Dajin royal family

Chapter 266 Justice Ling Ran

Chapter 266 Justice Ling Ran (32145)

Two-on-one, it's clear at a glance who wins and loses.

Before leaving, Wei Hong ate up the carp that Duguzheng caught.

"Brother Wei still has a childish temper."

Dou Wei looked at the leaving carriage with a wry smile on his face.

Duguzheng said: "I'll leave Li Yuan to you. Remember, this matter is of great importance, and there must be no news of it leaking."

"I understand, just don't worry."

Sending Dugu away, Dou Wei finds his brother Dou Zhang.

"Brother, why did you choose Li Yuan? This person is honest on the outside, but he is extremely treacherous on the inside. I saw him clearly when he married my sister."

After listening to Dou Wei's words, Dou Zhang was very disapproving.

"Furthermore, is Li Yuan willing to cooperate obediently?"

Dou Wei frowned and reprimanded: "Don't say too much, this matter is a joint decision of the Dugu family, the Dou family, and the Wei family, how can it be changed because of your own opinion."

Dou Zhang took a deep breath and said, "Brother, you are obviously using Li Yuan, so he won't be able to see it? If he is not satisfied with the status quo, what shall we do? Change another one?"

"He can only cooperate with us." Dou Wei said firmly: "Without us, he will wait to die of old age in Bing County for the rest of his life."

Seeing that his elder brother had already made up his mind, Dou Zhang didn't say anything, because it would be useless to continue talking.

"Brother, tell me, I will definitely bring the message."

Dou Wei nodded and said, "Tell Li Yuan to prepare him over there. We will give him gold and silver in private, let him develop his power secretly, and wait for our news."


Wei Mansion, inner study.

"Uncle Shi, how did you become Li Yuan?"

Yu Han, who was dressed in sackcloth, froze in place after hearing Wei Hong's words, the tea in his hand suddenly became stale.

In the third year of Hongye, the Turks invaded Bingzhou, and Yu Han failed to defend Dali City, and was demoted by the emperor as a commoner.


Wei Hong snorted coldly, "Why else, Dou Wei said that you hooked up with Taihang horse bandits and were restless!"

Yu Han dissatisfied: "How can we blame us? Isn't it their decision to develop forces secretly, and now it's our fault?"

Glancing at Wei Hong with an ugly face, Yu Han immediately threw the teacup on the table with a bang, and stood up angrily.

"This is clearly a decision made by Dou Wei and Dugu. Who is Li Yuan? He is Dou Wei's sister-in-law. I think Dou Wei is doing it for the benefit of the Dou family!"

Wei Hong didn't know this.

"Uncle Shi, if this is the case, the Dou family may still dominate the Wei family when the matter is over," Yu Han provocatively said.

Wei Hong raised his eyebrows, he knew exactly why Yu Han was playing carefully, but he did not deny that Yu Han was right.

If it does happen in the end, based on the relationship between Dou Wei and Li Yuan, the Dou family will really overwhelm the Wei family, which he can still foresee.

"Then what do you think?" Wei Hong asked.

Yu Han came to his senses and said, "If we break into Guanzhong before Li Yuan makes a move, what will Uncle Shi think?"

This is quite interesting, if the Yu family can really break into Guanzhong before Li Yuan makes a move, then maybe something can't be changed.

"Are you sure?"

Yu Han said, "Seventy percent!"

"How many of you are there?"

"Not much, around [-]." Yu Han said.

Wei Hong stroked his beard, squinted his eyes and said, "Yu Binghong is quite capable. I didn't expect to be able to recruit so many people in Taiyuan."

Yu Han said with a smile: "This is all because of Uncle Shi's help, otherwise our Yu family would not have so much money. The owner of the family said that as long as things are done, the Wei family and the Yu family will share the world!"

Wei Hong is not a fool, and the promise of the Yu family is worthless now.

"Well, you go back and wait for my news, so that Yu Binghong can get ready."

"Yes." Yu Han cupped his hands, "Then I will wait for the good news from Uncle Shi."

Palace, Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"This is your first time here, Your Highness."

Jiane waiter smiled and led Jiang Chengxiao the way.

Who would have thought that the weak child would become more and more excellent after being crowned.

One family, two kings!
This is a great honor.

"It's indeed the first time, but I remembered that in the palace of Chang'an a few years ago, Mr. Jia was the one who led the way for me."

He took out a bag of gold leaves from his sleeve, and stuffed it into the hand of Janet's attendant calmly.

"Mr. Jia has worked hard. A little bit of thought should add some tea money to Mr. Jia."

