Dajin royal family

Chapter 236 The Grand Dynasty

Chapter 236 Great Dynasty ([-])

He would not let him go to Liaodong, no matter what the champion general or Liaodong prefect, the most important thing is that the place is too cold, and it does not conform to his plan, if it is changed to the counties of Bingzhou, he might not accepted.

"His Majesty."

Xu Guogong Yu Wenshu came out and said: "Although the Duke of Langya is a talented man, he is still young. We have not yet had a 16-year-old sheriff. This case must not be taken lightly."

Youngness is the biggest reason for the officials' opposition at the moment. What is the 16-year-old sheriff planning to do? Is it possible that he will enter the court and serve as six ministers before he turns [-]?

Isn't this a joke.

However, Yu Wenshu didn't want to hate Zhao Wang, so he said it more tactfully, first he praised it, and then he said 'do not open it lightly', without the intention of absolutely denying it.

Even though Liaodong County is far away from the Central Plains, where birds don't shit and is equivalent to exile, the significance of Jiang Chengxiao once he takes office is too unusual.

Not to mention that there is still a Zhao Wang in the court, even if there is no one, he has served as the governor of a county at the age of 16, and he is also in charge of the soldiers of the three counties and the frontier army. In Hui Dynasty, there are three senior officials with real power, and even six ministers. In the future, there is no possibility of paying homage to ministers or receiving orders from ministers.

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that this talented son of Zhao Wang will not risk his life and continue to maintain this talent.

However, after the case of Qingzhou, everyone can see that this prince is extraordinary, so let him go out and come back?
What's more, one Zhao Wang has already controlled the six government affairs, which made them extremely uncomfortable. Is there another Zhao Wang?
This point, Guanzhong nobles do not want to see.

British Duke Dou Wei came out and said: "Your Majesty, this matter must not be done. Although the Duke of Langya County is a rough jade, it still needs to be polished. In my opinion, I should keep it in the six departments and choose one to serve. Your Majesty If you love talents, you can also make the six parts walk."

In a broad sense, it means that all six departments can be counselors. In a narrow sense, it is a nail. He can go to any department that needs him to help.

This meaning is very different, because both the prince and the king of Qi have the title of 'walking in six parts'.To some extent, this is a kind of "Shang Shu Ling" reserve.

After all, in order to review the six volumes of the Shangshu Order, one must be clear about the six volumes, and walking through the six volumes is to learn about the six volumes.

When Dou Wei proposed this, it was already a big step back.

On the contrary, the emperor glanced at Dou Wei in surprise. He originally thought that Dou Wei would completely veto it.

After Dou Wei refused, some relevant officials also persuaded the emperor to withdraw his order.

Pei Ju didn't move rashly, he knelt down on the futon obediently, squinted his eyes to look at the little back, and then looked at the emperor and King Zhao.

Except for Pei Ju, what is surprising is that Gao Xun, Lu Huaishen, Cui Shili and others didn't say anything.

As for Zheng Shan's wish to be happy, he wished that the emperor would grant him such a title. He knew better than anyone else what it meant to be a 16-year-old sheriff.

As Jiang Chengxiao's teacher, Yu Shinan naturally wouldn't refuse. Although he felt that his disciple was a little young, it would be a good thing if he could really do this.

After all, not everyone can become a county sheriff.

As for Xiao Dan, his eyes were slightly closed, as if he didn't hear the emperor's words.In any case, Qing Que did a very good job in Qingzhou, and the child is somewhat blood relative to him, so it would be a bit inappropriate for him to obstruct such a matter.

"What does the prince think?"

The emperor didn't ask anyone, but asked the prince's opinion alone.

This made all the ministers look sideways. They had heard some news about the assassination in Chang'an City, and they had also heard about Lu Liang's arrest.

But after all, this matter involves the filth of the royal family, and they are unwilling to mess with it unless necessary.

The prince's face moved, and he glanced at Jiang Chengxiao who was bowing his head, and then looked up to see the expressionless face of the emperor hiding under the jade tree.

"Qingque is a pillar, the champion of Jin that my father often praises, extraordinary people should do extraordinary things, my son thinks it is okay."

The emperor nodded, looked at Jiang Chengxiao, and said, "Since the crown prince has said so, then it's settled."

"His Majesty."

The emperor waved his hand and interrupted the ministers below, "There is no need to discuss any further."

