Chapter 253
Yu Mansion.

An appointment document was placed on the table, and Yu Shinan tapped the table lightly, his eyes fell on his son who was kneeling opposite.

"This is the appointment document of Cao, a county household. Why, do you think the official is too small?"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Yu Shinan's mouth. His Yu family was not as good as the wealthy Xiao family. If the children of the family were not talented, their future achievements might stop at the level of county magistrate or county magistrate.

However, the appearance of Qingque changed his mind.

As long as Yu Qing can continue to follow him, he may not be able to take the post of sheriff in the future.

Of course, the premise is that his son can't be too incompetent.

Yu Qing shook his head and smiled wryly: "Father is wrong. I don't dislike the smallness of the official, but I feel that the burden has become heavier. After all, it is the household Cao of a county and is in charge of the livelihood of the people in the county. If it is not done well I'm afraid it will drag Qingque down."

"The last time I assisted the county magistrate in Qi County to manage a county's affairs, I found that I still have many shortcomings. I suddenly became a household officer in a county. I am afraid that I will not do well."

Yu Shinan nodded in satisfaction, it's a good thing not to aim too high.

"Don't worry, Liaodong County is no more than other counties. The population of that place is far less than that of Qi County, and most of them are military households. After you go to the post, you must first figure out the source of livelihood of the people in Liaodong County. The situation of each household."

"Liaodong County is a small place with few people, so it's a good place to practice. Moreover, the place is very bitter and cold. If you can make achievements there and manage everything in an orderly manner, this is a rare opportunity for you."

Hearing this, Yu Qing smiled mischievously, "Thank you, father, for your explanation. Originally, I was wondering why Qing Que didn't let me be the master book or long history."

"You bastard." Yu Shinan scolded with a smile: "What nonsense are you talking about? Gain experience."

"Yes, I remember it, kid." Yu Qing cupped his hands.

Yu Shinan Fuxu comforted him and said: "It is a great joy for me to accept Qingque as an apprentice. Remember, in the future, you will follow Qingque as an official, and you must always think of Qingque. "

"I understand, father, please rest assured."

At this time, a figure hurriedly rushed into the room, and said to Yu Shinan, "Something has happened!"

Yu Shinan and Yu Qing looked over subconsciously, and saw Yu Shiji's face was full of panic, as if something terrible had happened.

Yu Shinan glanced at Yu Qingze, who understood, got up and bowed to his father and uncle, and then slowly backed away.

Yu Shinan asked: "Brother, what happened, sit down and talk slowly."

Hearing this, Yu Shiji sorted out his emotions, walked to Yu Shinan and knelt down, and said in a low voice, "King Chao Xian is dead!"

"Oh poof!"

Yu Shinan sprayed Yu Shiji's face with a sip of tea.

Yu Shiji: "."

"What are you talking about! Who's dead?" Yu Shinan stood up immediately with an expression of disbelief.

"The nest is presented to the king!" Yu Shiji said.

"How did he die?" Yu Shinan had a ghostly expression on his face, "Could it be that one?"

Yu Shiji interrupted and said, "I don't know about this yet. Today, some palace servants went to Yili to deliver food, and they found King Chao Xian bleeding to death on the ground."


Pei Ju looked like he had eaten a fly, and he couldn't believe what he heard just now.

In the room, Pei Ju, Pei Yun, Zheng Shanyuan, and Wang Yi gathered around the brazier, slowly digesting the news of the inexplicable death of King Chaoxian.

Zheng Shanyuan shook his head and said, "It's not clear yet. It is rumored that Qikong bled to death, but after all, we haven't seen the corpse with our own eyes. At present, these are just rumors."


Wang Yi pondered: "So, this matter will be spread soon?"

"It's almost like this." Zheng Shanyuan said: "The reason why I know this is because Wei Shilun has to transfer people from Dali Temple to find out. What is the specific situation now, I have to wait."

Pei Yun thought for a while and said, "What we can do now is to wait and see."

Except for Pei Ju, Zheng Shanyuan and Wang Yi all rolled their eyes. It's not like they did this. If they don't wait and see what happens, why should they recommend themselves to investigate the case?

