Chapter 227
In Changsun Qingyi's food box, there are two vegetarian meals, one cup of ginseng soup, and one bowl of meat porridge.Among them, the vegetarian meal is mainly green vegetables and pickled vegetables, and the two are mixed together for a harmonious taste. The main ingredient of the ginseng soup is chicken, but because the imperial doctor told her son not to eat greasy, it is a part of the diluted soup, and the meat porridge is shredded pork Porridge.

"It's been a long time, you bothered."

Jiang Chengxiao took a sip of meat porridge with pickles, and then drank some ginseng soup.Immediately praised: "Madam's cooking is getting better and better, and the taste is not much better than that of the royal chef in the palace."

The hard work was affirmed, and Changsun Qingyi felt sweet in her heart, "As long as the husband can take care of himself, the concubine is willing to prepare meals for the husband every day. The husband has to agree to the concubine, and I will not allow myself to be hurt like this in the future. The concubine feels distressed."

Jiang Chengxiao smiled slightly, put down the chopsticks in his hand, swallowed the food in his mouth, and said: "This time I come back from Qingzhou, I am afraid that the ministers of the court will no longer be able to treat me as nothing, and the road ahead may be difficult. gone."

The candle is lightly lit, and the beautiful woman is by his side, but the handsome young man's brows are full of sadness.Changsun Qingyi said: "Why did my husband say that? In the past, as far as my husband and the court are concerned, who would dare to belittle the ministers?"

An angry horse in fresh clothes, a wanton young man, a nobleman in Chang'an, like a bright pearl.Among the children of the second-generation dignitaries, her husband was the first to stand out, so she didn't agree with her words now.The sons of the Liang family in Chang'an mentioned her eldest grandson Qingyi all secretly envious, married for only a year, and they were ordered by the third rank.

The husband is even a leader in the clan, the only son of King Zhao, talented in both literature and martial arts, and won the trust of His Majesty.A song "Moonlight Night on the Spring River" is famous in Wenlin, and Lou Fanguan is famous all over the world for guarding the brutal Turks alone. Today, he is even praised as the champion of Jin Dynasty.

With such a status and such an achievement, who dares to be negligent?

"You guessed my meaning wrong." Jiang Chengxiao chuckled, "This time I went to Qingzhou to purge Qingzhou officials, but in fact I suppressed the mob in Donglai County. In the process, I discovered Qinghe Cui's secret and conspiracy. The leaders of the mob have made connections, and one of them is the mastermind of the former King of Han."

"This time, His Majesty and the inner guards have already captured the two of them. I am afraid that the sentence will be pronounced soon. At that time, it is not only these two who will be implicated. The Qinghe Cui family behind them and even more aristocratic families will secretly mediate."

Changsun Qingyi was secretly startled, she didn't expect her husband to fall into such a situation unknowingly, she pondered a little, and said: "My concubine's superficial opinion, my husband is worried that he will offend Qinghe Cui's family, and then stand on the sidelines of the whole family." Opposite the Shandong gentry?"

"Oh, you still know this?" Jiang Chengxiao was slightly surprised, he knew his wife was smart, but he didn't expect her to guess this.

"My husband doesn't know, these days Auntie took her concubine to attend many noble ladies' concerts, and you can see many women from Shandong's rich family."

The so-called Lehui is actually a gathering of a group of noble, wealthy and status women.In the name of enjoying dance and music, they compare each other and gossip about Chang'an.Generally speaking, such gatherings are also divided into grades, just like when Jiang Chengxiao and other dignitaries hunted.

The concerts attended by the Zheng family, like Princess Zhao, were naturally of the highest standard. The women who participated were either from the direct descendants of the noble families in Shandong, or their husbands had high positions in the court.

"As a husband, I want to hear Madam's opinion." Jiang Chengxiao said with a smile.

Since it was her husband who brought it up on her own initiative, she naturally wouldn't twitch, and said slowly: "Just as what my husband said, it was the Cui family who took the initiative to associate with the mob, and it wasn't the husband who framed them. Or if the Shandong gentry blamed the matter on the husband, it would appear that they are ignorant."

Jiang Chengxiao laughed, and kissed his wife again regardless of the greasy lips that had just finished drinking the ginseng soup.Changsun Qingyi looked bitter and said: "My good husband, let me spare my body. The imperial doctor can tell you that you must not have sex before your body recovers. Otherwise, the wound will burst, and my body will not be able to atone for my sin with a hundred deaths."

"I really miss my wife after a few months." Jiang Chengxiao teased.

Eldest Sun Qingyi pouted, trying to coax her like a child: "Husband, please bear with me. After my husband recovers, I will take good care of my husband."

It's not like he was in a state of appetite, but he was just happy because of what his wife said.It's just that the expression was straightforward, which made my wife misunderstand.

