Dajin royal family

Chapter 218 Cui Qi's Cooperation

Chapter 218 Cui Qi's Cooperation

Hearing the sound of Cui Yunxiang being tortured to death, there are only two possibilities for Cui Qi to fall asleep.One is that he feels that someone outside will rescue him, and he is not worried that the same torture will be inflicted on him.The other is the kind that doesn't matter, doesn't care, and ignores life and death.

Either of these two situations is not conducive to his subsequent interrogation. Although Shen Guang didn't think Qinghe Cui would help a rebellious family member, but the current situation is a bit unexpected to him .

But after thinking about it, it seems that it can be explained. This guy has been very calm since he was caught, not at all like Cui Yunxiang.After Cui Yunxiang was caught, he either threatened, begged for mercy, or swore poisonous oaths and so on.

On the other hand, Cui Qi acted like he was not a prisoner.

"Mr. Cui, it's time to get up and talk." Shen Guang leaned against the cell door and called out to the sleeping Cui Qi.

When the voice fell, there was a sound of chains in the corner first, and then Cui Qi's voice; "Is the cloud elephant dead?"

Shen Guang was taken aback by this question, he thought that Cui Qi's first sentence should be something like "Is it my turn at last", but he didn't expect that he would care about that spineless nephew.

"No." Shen Guang said.

Cui Qi nodded, and stood up slowly, "That's right, Yun Xiang should not die until all the interests of the Cui family are squeezed out. But speaking of it, I am not optimistic about Yun Xiang, even though he is also a direct descendant. , but in the final analysis, the Cui family will not be able to do without him, just as the Cui family will not be able to do without me."

"Yun Xiang failed this time. Maybe after the news gets back to Cui's family, the head of the family may directly expel him from the Cui family. So, General Shen must be prepared to miss out."

Shen Guang raised his eyebrows, "What should I say, I appreciate Mr. Cui's calmness in times of crisis? Or maybe what Mr. Cui said just now is to show me that Cui Yunxiang and you are actually abandoned sons of the Cui family. There is not much value on your body. And then give you two a happy time, so that you can get what you want and go on the road?"

"It doesn't matter if General Shen is willing to think so." Cui Qi leaned on the cold prison rock, seeming to say with emotion: "Actually, General Shen himself should know that there is no news from the Cui family at this time. Nine inseparables have become abandoned children."

This statement is not entirely groundless, the affairs of Qi County, including the news of Cui Yunxiang's arrest should have reached Qinghe Cui's ears long ago, but at this time they have no reaction at all, so it can only mean that Cui Yunxiang and Cui Qi have been abandoned.

Shen Guang pondered for a while, and then said: "Mr. Cui is worthy of being the king of Han's conspirator, and his level of speaking is indeed much higher than that of Cui Yunxiang. Since this is the case, I will not engage in such nonsense. The only thing is, is Mr. Cui willing to cooperate. "

"If I'm willing to cooperate, will you give me a good time?" Cui Qi asked back.

"That depends on how sincere Mr. Cui is in cooperating?"

Hearing this, Cui Qi nodded slightly, sat cross-legged on the ground, raised his head and leaned against the cold wall, "General Shen can ask, I know I will tell you everything. The King of Han is gone, so there is no need for Cui Qi to exist." Furthermore, do I need to continue to hide something when I have nothing, maybe it is a good choice to use this news for my own happiness, it is much better than revealing the original truth after all the torture.”

"Mr. Cui is indeed a smart man." Shen Guang was very satisfied with Cui Qi's frankness.

Cui Qi chuckled and didn't answer, just closed his eyes and waited for Shen Guang's interrogation.

"Why did you choose to hide in Donglai County after you escaped? Or, compared to the Central Plains, aren't overseas, grasslands, Lingnan and other places safer?"

The corner of Cui Qi's mouth curled into a smile, "General Shen is a good question, so let me talk about it. At first I didn't plan to be alive, I just tried to see if I could escape, but the result is." Cui Qi paused for a moment, and pointed to the scars on his face, "These are the sequelae of trying to break out. But it's not just that I suffered these injuries in vain, because during the process of breaking out, I found someone else was breaking out, and followed He and I escaped smoothly."

"who's that person?"

"He is also the mastermind of the King of Han, and at the same time my deadly enemy, Wang Xi." Cui Qi seemed to see Wang Xi's face in front of him, no matter how long it had passed, when he thought of that person again, he still couldn't help wanting to swallow him alive Woolen cloth.

