Dajin royal family

Chapter 295 Crisis Moments

Chapter 295 Crisis Moments

In this battle, Yu Wenhua and his Zuo Xiaowei elite lost [-]%, only [-] remnants followed Yu Wenhua and fled back to Zhangqiu.

As the sun set, tens of thousands of rebels cheered enthusiastically on the battlefield, and Zuo Xiaowei's trophies of equipment aroused the looting of these soldiers.

Whether it is armor or horses, they are all things that the soldiers in the rebel army covet. At the same time, they also seized nearly [-] shi of grain, which greatly eased the problem of food and grass for the rebel army, and will provide a strong guarantee for their subsequent attack on Licheng .


Chi Ju slapped the soldiers looting the food in the face, and shouted sharply: "Stop it all, I will chop anyone who dares to snatch it!"

The voice fell, and the lieutenants and lieutenants shuttled through the crowd, beheading the looting soldiers one by one in place, and the bloody means shocked everyone instantly.

Chi Ju snorted, turned to Jiang Lu and said, "Send down the order to rest in place for an hour, and the baggage army will count the battle damage and clean up the battlefield."

"Yes." Jiang Lu took the order and left.

At this time, Li Fazhu also led the troops to come.

"Brother Chiju is really a hero, this time I lost for my brother."

Looking at the 'Yuwen' banner behind Chiju, Fazhu Li sighed regretfully.

He didn't expect this Chiju to be so brave, he led thousands of people into the battle, and forcibly snatched the banner back from Yu Wenhuaji's hands.

In this way, his wish will come true.

"Brother, just tell me what you want, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse." Li Fazhu cupped his hands and said solemnly.

Chi Ju held up the banner, shook his head, and said, "Brother Li can definitely fulfill this request."


"I also hope that after we enter Licheng in the future, Brother Li can restrain his subordinates and not let them run amok in the city. We rebelled because the king has no morals, and the people are fish and meat. But we must not do this."

This is what Fang Xuanzhan taught him. Now these 'violent bandits' are regarded as scourges. If they continue to deceive the people unscrupulously, coupled with the pressure from the court, they are likely to be defeated quickly.

Before there is an order from the Lord, he must keep Qingzhou and the team in his hands.

What's more, Qingzhou is the place where they started. If they abuse the people here and aggravate the destruction of people's livelihood, I'm afraid they will continue to rob them at that time.

Chi Ju originally thought that Li Fazhu would be a little hesitant. After all, most of the people under their command are real thugs, and this kind of city occupation and robbery has almost become an unspoken rule.

If he really prevented his subordinates from doing so, it might cause dissatisfaction among the soldiers.

However, Li Fazhu agreed without hesitation.

"My virtuous brother is really my confidant!"

Li Fazhu put his arms around Chiju's shoulders, and said emotionally: "The people all regard us as villains who kill without blinking an eye, but they don't know that we are also persecuted by the faint king, besides, if the people are uneasy, where will our military pay be collected. "

Li Fazhu babbled a lot of long stories, and at the end there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

In summary, Li Fazhu thinks that Chiju's idea is very good, and it coincides with him.

This made Li Fazhu firm in his mind to win over Chiju. This person is not only brave in battle, but also has a deep heart. He is definitely not the Shan brothers, Qu Rang and other "heroes" can be compared.

If you want to achieve great things, you must not let such a talent go.

"Since it is the virtuous brother who took down the banner of Yu Wenhuaji this time, my virtuous brother will take [-]% of the spoils." Li Fazhu said kindly.

The general Hu Yu raised his eyebrows and was about to speak, but he didn't want to meet Li Fazhu's stern gaze, so he shrank his head.

Chiju shook his head, and said firmly: "This big victory is due to the hard work of the soldiers of the three armies. How can I get [-]% of it? Let's share it equally."


"What, what, brother Li is my birth share!" Chi Ju pretended to be dissatisfied.

