Dajin royal family

Chapter 199 Li Wei

Chapter 199 Li Wei
Facts have proved that Jiang Chengxiao's little trick is very successful, and the bright benefits are always the most convincing, even though he didn't mention who was not here on the first day, but basically all the five thousand soldiers arrived on the second day.One by one, the men stood straight on the school field, their eyes fixed on the slightly thin figure standing on the high platform.

Although some people are far away and can only see a small black dot, this does not prevent them from expecting the county lieutenant to give them the replacement military salary, which is one stone of grain and two pennies of money.It can feed the family for a long time, which is better than selling the field and selling oneself as a tenant.

The wind in June is more and more gentle, and it blows on people's faces warmly, and there is an inexplicable drowsiness, which is probably the case for the so-called spring sleepiness and summer fatigue.Jiang Chengxiao turned his head and glanced at Nan Jiyun, who immediately understood and turned to leave.

After a while, Nan Jiyun brought a few school captains and tied up a few people to the high platform.Seeing this, the soldiers below suddenly became suspicious and whispered.Among the soldiers who were closer, someone recognized the identity of the kidnapped person. He was the former quartermaster of the government soldiers, or several school lieutenants in power.

"Do you officers and men know why the captain of this county tied them up?" Jiang Chengxiao picked up a simple homemade "broadcast tube" and shouted to the 5000 people below.Although it may not be possible for all the soldiers to hear it, it is enough to ensure that a small number of soldiers can hear it.

Through person-to-person transmission, the soldiers behind gradually heard the county lieutenant's question, but they all just put down their hoes and hatchets and came here to receive the reward. How could they know why the county lieutenant tied up the quartermaster and school lieutenant.

So, this group of simple men shook their heads honestly.

Some people don't know, some people naturally know.For example, the school lieutenant standing in the front row, when they saw the bound quartermaster and school lieutenant, they immediately understood that the new county lieutenant was cleaning up the government soldiers.

Jiang Chengxiao was not surprised by the reaction of the soldiers. He walked up to a quartermaster, pointed to the man's head and said, "This man's name is Han Tao, who used to be a quartermaster in the army, but the county captain found out that this person During his previous tenures, he embezzled 2000 taels of military pay, causing many brothers' military pay to be suppressed, and everyone had to leave the barracks in order to make a living, which led to the lack of military discipline in the Qi County government. This person must be a great harm!"

Hearing this, the soldiers below immediately stared at the quartermaster who was tied up with black eyes, wanting to tear him into pieces. He actually embezzled 2000 taels of silver. No wonder they didn't have a penny for the military pay during that time. .

"This grandson actually hacked so much money. What did you say in the first half of the time? The court must have allocated the military salary. It turned out that this grandson hacked."

"2000 taels of silver, how much food can this buy, give a certain tael of silver, and a certain baby will not starve to death. This bastard really deserves to be killed!"

As soon as they heard that the quartermaster had embezzled 2000 taels of silver, the 5000 people immediately started making noise.The school captains of each team immediately shouted angrily and ordered them to shut up and listen to the county captain.

The bound quartermaster's mouth was stuffed with a cotton cloth, and he could only make a "woo-woo" sound.They did get a little greedy, but it was only a small one. The big ones were taken away by the former county captain Song Jinwei. Where did they get the 2000 taels of silver? The new county captain is wronging them.But now no one listened to their explanation, and everyone stared at him angrily.

"Master Junwei, kill him!" Suddenly a man roared out among the soldiers.After the sound sounded, all the soldiers behind shouted.

Jiang Chengxiao suppressed his hands, and waited for a while for these angry soldiers to be restrained by the school captain, and the school grounds returned to silence.Jiang Chengxiao was not in a hurry, and said in a loud voice: "The army has its own military law. The quartermaster embezzled the soldiers' salaries and ordered them to beheaded in public! The rest of the colluding school lieutenants each have two hundred sticks!"

Hearing that the military staff was two hundred, the captains' faces immediately turned pale, and some of them fainted directly because of poor mental endurance.Not to mention two hundred army sticks, a hundred army sticks are fatal.The two hundred army sticks will not kill you but also make you crippled. Instead of suffering this kind of torture, it is better to hit it directly with a knife.