Shen Guang's face darkened, "Mr. Cui, my patience is limited, please don't make up things. I have never kept my promises, and Cui Yunxiang's punishment is only [-]% of the [-]% I have in my hands."

Cui Qi said indifferently: "Don't worry about General Shen, just listen to me and tell you slowly. I know that General Shen must be blaming me for deceiving you. After all, didn't Wang Xi surrender and was killed by Yu Wenshu? How could that be possible?" Breakthrough."

Shen Guang did not speak, quietly waiting for the next sentence.

Cui Qi continued: "I don't know if you killed Wang Xi himself, but I did break out with Wang Xi at that time. After we broke out of the encirclement, we went all the way north. At that time, I was seriously injured and could not ride a horse. Wang Xi was on the way. I was thrown into the river. I don’t know where he went after that, but I survived. Hehe, Wang Xi probably wouldn’t have thought that he didn’t die after being thrown into the river, but was finally caught by the court. , and finally exposed the fact that he is still alive."

"So, Wang Xi is still alive." Shen Guang narrowed his eyes.

"Well, he should be alive, but I don't know where he went." Cui Qi said.

Shen Guang said: "Continue with the previous question."

"Well, it's actually nothing, because the person who rescued me at the time was Song Jingang, the King of Han's personal soldier. That is, the Supreme True King. At that time, I was seriously injured and unable to move, so Song Jingang took me to Donglai County to seek refuge. Fan Shang, I thought about leaving Dongnae County when I was about the same level of physical cultivation, but last year there was a snowstorm, so I had no choice but to stay there."

"You will know what happened later. Song Jingang couldn't bear his temper, and took advantage of the opportunity of the generation of officials in Qingzhou to embezzle the relief food, and gathered a lot of mobs to rebel. At that time, I persuaded him to go to an overseas island and hide temporarily. Come back when the wind blows over here."

"As a result, you have seen it too. Sure enough, rebelling with a brainless ram is just asking for death."

"Song Jingang is still alive." Shen Guang said.He remembered that Prince Zhao had told him that he hadn't caught the thief.

Cui Qi said: "If you didn't kill him, then it's possible that Tanhuo is still alive, he may have gone to an overseas island, or he may be hiding in a mountain depression somewhere, it's all possible."

"When did Cui Yunxiang start contacting you, and what conspiracy did you have with the Cui family before?" Shen Guang asked.

"When did the contact should be when the snow disaster happened. At that time, I sent someone to contact Yunxiang. I wanted to leave Dongnai County, but then the Cui family sent me a letter, asking me to stay in Dongnai County and ask them to do something. .”

"whats the matter?"

Cui Qi chuckled, "Actually, it's not a big deal. They want me to secretly control the salt fields in Donglai County and sell private salt."


"Why I can't answer this question for you. In fact, I have also wondered before. The Qinghe Cui family may not be as rich as the Wenxi Pei family, the Xingyang Zheng family, and the Taiyuan Wang family, but they should not be sent there. , I don’t really understand why they want to seek profit from Qingyan.”

"Perhaps, greed can explain it." Cui Qi said indifferently.

Shen Guang frowned, and continued: "Cui Yunxiang followed Prince Zhao to see you this time, what is the reason?"

"He, it should be to confirm whether I have been caught. Well, it is really a headache to talk about this. After all, the inner guard is still very good. It is really not a little bit of loopholes for people to take advantage of."

"Back to the previous question, why did the Cui family want you to secretly sell private salt for money?"

"Well, to be honest, I really don't know about this. It seems that Yunxiang told me that without the Yantian in Qingzhou, the status of the Cui family in the East Palace would have dropped a lot. Maybe this is the reason, and I don't know about the others." After trying hard to recall, Cui Qi said calmly.

After hearing 'Eastern Palace', Shen Guang's face suddenly changed drastically, and then he forced himself to calm down.

"As for the Cui family, Mr. Cui will try harder to think back." Shen Guang was very satisfied with Cui Qi's cooperation, and his tone could not help slowing down, "If Mr. Cui can continue to show such sincerity, I may consider giving Mr. Leave it to the whole body."

"That's really thanks to General Shen." Cui Qi didn't show any joy on his face, "About the Cui family, I actually contacted through Yunxiang, and I don't know much about other things. Think about it carefully, maybe the Cui family It is also expected that today's situation, they may be able to completely remove themselves."

(End of this chapter)

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