Dajin royal family

Chapter 230 Killing Yourself

Chapter 230 Killing Yourself

Jiang Chengxiao put down the green pen in his hand, looked calmly at Mei San who was kneeling below, there was no fluctuation in his tone, as if he didn't care about the murderer's escape.

Mei San swallowed her saliva, nodded bravely, "Master, forgive me, when we traced the murderer, we found that there was another force chasing the murderer, and the other party should be Imakami's inner guard."

The first time he was transferred back from the outside to help the master on an errand ended in failure, which made him very embarrassed.

The study room fell silent, Zu Yan, Nan Jiyun, and Kuai Siyu all looked at Mei San below with no expression on their faces.

"It's okay."

Jiang Chengxiao raised his pen again, "Your choice is right, there is no need to expose you for a murderer."

This is Guanzhong, the emperor's base camp. It would be intolerable for him to let the emperor know that there is still a force outside.Although Jiang Chengxiao really wanted to catch the murderer, but for the murderer to expose himself, the loss outweighed the gain.

Mei San's face changed, and then she stretched out her palm to cover the ground, clenched her other hand into a fist, and smashed it with a "touch".

Accompanied by the sound was the sound of bones breaking.

"Subordinates are incompetent!"

Jiang Chengxiao glanced at Mei San indifferently, and ordered: "Go back for treatment, your hands are still useful, don't let me down next time."

"Thank you, master."

Mei San got up and left the study under the leadership of Zu Yan.

Looking at the master's back, Nan Jiyun said, "Master, do you want to use our spies in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice?"

"No, now is not the time."

Jiang Chengxiao picked up the white paper on the table and laid it flat, picked up a pen and wrote "Cui's family", "Eastern Palace", "Lu's family" and "Gao Xun" on the paper, and then drew a circle to surround the words together.

Before he came back, his news was very closed. After he came back, combined with the news from Fang Er, he now has some clues.

This time, because of the canal, anyone with insight in the court could see that Gao Xun had mixed up with the Lu family.What is the relationship between the prince and Gao Xun? On this basis, it is clear at a glance whose dog the Lu family belongs to.

But what people didn't expect was that this time the Cui family also firmly stood on Gao Xun's side. Combined with the death of Cui Zifu, Jiang Chengxiao basically understood that the Cui family also belonged to the prince.

At this point, Jiang Chengxiao had to admit that the prince, a humble guy, was so powerful that he could win over two families while nestling in the East Palace.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that Gao Xun is the matchmaker.

At that time, after the sacrificial ceremony incident broke out, he neglected one point, that is, why Cui Zifu and Cui Xingshan of the Ministry of Rites helped the prince, and now thinking of this point, it can be explained.

The Cui family of Qinghe has long belonged to the prince!

In this way, he tracked down Qi County and found Cui Qi in Donglai County. Could it be that the person who assassinated him was the crown prince?

Because he hit the Cui family, from another level, he hit the prince's power.

However, would Prince Yi really do this?

It was hard for Jiang Chengxiao to believe it, because before he was assassinated, Cui Qi and Cui Yunxiang had already been arrested by the inner guards and brought into the Ministry of Punishment. It is impossible for the crown prince not to know the news.Prince Ephemeral's mind will not fail to think of the current situation.

The emperor probably already knew that the Cui family was connected with him. If he wanted to assassinate Jiang Chengxiao on this basis, then he would not be smart, but court death himself.

Moreover, there is no benefit in courting death. The evidence is all in the hands of the emperor. What is the use of assassinating him at this time?

Attacked the Cui family because of hating him?
Because he blamed him for discovering the rebellious Cui Qi?

No, the prince is not that stupid!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chengxiao wrote 'King Qi' on the other side.

He actually didn't have much appetite when he saw King Qi, because this guy was far inferior to the prince, although he was very prestigious in the court because of the emperor's preference.

But that's just rootless cotton wool, without the emperor he is nothing.Although the crown prince is not valued by the emperor because of his body, his crown princess is the daughter of the Gao family in Bohai, with Gao Xun as her back, the Lu family, and the Cui family, which is not comparable to King Qi.

And according to past experience, this King Qi is actually just a prince who was 'raised in the hands of a woman in the deep palace', and it is really difficult to wait for the elegant court.

In front of his elder brother, has this king of Qi ever won?

However, the possibility of King Qi assassinating him cannot be ruled out, because when he is assassinated, everyone will think of the Cui family, and then the prince behind him. Once the prince is suppressed, it will be King Qi who will directly benefit.

Based on this, Jiang Chengxiao wrote "Guanzhong" and "Shandong" again.In his opinion, these two forces are unlikely to take action. Needless to say, Shandong, they will not add fuel to the fire at this time.