"I will execute the torture myself!" Jiang Chengxiao gave Nan Jiyun a look. The latter wanted to stop him, but seeing the master's expression was firm, he didn't say anything else. Owner.

The soldiers held their breath and watched the voice on the high platform.Hu Ergou was relatively far away, he only saw the county lieutenant seem to be waving a knife, and then there was a burst of cheers in front of him, and then the county lieutenant stood on the high platform, grabbed something in his hand, and held it up for them to see.

He didn't realize until the person in front spoke that it was the head of the quartermaster.Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen school lieutenants pressed the colluding school lieutenants and came among the soldiers.Not long after, there was a dull beating sound, accompanied by the screams of those people.

The soldiers gathered around and watched the captain execute the torture.At first they watched very enthusiastically, and from time to time, some people cheered loudly.But when the buttocks of those people were beaten to pieces and passed out, they suddenly fell silent.


A school lieutenant poured a ladle of water on the unconscious man's face to force him to wake up, and then the executioner raised the water and fire stick and hit the man again. By that time, the man was already dead.

The soldiers watching the play silently looked at the dead captains, and then watched their bodies being hung on the erected wooden frame.Like a chicken that has been plucked clean, the scene is very miserable.


The captains of each team received Jiang Chengxiao's order to line up the soldiers again.

Jiang Chengxiao's body was stained with blood, the color was very deep, it was almost impossible to see that it was red blood, but turned black.He raised his feet and walked to the edge of the high platform. The lieutenants and soldiers below subconsciously stopped breathing, quietly waiting for the county lieutenant to speak.What just happened was so impactful that those who violated military discipline are still hanging on the wooden frame.

Jiang Chengxiao's face was calm, and if he didn't look carefully, no one would see him pinching and snapping his knuckles.

"The captain of this county came to Qi County for two things. One is to thoroughly investigate Qi County's embezzlement of the imperial government's food relief, and arrest those evil officials who are fish and meat! I have almost done the first thing."

Jiang Chengxiao paused, "The second thing is to reorganize the government soldiers in Qi County. Do you know what kind of reorganization is the fastest and most effective?"

The chief soldiers shook their heads blankly.

"That's actual combat!" Jiang Chengxiao sternly said: "The governor of Donglai County sent news that today there is a group of bandits rampant in Donglai County. They robbed and killed the people and did all kinds of evil. The county captain plans to lead you to suppress the bandits. Would you like to?"

The soldiers looked at each other, and someone shouted: "Master Junwei, do you have any military pay?"

They think more realistically, there is no problem with military pay, if they go to war without military pay, everyone in the family will starve to death.

"Of course! Not only will you have military pay, but if you die, your family will receive pensions!" Jiang Chengxiao responded to him.

Pensions are generally not prepared for government soldiers, but for soldiers registered in the imperial army register, but this time, in order to unite people's hearts, he had to temporarily throw this out.

With that said, the soldiers naturally had no objections.There are military pay and pensions, if this is not obedient, I am afraid that I will have to hang on the wooden frame.

"Let's practice, the luggage will be in place in two days, and we will set off for Donglai County." Jiang Chengxiao gave an order to a school lieutenant.The lieutenant immediately nodded and called the other companions to organize the soldiers to start practicing.

Jiang Chengxiao returned to the main camp, took off the bloody clothes on his body, and changed into clean ordinary clothes.Nan Jiyun poured a copper basin of water for the master to wash his hands. He said worriedly: "Master, are these people really useful? Is it wrong to go to the battlefield after two or three days of practice?"

"Who is our enemy?" After Jiang Chengxiao washed his hands, he took the white cloth from another slave to dry his hands.


"Well." Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "It is said that they are mobs, but in fact they are just some ordinary people. The combat effectiveness of these government soldiers is definitely not as good as that of the twelve guards, but after all, they have been trained in the past, and they are well-equipped, young and strong, and they are used to More than enough to deal with mobs."

(End of this chapter)

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