Dajin royal family

Chapter 202 1 It is clear

Chapter 202 Everything is Clear

Hearing this kind of statement, Cui Yunxiang knew that he must have become suspicious, which was exactly what he wanted.

"What do you mean?" Cui Yunxiang pretended not to understand.

Jiang Chengxiao said unhurriedly: "Brother Cui, I'm not lying. More than half of the Qi County officials who were investigated this time are from Qinghe Cui's sect. Some bold people even dared to openly threaten the county during the interrogation of the county magistrate." Cheng, said that he is a disciple of the Qinghe Cui family, and that Mr. Cui is the master behind him. If brother Cui passes by, it will inevitably cause criticism."

What he said was half-truth and half-false, and Cui Yunxiang, who didn't understand the situation, frowned. Are those officials really such idiots?
"If that's the case, I'd better go over and see if it's the daring man of the fish and meat people who is using the name of his ancestor to misbehave. If things go on like this, my Qinghe Cui family's reputation will be ruined by these moths!" Cui Yunxiang cupped his hands , Righteous words, full of indignation on the face of young people who have not been beaten by society.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled lightly, his handsome face made people feel like spring breeze immediately, he smiled very carefully, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, there was a sincere light in his eyes, the muscles of his face were mobilized to the greatest extent, like an organic and complete whole.

"To tell you the truth, it's fine for me to listen to such paradoxes. Mr. Cui is highly respected, and no one in the government and the opposition will praise him. How could the disciples he taught be evil officials for the common people, but fame and fortune are too tempting. It is possible for these people to break away from the teachings of Elder Cui, and all changes in their minds."

To be honest, the smiling Prince Zhao is very contagious. If he hadn't always been wary of him, Cui Yunxiang would have believed him, and felt that he was very sincere and admired his grandfather very much.

"I also ask for your son's permission, Yu must find out which villain who pretends to be a disciple of the family ancestor is harming one side and ruining the reputation of the family ancestor."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengxiao walked a few steps in silence, and then sighed, "Forget it, brother Cui is Ruyi's brother-in-law after all, and he is close to me. Your request is reasonable. Besides, I also hope that those who will ruin the reputation of Mr. Cui villains can reveal their true colors."

"Then thank you, son, and ask him to lead the way tomorrow." A stone fell in Cui Yunxiang's heart, as long as he could be dragged by his side, when Zheng Ruyi arrived, he was confident that he could keep him.

The sky suddenly exploded with thunder, and the people in Licheng looked up one after another, and then everyone hurried away, which was a sign of heavy rain.

Jiang Chengxiao watched Cui Yunxiang leave, something flickered in his eyes, he always felt that the purpose of Cui Yunxiang looking for him was not for the officials of Qi County.If he was doing it for the affairs of Qi County, the two of them should have had a preliminary exchange of views today.

But no, even tested each other several times, neither of them took the initiative to mention the disposal of these officials.

So, what exactly does Cui Yunxiang want to do?
"Master, Brother Shenju is here." Nan Jiyun said from the side.

Not far away, a person came quickly on a horse, and after a while, he got off the horse and walked to Jiang Chengxiao's side, knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands and said, "Master, I have found out, the person Ge Huan met in private a few days ago He is a descendant of the Qinghe Cui family, and through Ge Huan's concubine, I found out that Ge Huan called that person Cui Yunxiang."

Jiang Chengxiao squinted his eyes, his face was still calm, he was thinking about one thing.Ge Huan also came to look for him a few days ago, just to let him enter the county office to deal with matters.At that time, he was skeptical, because he didn't think Ge Huan was a person who would give in easily.

If you use a metaphor, Ge Huan is that kind of old man.Regardless of his softness now, once he finds an effective means to fight back, he will definitely fight back without hesitation. All in all, he is a fox who can pretend.

Combined with the fact that Cui Yunxiang approached him just now, he suspects that the two people should have a secret conspiracy, but it is temporarily impossible to guess what the conspiracy is.

"anything else?"

