jiang."

The corner of Jiang Chengxiao's mouth curled up into a sneer, "Lord Ge, I think Song Jinyi's dereliction of duty has resulted in the shortage of [-] soldiers in the government, and it is difficult for him to take up the post of county lieutenant. He should be dismissed immediately and sent to prison, and Song Jinwei should be thoroughly investigated. I don't know what Master Ge thinks about this matter. How is it?"

Hearing this, Ge Huan said with difficulty: "Isn't it right? Master Song has been in charge of the government soldiers for some time, and no one knows the affairs of the government soldiers better than him. If he is sent to prison, who can assist Master Jiang to suppress the mob?"

"Don't you want me to assist you!" Song Jinwei stood up covering his face, pointed at Jiang Chengxiao and Shen Guang and cursed angrily: "You must be pretending to be court officials, I want to expose you tomorrow!"

Jiang Chengxiao glanced at him coldly, without his order, Nan Jiyun stepped forward first, and quickly pulled out the horizontal knife at his waist, only to hear a "click".A large head flew out, Nan Jiyun grabbed its hair and lifted it up.

The bloody head was dying, and the blood fell on the floor, as if silently telling something.The atmosphere in the hall suddenly dropped to freezing point.Ge Huan stared blankly at Song Jinkai's head, he never expected that Master Jiang would be so fierce, he chopped off Song Jintai's head at the slightest disagreement, and the blood spattered the county government.

Shen Guang frowned, he didn't expect Jiang Chengxiao to act so quickly, he cut off Song Jinwei's head without hesitation, and exercised the right to behead first and then play so quickly.But thinking of the emperor's instructions, Shen Guang didn't say anything.

"Master Ge, what about now?" Jiang Chengxiao asked Ge Huan with a smile. That smile revealed a cold killing intent in Ge Huan's eyes. If he said no more, his head might be chopped off by him the next moment. Down.

"Everything is up to Mr. Jiang." Ge Huan said with trembling lips.This person has the right to behead first and play later, if he refuses, blood will be spattered on the spot.To die at the hands of such a person, regardless of whether one is guilty or not, is death in vain.

Jiang Chengxiao nodded in satisfaction, "That's very good, I'm temporarily acting as the county lieutenant of Qijun, and I hope Master Ge will fully cooperate with me."

Before coming here, Jiang Chengxiao had already known from Shenju that there are monsters, ghosts and snakes, big and small, in Qi County, and among them, Song Jinwei, the county lieutenant, had already grasped a lot of handles in his hands.If Song Jinwei cooperated with him, he would naturally not be so aggressive. If he did not cooperate, Jiang Chengxiao would use excuses to blackmail him.

But when he saw Shen Guang, he knew that the emperor gave him the right to kill first and play later.Naturally, he wouldn't waste his time threatening Song Jinwei anymore, why bother talking about things that can be solved with a single knife.What's more, the emperor didn't care that he turned Qi County upside down.

Ge Huan went down to summon the officials to start preparing food, grass and weapons, and discussed the matter of recalling the soldiers.The official sent by His Majesty to suppress the mob is decisive. If he can't handle the errand, he will be chopped down by this person
Shen Guang took the gold medal, glanced at Song Jinyu, who was dead and could not die again, and said, "Your Majesty, your majesty's humble position has been brought, and please fulfill your majesty's entrustment as soon as possible. The humble position has to go back and return to order, so I will leave. But Before leaving, I still have to tell the prince that the power given by His Majesty to kill first and then play later, I hope the prince will use it with caution. To kill chickens to make an example to monkeys, the death of a county lieutenant should be enough."

Jiang Chengxiao's expression froze, and he nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, General Shen, killing a chicken is enough. After all, I came here to suppress the mob. If I kill too many people, I also know that it will make Qi County officials feel uneasy. "

He was not trying to scare chickens to scare monkeys, but simply for the five thousand soldiers in Song Jinwei's hands.But Shen Guang explained for him, and he didn't bother to make it clear, so he just asked him to go back and report to the emperor, lest the emperor think that he was afraid of doing things.

Shen Guang nodded, slightly cupped his hands and turned to leave.

Jiang Chengxiao looked at Shen Guang's leaving back, and said, "Ji Yun, do you think we've met this person before?"

