Dajin royal family

Chapter 204 Mr. Cui

Chapter 204 Mr. Cui

"Mount Mountain is located in the southeast of Muping County, more than ten miles away from Muping County. That area is also the place where the mob gathered the most. Due to the snow disaster, the disaster relief was not in place, and many mobs took this opportunity to go to the area. Burning and looting."

Fan Shang, the governor of Donglai County, had a bitter face, and continued to Jiang Chengxiao, the county lieutenant who came from Qi County: "Speaking of which, it is also my negligence. If I could get more food in Qi County that day, those people would not have met become like this."

Jiang Chengxiao stood in front of the map of Dongnae County, thinking about the next countermeasures.They arrived yesterday in Zhiye County, Donglai County, and met the sheriff.

"Why didn't you suppress it immediately after knowing these things?" Jiang Chengxiao asked.

Fan Shang sighed: "The county captain didn't know something. At that time, there were a large number of refugees in all the counties under the jurisdiction of Donglai County. The number of people reached tens of thousands. I thought that as long as there was food, I would be able to stabilize these refugees. , but I didn’t expect to find out when I went to Qi County that the food had already been divided by other counties, how could I stabilize the people’s hearts if I came back with such a little food.”

"Afterwards, the situation improved. All the big families in the counties contributed funds and efforts to temporarily stabilize the refugees, but they did not expect that one of the refugees did not come back, but instead gathered in the Mushan area to make trouble. You also know the situation at that time. There were no people and no food. If there is no food, I can only report this matter to His Majesty and ask His Majesty to send someone to solve it."

"How many mobs are there in Mushan now?"

Fan Shang thought for a while, "After our many food reliefs, we persuaded many people from Mu Shan to return, and there are about 3 to [-] people now."

"I didn't expect that the local big family would have such a mind for the country and the people. It's really worthy of praise." Jiang Chengxiao turned around and said.

Fan Shang nodded and said with emotion: "To tell you the truth, if there is no assistance from various families this time, the situation in Donglai County may be even worse."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and said: "In this case, those people who have been hiding in Mushan without listening to the advice must have rebelled."

Fan Shang paused slightly, and sighed: "It is precisely because of this that the county lieutenant is needed here."

To be honest, he didn't quite understand the thoughts of those people, why they still wanted to make trouble even though they had already provided them with food relief.

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and told a lieutenant in the army: "Send down the order, the whole army will rest overnight, and set off for Mount Mou tomorrow."

"Yes." The soldiers took the order and left.

At this moment, an official walked up to Fan Shang, bowed and said, "My lord, the banquet is ready."

Fan Shang nodded, and said to Jiang Chengxiao: "Jiang Junwei, the old man has prepared a banquet, and I invite the county captain to attend."

Jiang Chengxiao shook his head, "Thank you, Lord Fan, for your kindness, but I feel uneasy if the mob is not eliminated for a day. Wait for the matter of the mob to be resolved, and then I will have a few drinks with Lord Fan."

"Lieutenant Jiang cares about the common people, so I won't force it. I am here to wait for good news from the captain." Fan Shang cupped his hands.

Watching Fan Shang leave, Jiang Chengxiao winked at Nan Jiyun, who immediately followed out knowingly.

At this moment, only Jiang Chengxiao and Fang Xuanzao were left in the room.

"What do you think of Xuanzao?" Jiang Chengxiao lightly tapped the Kanyu map and asked.

Fang Xuanzao bowed slightly, and said, "The Luxiang County and Jiaoshui County that we passed along the way were not like what Master Fan said."

"It's better for Xuanzao to observe carefully." Jiang Chengxiao smiled lightly, "It seems that the situation here must be more complicated than we expected."

Fang Xuanzao nodded and said: "That's right, if the big households here really contribute their money, how could there be [-] people gathered in Mushan to make trouble? "

Before he finished speaking, he just made a subtle gesture to Jiang Chengxiao.

Jiang Chengxiao stretched out his hand to signal that he understood, and immediately said: "You are right, if this matter is not resolved, I will not be able to send troops casually."