Seeing that the master's expression didn't change, Shenju thought that the news was useless to the master, so he hurriedly said: "The subordinates sent people to follow Cui Yunxiang, and found that he had sent three groups of people into Beihai County. All three groups of people rode fast horses , The speed is very fast, the subordinate ordered privately to have one of them intercepted and got this letter."

Shenju took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to the master.After Jiang Chengxiao took the letter, he went on to say: "The subordinates pressed that person, but did not get any useful information. He said that Cui Yunxiang just asked him to send the letter to a place called Moushan. The subordinates checked it out. , this is a mountain in Dongnai County, near Muping County."

After a pause, Shenju said solemnly: "Just now, the people sent by my subordinates to Donglai County rushed back and told me that about [-] mobs gathered in Moushan."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengxiao's eyelids twitched, suppressing the shock of guessing in his heart, he slowly opened the letter in his hand, and there was a sentence of cipher text written on it.

The so-called ciphertext is a kind of encrypted text, and its concrete expression is a kind of symbol.The ciphertext looks like orthodox circulating text, but its meaning is quite different. It often takes one or two sentences to express the meaning expressed by one or two symbols.

The cipher texts have been handed down since ancient times, and it is impossible to investigate who exactly came from them, but one thing is clear, there are only two kinds of people who master the cipher texts, the royal family and the aristocratic family.In other words, ciphertext is a text that can only be mastered by nobles.

But in the Jin Dynasty, the situation changed slightly, that is, after the end of the Han Dynasty, there were constant wars, and the fighting had been going on for hundreds of years, and the fighting was messy, until finally the Jiang family, who was born as a warlord, took over the world.The Jiang family is not the kind of family that has been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years.This kind of ciphertext, which could only be mastered by the royal family, was used by the former emperor as a secret language in the army. Generals with higher ranks can basically understand one or two ciphertexts.

However, that is only one or two, because there are too many, not only the generals do not know, but not many people in the royal family know.

It is precisely because of this that many aristocratic families now have the cipher texts that have lost the monopoly of the royal family, but it is just a matter of how many they have.

This kind of writing is too incomplete and will gradually disappear with the passage of time.

The ciphertext in Jiang Chengxiao's hand has only two symbols, but he just knows it, because Zhao Wang once taught him, the meaning expressed is very simple: retreat immediately.

Purple light flashed in the sky, followed by "rumbling" thunder.

The heavy rain poured down, and the raindrops hit the ground and burst.

Jiang Chengxiao tore up the letter expressionlessly. He tore it very slowly, very methodically, and very rhythmically.Under the cover of thunder and lightning, the sound of paper being torn was like the cry of ants.


Spread your palms, the strong wind blows away the debris and flies all over the sky in the heavy rain.

Jiang Chengxiao let out a sigh of relief, his temple hair fluttering with the wind.

Are the Cui family crazy? How could they have anything to do with the mob?He finally understood why Cui Yunxiang and Ge Huan wanted to see him. Their purpose was to stay in Qi County, report to the person in Donglai County, and let him leave early.

If that person wasn't doing something that is not known to others, Cui Yunxiang would have to do everything possible to plan, even the officials of Qi County didn't care whether they lived or died.

What's more, such a ciphertext was used, that person is either a child of the Cui family, or someone who has a close relationship with the Cui family.At the same time, that person is also involved with the mob, and it is even possible
"It's troublesome." Jiang Chengxiao murmured.

Combining the known information, he is now very sure that the mob incident has something to do with the Cui family, and now there is an important person in the Cui family hiding in Dongnae County or Mou Mountain.

What should he do, pretend he doesn't know, and wait until that person escapes from Donglai County?

"Have you found out who the leader of the mob is?" Jiang Chengxiao asked.

Shenju shook his head, "No, according to the people who came back, that person claimed to be a Bodhisattva sitting down to protect the Dharma King, and founded the Bodhisattva worship religion. All the mobs are called Supreme believers. That Dharma Protector claims to be the Supreme True King."

"The Supreme True King?"

Jiang Chengxiao grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer, just now he was still hesitating whether to go to Donglai County, but now he has made up his mind.

He wants to destroy that cult with his own hands!

(End of this chapter)

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