The four old foxes talked with each other with their own thoughts.


Chen Ling and Shen Guang stood at the scene of the crime, each silent.

The seriousness of this matter is too great.

If they can't find the murderer, Imakami must be the one to blame.

The master humiliated his minister and died, and the two of them will be the first to be buried with him.

"Brother Shen, do you have any clues now?"

Chen Ling thought about it carefully for a long time but couldn't find any useful breakthrough, so he could only ask his companions beside him.

Shen Guang shook his head, "There is no clue at all. I really can't think of who will kill a Chaoxian King who has been imprisoned for many years. What value in him is worth assassinating."

"Yeah, so what if you kill King Chao Xian."

Chen Leng was walking in the yard while muttering to himself.

As a place to imprison the royal family, this place is actually a bit shabby, the courtyard is the entrance, and then the bedroom.There was no change in the surrounding area, only the place where King Chaoxian died, and the blood that flowed from his body was printed on the ground.

Others, without any clues.

This is also the most troublesome part for the two of them, because King Chaoxian seemed to be killed in his sleep, without any resistance at all.

Previously, Chen Leng suspected that King Chao Xian had been poisoned, but the coroner told them that King Chao Xian didn't have any toxins in his body, and judging from his death, he seemed to be scared to death.

But isn't this a joke, the place where King Chaoxian was imprisoned is in the deep palace, who can easily enter here?

Those who delivered food to King Chaoxian and the guards, they have all tortured and extorted confessions, but there is no clue.

For now, this is completely a headless case.

They have nowhere to start investigating.

Do you really want to tell His Majesty that King Chao Xian was scared to death?

"There's blood here!"

A human voice suddenly interrupted Chen Ling's thinking, and he hurriedly searched for the voice.

In the northwest corner of the courtyard, an inner guard pushed aside the grass and pointed at the black dots on it, "My lords, this is dried blood. Judging from its appearance, it should have happened in the past two days."

Shen Guang narrowed his eyes, stared at the bloodstain carefully for a while, then jumped up, stepped on the wall and landed on the wall lightly.

On the other side, Chen Ling also jumped up. He looked at the blood on the wall and said softly, "It seems that he didn't die of fright."

Shen Guang rolled his eyes, isn't this nonsense, there are bloodstains here, it proves that someone must have assassinated King Chao Xian.

"This person sneaked into the palace, found Yanli, and then sneaked into it and killed King Chaoxian."

"His lightness kung fu is very powerful, and he killed King Chao Xian with an unknown method."

"King Chaoxian didn't have wounds outside his body, but he bled to death from seven holes. He was either poisoned or beaten to death with a blunt instrument." Chen Ling said.

Shen Guang said: "Your Majesty, investigate who has been in and out of the palace recently."

"I'll go and find out who uses blunt weapons in the capital." Chen Ling said.

"Split up!"

"it is good!"

The news that King Chaoxian was killed for no reason could not be concealed at all. The emperor asked Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Investigation to investigate, and secretly dispatched the inner guards to investigate.

This time the emperor was really angry because someone killed someone in the palace.

Does this mean that it is okay for someone to kill him in the future?

For this reason, the emperor was furious.

Langya County Government Mansion.

Jiang Chengxiao put down the pen in his hand, rubbed his face, looked at the names written on the paper, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After a few days, he finally finished the document.

He was also slightly relieved that the team was confirmed.

However, at this time, Nan Jiyun brought the news that King Chao Xian had been killed.

"Are you kidding me?" Jiang Chengxiao looked at Nan Jiyun in disbelief.

The place where King Chao Xian was detained was in the imperial palace, where the guards were heavily guarded, how could King Chao Xian be killed so easily.

And let the murderer escape, this is not a slap in the face of the emperor, it is a slap in the face of the entire Jin Dynasty.

"It's true, His Majesty has ordered the Ministry of Criminal Justice to solve the case within seven days, otherwise the relevant officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple will be demoted." Nan Jiyun said.

Jiang Chengxiao opened his mouth.

How is this going?

 Thanks to TThui for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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