Jiang Chengxiao smiled slightly.

Jiane waiter quietly glanced at the bag, and found that it was filled with gold leaves, and immediately accepted it with a smile on his face.

"Where does your Highness say, slaves and servants are nothing more than crippled people, so they can be regarded as a public character."

This Duke of Langya really knows how to be a man, he is handsome, and he speaks nicely, he is really a talent.

"Your Highness thinks highly of the servant girl so much, the servant girl has something to say."

"I also ask Mr. Jia for advice." Jiang Chengxiao concentrated.

Attendant Jia Nei looked around and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty has not been sleeping well recently, and you have some troubles. Your Highness should be more careful."

"Thank you, Mr. Jia, Qingque will remember it in my heart."

"Hehe, what did your Highness say?"

Today the emperor did not deal with government affairs in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. He was really too tired these few days, so he would rest if he could find time to rest.

But he didn't dare to fall asleep, because every time he fell asleep, he would have nightmares, dreaming that the dead King Xian came to claim his life!
Concubine Xiao poured the emperor a cup of calming tea, walked behind the emperor and gently massaged his acupoints, and the emperor lay down on Concubine Xiao's lap.

"Concubine Ai smells so good." The emperor rubbed against Concubine Xiao half asleep.

Concubine Xiao parted her red lips lightly, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, my concubine does not use spices."

Just at this time, Jia Nei sent a message that the king of Langya County had arrived.


The emperor managed to pull himself together and got up from Concubine Xiao's arms.

Jiang Chengxiao walked into the Hall of Mental Cultivation and bowed.

"See Your Majesty, Concubine Xiao, Your Majesty is safe forever, Your Majesty is safe."

"No gift, sit down."

The servant led Jiang Chengxiao to the side futon and knelt down.

The emperor smiled and said, "Qingque, do you have any complaints in your heart that I transferred you back from Liaodong suddenly?"

So serious right from the start?
If the answer to this question is not good, then the fun will be great.

Jiang Chengxiao said sternly: "Your Majesty was joking, in fact it should be Qing Que who thanked His Majesty."

"Oh, tell me." The emperor asked him with great interest.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "I am in Liaodong. I am in charge of both the army and the government. This is not in line with the rules of my Jin family. Your Majesty can give Qing Que such an opportunity to experience, Qing Que is very grateful."

"Qingque knows better that when His Majesty canonized him back then, all the ministers and even his father opposed it. Only His Majesty believed in the minister and canonized the humble minister under pressure."

Jiang Chengxiao's eyes were slightly moist, and he continued with a choked sob: "It is reasonable and reasonable for His Majesty to transfer this minister back. I don't have any complaints, but I am afraid that I will not do well, lose His Majesty's face, and live up to the holy hope."

Saying that, he lowered his head and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

The emperor nodded slightly, and said with emotion: "You are a good boy, a good boy who knows kindness."

Concubine Xiao was also touched and said: "Your Majesty, this child, Gu Gu, is really a man of temperament."

Isn't that right? Not only is he a man of temperament, but he is also a direct minister.

Others don't know why he gave him such a reward at that time, how could the emperor himself not know.

"Okay, you are a child of the royal family, how can you act like a little daughter." The emperor scolded with a smile.

Jiang Chengxiao hurriedly wiped away his tears, and rubbed his eyes vigorously. When he raised his head, his eyes were red, as if crying bitterly.

The emperor glanced at Concubine Xiao, who understood, got up and left gracefully.

"What a temptress!"

Jiang Chengxiao cursed secretly in his heart, when Concubine Xiao just walked in front of him, a scent of fragrance was extremely pungent.

The emperor said: "Qingque, the reason why I transferred you back is because Liaodong is well managed by you, and it would be overkill to keep you there, and secondly, it is also because I have to leave it to you. do it."

Jiang Chengxiao got up immediately, cupped his hands and said seriously: "Please order, Your Majesty, I will not refuse to die!"

"Oh, it's fine."

The emperor smiled and said, "Do you know about the banditry in Shandong?"

"I heard something."

Did the emperor want him to go to Shandong to suppress bandits?

The emperor said: "I'm going to appoint you as an emissary in Qingzhou to clean up the banditry in Shandong. Do you have confidence?"


Without hesitation, Jiang Chengxiao answered sonorously and confidently.

"Don't you ask how many people I plan to give you?" the emperor asked.

Jiang Chengxiao replied righteously: "Even if Your Majesty asks the minister to go alone, the minister will not complain. It is the rule of the minister to die for the Jin family!"

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(End of this chapter)

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