Hearing this, the ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, and the emperor insisted on going his own way, what else could they say, they could only admit it by pinching their noses.

"Uncle Wang, Qingque is a smart child, I believe he can do well." The emperor said meaningfully: "Uncle Wang must also trust me."

Hearing this, Zhao Wang was slightly silent, and then sighed, "I understand."

Based on this, Jiang Chengxiao had no choice but to accept this coveted reward.

Although Liaodong is bitterly cold and far away from the Central Plains, as long as he survives for a few years, he will surely be able to ascend to a high position in the future.

The emperor understands these reasons.

Didn't the emperor himself know that the 16-year-old sheriff was an act of breaking the ancestral system?
But this is no choice.

Whether it is the thorough investigation of Qi County or the suppression of the mob in Dongnai County, these two achievements are not trivial.

Not to mention, Jiang Chengxiao also helped him capture Cui Qi and Cui Yunxiang.

Rewarding gold and silver utensils is too out of place, and there is no shortage of others.Staying in the sixth part. It's not realistic at all.

Zhao Wang is not a fool, he had to give Zhao Wang a compensation and an explanation for the two assassination cases, and for Jiang Chengxiao's safety, he could not continue to stay in Chang'an.

Because the emperor understood that this is what King Zhao wanted.

What's more, the emperor himself wanted to see how many surprises this little guy could bring him.

It would be best if Jiang Chengxiao could make achievements in Liaodong. The younger generation needs someone who can carry the banner.

If you can't make meritorious deeds, that's the best, 'King Zhao' only needs one.

He can accept either of the two outcomes.

This reward, in his heart, highlighted a logical one.

After Jiang Chengxiao received the reward, he honestly returned to Zhao Wang's side.

To be honest, he is still a little dizzy up to now, and even has an indescribable mood.

In all fairness, being able to hone one's abilities as a sheriff of any county is a very good opportunity that makes many people jealous.

But that place in Liaodong is really not interesting.

Up to now, he has to continue if he doesn't answer.

While he was melancholy alone, the emperor spoke again.

"When Lord Langya was suppressing the mob in Donglai County, my inner guards captured the leader of the bandit, Cui Qi, and..."

Speaking of this, the emperor glanced at Cui Shili who lowered his head and said nothing, "And Cui Yunxiang, what do you think should be done?"

Here comes the main course!

After the emperor's voice fell, the chief horseman Xu Guogong Yu Wenshu jumped out first. Just because he didn't follow the emperor's wishes to persuade the emperor not to reward Jiang Chengxiao, he naturally had to behave well this time.

"Your Majesty, I think that Cui Qi is the original mastermind of the King of Han, and he is a rebellious existence, even if he is killed by a thousand swords, it is not an exaggeration. As for Cui Yunxiang's connection with him in Donglai County, it is hard to say that he was not instigated by the Cui family. .”

Yuwen said it was a bomb, and his subconscious meaning was that, regardless of Cui Yunxiang or Cui Qi, even the Cui family would have their heads chopped off.

Duguzheng looked at Yu Wenshu a little more pleasing to his eyes, because Yu Wenshu arbitrarily invested in the relationship with the emperor, and now no one in the Guanzhong nobles regards him as his own.

It is a good thing that Yu Wenshu can jump out and bite the Shandong gentry.

Go to the play!

Wei Hong also watched with cold eyes, feeling complacent in his heart.

When he thought of the faces of the Shandong gentry when he was suppressed by the emperor a short time ago, he felt very good.

Xiao Dan, Yu Shinan and others, who are the wealthy families in the south, are indifferent.Whether it is the Shandong gentry or the Guanzhong nobles, it has nothing to do with them.

In terms of 'vision', the officials of the noble families in the south actually look down on the nobles in Guanzhong and the nobles in Shandong in their hearts.

The fundamental reason is because of the so-called 'orthodox' disputes.

But this is a bad account.

Some people watch the show, and some people eat shit.

Now it is the Shandong gentry who are eating shit. Compared with the gloating of the Guanzhong nobles and the indifference of the southern wealthy, the Shandong gentry look very bad.

Among them, Zheng Shanyuan, Pei Ju, and Wang Yi had the worst expressions.Even though the Cui family of Qinghe was at odds with them, in the final analysis they were still the same branch.

What Yu Wenshu said was to beat Qinghe Cui to death with a stick.

Can you agree?
Of course not!

(End of this chapter)

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