As for the nobles in Guanzhong, they have been honest for a long time. Since the forced relocation of 50 tenants in Guanzhong, the nobles in Guanzhong have basically never sang against the emperor in the court.

However, dogs that can bite never bark, and it is not ruled out that they may intervene and stir up the water.

After crossing out 'Shandong', his eyes fell on the three words 'Eastern Palace', 'King of Qi' and 'Guanzhong'.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, he felt that he seemed to have missed something.

what is it?

According to the current situation, it is obvious that King Qi is the most likely to attack. This is a good opportunity to frame the prince.

But he always felt that King Qi could not do such a thing, not because of King Qi's character, but because King Qi had never made him afraid.

Did he really underestimate King Qi?
No, no, there must be something else that I didn't think of.

what is it?

"Hey, if Xuanzao is here, he can give me some advice."

Jiang Chengxiao leaned sideways on the wood, because he was recuperating at home, he didn't wear a jade crown with hair tied up, his black hair fell like a waterfall on his shoulders, and his body was long and straight.

Whoever sees it can't help but praise him as 'handsome man'.

After listening to the master's self-talk, Nan Jiyun and Kuai Siyu lowered their heads in shame. They really couldn't help the master in terms of strategy.

At this moment, Zu Yan who sent Mei San away came back.

But Zu Yan was in a bit of a panic, her body was wet.

"What's the matter, someone saw me when I sent Mei San off?" Jiang Chengxiao frowned.

Although Langya County Mansion is his own mansion, the identities of Mei Si, Mei San, Fang Er and others need to be kept secret, and he usually takes the secret road.

Zu Yan scratched her head, and said embarrassedly: "Reporting to the master, when I came back, I happened to see the golden retriever tearing the skirt of the girl Yu Nu, and they called their subordinates to help, but unexpectedly, the golden retriever was a bit strong, and the subordinate did not stand firmly, knocked over Yu Nu and their chessboard, the tea on the desk was poured on them, and that’s how they looked like this.”

Nan Jiyun, Kuai Siyu: "."

Go back to the furnace and try again, Zu Yan.It's a shame, a dog can't subdue it.

As if seeing the 'speechless' in the eyes of the two companions, Zu Yan gritted her teeth secretly.If the dog hadn't been raised by the owner, he would have knocked out its teeth with one punch.

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and didn't intend to delve into it.Yu Nu and Pei'er can also be regarded as half of the "housekeepers" of the county government. They were originally his reserve concubines, and they are used to laziness and playing chess in the mansion.

Wait, playing chess?
From the corner of Jiang Chengxiao's eyes, he glanced at 'East Palace' inadvertently, and he suddenly remembered something.

When the sacrificial rites were changed, he finally realized that the prince should be behind the scenes instead of King Qi.Because of a game of chess with his wife on New Year's Eve, he made an idea.

If the prince had memorized the whole sacrificial oration in advance, even if there were no words in the sacrificial oration, he would be able to carry on the sacrifice smoothly.On this basis, not only will he not be punished by the emperor, his reputation will not be damaged, but he will be able to gain the favor of the emperor.

On the contrary, it can only be King Qi who regards the prince as an opponent.

Then it's simple, King Qi took the blame for the prince.

At that time, he guessed that this should be the prince's plan, but he didn't expect the emperor to let the king of Qi serve as a priest without notifying anyone in advance. Anyway, this move was originally aimed at himself, but after thinking about it, there was a kind of "stealing the sky for the day" tend.

In short, the prince killed himself!
But it was King Qi who was really responsible.

So now
Jiang Chengxiao finally understood where the omissions were. His whole guess went too smoothly, and he thought that King Qi should be the murderer, and as the least likely prince who seemed incapable of doing anything to anyone, he became Even more 'impossible' hands-on.

Because of this, most people would not have thought that if the crown prince took the initiative to attack Jiang Chengxiao, would the emperor think that someone was planting a frame to frame the crown prince?

After all, the relationship between the Cui family and the prince can no longer be concealed.

Especially now that Cui Qi and Cui Yunxiang have been captured, the emperor understands that the prince is behind the Cui family.

Now that something like this has happened, everyone, no, or most people will think that the prince did it, so the possibility of the prince has become... even smaller!

In this way, the prince narrowly escaped death!

"It's so vicious."

Jiang Chengxiao stared blankly at the 'East Palace', the prince's 'killing himself' move should not be too smooth.

If the captured assassin insisted that it was King Qi who did it, then King Qi, the kid who was sitting and eating melons, would blame his good brother again.


Jiang Chengxiao thought of the young guard who was killed.

"You haven't won yet, Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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