Jiang Chengxiao took her hand, and said earnestly: "As Madam said, the Shandong gentry will not ignorantly shift the responsibility on me this time, but after this incident, someone in the court will definitely notice me. In the future, Madam, whether it is Whether you make friends or go out, you have to be careful."

It turned out that the husband said so much for her sake, Changsun Qingyi nodded, "Well, don't worry, husband, I understand the pros and cons."

Half an hour later, Jiang Chengxiao had his meal, and Changsun Qingyi helped him clean his face and wash his hands, and then they both embraced and fell asleep.Originally, Jiang Chengxiao planned to take a closer look at the information sent by Fang Er, learn about the important affairs of the court, and see if he could find anything, but he couldn't bear his wife to worry about his body all the time, so he fell asleep early.

The candle flames were gradually extinguished, and faint voices could be heard in the darkness.

"It smells so good, ma'am, what kind of spices are you using?"

"I don't use spices on my body."

"Then why does my husband find it so sweet?"

"Ah! Husband really hates it to death, and is ashamed to death."

The so-called summer days are long and nights are short, but this statement does not apply in Chang'an City, especially on such days, basically there are a few smart people at home, they will sit cross-legged on the ground, 'gazing at the stars at night'.

Most of them don't really understand Qimen's gossip and astronomical predictions. After all, that kind of work is done by Qin Tianjian. The main reason why they watch the stars is that they can't sleep!

That's right, I look at the stars because I can't sleep.Among them were Pei Ju, Duke of Wenxi County, and Pei Yun, minister of the Ministry of Industry.

They were very clear about what happened in Chang'an City recently, and it was precisely because of this that Pei Ju couldn't sleep.Because he feels ignorance as well as fear, both based on his predictions about the current state of affairs.

But this time it wasn't just the two of them looking at the stars, but also Pei Yuanyan who was sitting with them.

On a small three-story attic in the county mansion, Pei Ju, Pei Yun, and Pei Yuanyan sat kneeling in three directions facing each other. In the middle was a table with some pastries and tea on it.

Pei Yuanyan was a little nervous, it was the first time he faced the two grandfathers directly like this.After returning from the palace, they were called over by the Patriarch of the next court, and then the two of them waited for a while to wait for Pei Yun.

"Yuan Yan, if you're hungry, eat cakes to pad your stomach. The night is long, and we have the patience to listen to you." Pei Ju said with a smile, his tone was very slow and calm, which made people feel good.Feeling sorry for his grandson like a real grandfather, even though Pei Yuanyan didn't come from Pei Ju's room.

Recently, because of the canal, the Ministry of Industry has been very busy, and even Pei Yun has been delayed for several days in a row. In addition to the affairs in the court, this really makes Pei Yun feel a little anxious. "Yuan Yan, eat first if you're hungry, there's only the three of us here, so don't worry about those red tapes." Pei Yun also said with a smile.

Dare to eat?
Pei Yuanyan really didn't dare, even though the two grandfathers were very approachable at the moment, he still didn't dare, no one else, only Lier.When he was a child, he suffered from hyperactivity when he practiced martial arts, but he was frightened by the master of ethnology.

"Let's talk about business first, grandson is not hungry." Pei Yuanyan swallowed, forcing himself not to look at the food on the table.

Seeing this, Pei Ju secretly laughed, this grandson was still a little distant from them.However, he also knew that this could not be changed overnight, so he did not correct it immediately, but said with a smile: "Please tell me in detail what Zhao Wangshizi did in Qingzhou, and don't miss anything, understand?"

Pei Yuanyan nodded, and began to tell what happened after Jiang Chengxiao left Chang'an.In fact, after the whole narration, Pei Yuanyan's words actually had a gap.This fault is how Jiang Chengxiao entered Qi County after breaking up with them, how he quickly caught a group of corrupt officials, and how he discovered that Fan Shang was an internal response.Pei Yuanyan actually didn't know any of this.

Therefore, when referring to the investigation of Qi County and the suppression of the mob by means of thunder, Pei Yuanyan just passed it by. Information, he does not know.

But he was by Jiang Chengxiao's side after all, so he naturally knew more details than others.For example, Cui Yunxiang actually went to Donglai County with Zheng Ruyi, and Cui Qi was caught by the inner guard in Cui Yunxiang's room.When Cui Qi was caught, Jiang Chengxiao didn't know it.

"After dealing with the matter in Donglai County, we returned to Qi County. At that time, the county governor Ge Huan was arrested because of a crime. My lord handles government affairs, but I don't know how to make a living, so I ask my son to let me go to the military camp to train soldiers."

Pei Yuanyan finished the matter in an orderly manner, pursed his chapped lips, and the corner of his eyes fell on the teacup on the desk.

I really want to drink water!

he thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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