Nan Jiyun put the bleeding head on the ground, thought for a while, and remembered something, "Master, this person seems to have come to Qi County with us, and he was still a Jinwu Guard at that time."

"That's right, this person is the original Jinwu Guard. I didn't expect him to be His Majesty's inner guard." An inexplicable coldness flickered in Jiang Chengxiao's eyes. Fortunately, he acted carefully at the time, otherwise the emperor would know that he was staying in Qi County after careful investigation. what.

Jiang Chengxiao moved his nose, and there was a pungent bloody smell in the air, "Go tell Shenju, and send two people to watch Shen Guang secretly. Remember, you must be good at it."


That night, a group of soldiers rushed into Song Jinwei's mansion and found several boxes of gold, silver and jewelry in his mansion.The county guard Ge Huan immediately ordered Song Jinwei to be imprisoned and convicted, and the post of county lieutenant was taken over by the newly appointed Jiang Junwei.

The so-called imprisonment and conviction of Song Jinwei is just an excuse to the outside world, after all, the person is actually dead.

Not long after, this incident spread widely in Licheng County, and many people who had been poisoned by Song Jinkai applauded.

At the same time, after Shenju provided the list of officials who had embezzled the court for disaster relief, Jiang Chengxiao unceremoniously used Ge Huan to imprison all those officials.

"Master Jiang, this is the testimony of those corrupt officials, please read it." Qi County Prime Minister Bao Xi looked admiringly at the young official sent to investigate the case today.In just a few days, this person actually found out all the officials in Qi County who had embezzled the food and silver for the disaster relief. With his mentality, he really couldn't catch up with him.

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, took the testimony from Bao Xi, and read it roughly. What was written on it was basically consistent with what Shenju said. These officials conspired to embezzle food, hand it over to big households in Licheng, and sell it to the common people at a high price for personal gain.

"Very good, Mr. Bao did a good job." Jiang Chengxiao praised, "I also ask Mr. Bao to discuss with Mr. Ge, and report the crimes of these people to His Majesty as soon as possible. As for those big households, I will deal with them."

"Okay, I've got Captain Jiang." Bao Xi cupped his hands and turned to leave.

Jiang Chengxiao squeezed the confession, and couldn't help laughing when he saw the names of the big families who were confessed.Things that are difficult to handle in the eyes of others, but because of his relationship with God, it is easy to do it.

He won't spend time doing Tai Chi with these local snakes. Now that he knows who is corrupt, he can directly arrest them. There is nothing faster than forcing a confession.

In the past few days, Jiang Chengxiao has been staying in the county office because of investigating the case. When he returned to the inn, he found Fang Xuanzhan waiting for him inside.

"Xuan Zao is for taking office in Huang County?" Jiang Chengxiao said with a smile: "Don't worry about this matter, I already have the evidence that those officials secretly cooperated with the big households in Licheng to embezzle the court's disaster relief food. When the time comes to lead the soldiers to Donglai County, Xuanzao will be able to take up the post with peace of mind."

The emperor appointed Fang Xuanzao as the county magistrate of Huang County in Donglai County, and Jiang Chengxiao would naturally not keep the matter from him in Donglai County.In the past few days, Jiang Chengxiao's investigation of the case was also clear to Fang Xuanzao.

Fang Xuanzhan came here today but not for this matter, he said: "Dare to ask my son, how do you plan to deal with these corrupt officials?"

"How to deal with it?" Jiang Chengxiao said with a smile: "Xuan Zao, what you are asking is a bit strange. They fish and meat the common people and embezzle the food for disaster relief from the court. Does Xuan Zao still want to persuade me to let them go?"

"That's not what I meant." Fang Xuanzao changed his voice, "If the son entrusts all these people to His Majesty, he will offend some people invisibly!"

Jiang Chengxiao paused and looked at him puzzled.Fang Xuanzhan looked around, Nan Jiyun stood in the room and didn't leave because of his gaze.Jiang Chengxiao knew that Fang Xuanzao wanted Nan Jiyun to leave, so he said, "Xuanzao, Jiyun is loyal to me, so it's okay if you have anything to say."

Hearing this, Fang Xuanzao didn't hesitate any longer, and said: "Your Majesty seems to have forgotten one thing, most of the officials of this Qingzhou generation have connections with the Qinghe Cui family."

(End of this chapter)

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