"Hehe, I'm actually quite curious about what Master Fan is looking for?" Fang Xuanzao said calmly, "If it is said that Ge Huan is for fame and fortune, for the Cui family, then what about Master Fan? His purpose what is it then?"

Jiang Chengxiao was silent, he didn't know why Fan Shang was doing it, but he was very clear about the affairs between the Cui family and Donglai County.

Mu Shan.

A middle-aged man in a gray robe was sitting on a rock in the mountain. He looked at the mountain road below and wondered what he was thinking.After a long time, when he raised his head, it was a face covered with knife marks. "Hideous" and "unrecognizable" may be the descriptions of this middle-aged man.

A man guarding beside him also sighed when he saw the scar on the middle-aged man's face, thinking that this Mr. Cui is also a real ruthless person.

"Song Jingang went down the mountain again today?" Mr. Cui asked hoarsely.

The guard nodded, "Yes, the real king said that there is not enough food left in the mountain, and he needs to go down the mountain to get some."

Mr. Cui chuckled, "Why is there not enough surplus food? There are a total of 2000 people on this mountain. How much food can they need? Song Jingang can't control his lower body."

The guard paused, and then laughed, "Since Mr. Cui knows, why do you ask me?"

Mr. Cui chuckled, and was just about to sneer, but he didn't want two men rushing up the mountain road, one of them was his guard, and his face changed when he saw the other.

Two men stepped forward and slightly bowed their hands to Mr. Cui. One of the men took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Mr. Cui with both hands.

After receiving the letter, Mr. Cui didn't open it immediately, and asked, "What else did your husband say?"

"It's Jiang Chengxiao." The man said.

Jiang Chengxiao?
Mr. Cui's face changed, he seemed to have heard this name before.After thinking for a while, he finally remembered that the generation prince who entered Qi County last year to recall the lord was not called Jiang Chengxiao.He still remembered that at that time he suggested that the lord directly killed him and blamed Chang'an, but later this kid seemed to have hijacked the lord's heir and escaped.

So it was him, Hunjun actually sent a yellow-mouthed kid over?
"How many troops did he bring? How is the equipment?"

The man who sent the letter said: "Five thousand soldiers from Qi County, complete with armor, bows and arrows."

"What about the food and grass?"

"I don't know about this. I didn't find out about this when Lang Jun sent me here. But that person has thoroughly investigated the corrupt officials in Qi County this time, so there must be a lot of food and grass."

When he heard the word 'thorough investigation', Cui Qi was stunned for a moment, then he sighed inexplicably, secretly thinking, adding this time, Qi County might not be able to be controlled by the Cui family in the future.

"Go back and tell your master, I will be careful." Cui Qi ordered lightly.

"Yes." The man who delivered the letter slightly cupped his hands, and then quickly left under the leadership of the guards.

Cui Qi opened the letter, read the cipher text on it, then took out the fire folder from his bosom, and burned it up.After doing all this, Cui Qi touched the criss-crossing scars on his face, and said, "Abao, the imperial court sent people to exterminate us."

The guard, A Bao, said indifferently, "Is there any difference in what Mr. Cui said now? We are the ones who are going to die, but we are lucky to continue to live for more than a year. It makes no difference whether the imperial court sends someone or not."

Cui Qi looked inexplicably sad, Abao was right, the imperial court sent people or not, they died or not, what is the relationship between the two.

The lord is gone, and they are also "dead people" registered by the court. Even if they survive, they can only stay in this place far away from the Central Plains for the rest of their lives.

"However, killing two more eagle dogs of the imperial court before death can also be worthy of the master's kindness." A Bao said again.

Cui Qi was slightly taken aback, and then smiled wryly: "You, you really can figure it out. But this matter doesn't have to be a fight to the death, there is still room for reversal. Whether it is for the prince or us. "

"What leeway?" Ah Bao didn't understand. The imperial court knew about them, they would definitely die, and they would even implicate their family and relatives. How could they have leeway.

Cui Qi chuckled, got up slowly and walked slowly up the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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