He is not a fool, he has a short mouth for eating people, and short hands for grabbing people.

Hearing this, Hu Yu looked at Chiju with a lot of satisfaction, this person is not bad, and he should be able to eat in the same pot with him.

"Then it's not pretentious to be a brother." Li Fazhu said with a smile.

Immediately, the people under their respective hands went down to rest.

Li Fazhu said: "We will take the momentum of great victory and regain the city we lost before."

"I think so too."

While the battle broke out in the northern part of Qi County, the area around Tingshan County was also in fierce battle.

Compared with Yu Wenhuaji's stupidity, Zhang Suguo seemed to be very wise. After several rounds of fights, he even forcibly blocked the troops of Qu Rang and Shan Ding from Tingshan County with more than 1 soldiers.

However, after learning a lot, Qu Rang and others also learned to be smart, and became less easy to be fooled.

At the same time, after several battles, the waves washed the sand, the incompetent people in the rebel army were either killed or injured, and the rest were ruthless people.

Ten miles to the north of Tingshan County, the camp of Qu Rang and others has already advanced here.

After several times of Zhang Suguo's hidden losses, they became extremely careful when marching and camping, because Qu Rang knew very well that their numbers were better than Zhang Suguo's, and they could completely consume them.

But Zhang Suguo can't do it, the soldiers under his command are getting fewer and fewer, he must not be able to hold on!

Looking at the city of Tingshan County from a distance, the corners of Shan Ding's mouth curled up.

"How long can Zhang Suguo last? He doesn't want to rob the people of food, and there are not many soldiers under his command. He must die."

Qu Rang nodded, "If Zhang Suguo can be wiped out here, Licheng is in his pocket."

In this regard, the generals behind them seemed very excited.

That is Licheng, the richest big city in Qi County.

At this moment, a scout returned.

"Report to the two generals, General Li and General Chi defeated Yu Wenhuaji in Gaoyuan yesterday, beheaded more than ten thousand people, and now occupy Zhangqiu!"

This news directly shocked Qu Rang and Shan Ding. A few days ago, they sent people to inquire about Li Fazhu and Chi Ju's news.

At that time, Yu Wenhua was so powerful that they almost beat Li Fazhu and Li Fazhu completely helpless, why did the situation change suddenly?

"What's going on, tell me clearly!" Qu Yao pinched the scout's neck and questioned viciously.

Although they belonged to the same camp, Qu Yao did not want to see Li Fazhu and Chi Ju enter Licheng first.

Zhangqiu is the gateway to the east of Licheng, Zhangqiu is occupied, and Licheng is close at hand!

Qu Rang glared dissatisfiedly at the impulsive Qu Yao, who let go of the scout's neck.

"Tell me, what happened." Shan Ding asked solemnly.

They were blocked by Zhang Suguo for such a long time and couldn't push forward. Why did Li Fazhu and Chiju win the battle against Zuo Xiaowei?

This is an invisible slap in the face.

The scout rubbed his sore neck and said the matter again.

Qu Rang and Shan Ding gave each other a rare sigh. Although they didn't like to see Li Fazhu, it was a fact that this person defeated Zuo Xiaowei.

"Brother Shan Ding, it's time for us to do it." Qu Rang said in a deep voice.

The great victory of Li Fazhu and Chiju made Qu Rang feel that he can't stay here to waste time, and must take down Tingshan as soon as possible and approach Licheng.

Otherwise, their army would become a bait for Zhang Suguo's troops, and it would be easier for Li Fazhu and Chiju to attack Licheng.

"Brother Qu is right!"

Tingshan County, in the camp.

Zhang Suguo was in a daze with the news of Yu Wenhua and its fiasco.

First Gaoyuan was defeated, and then Zhangqiu was occupied.

Now not only Licheng is in danger, but Tingshan County where he lives is also surrounded by bandits.

Sixty miles southeast of Zhangqiu is Tingshan County. If the bandit army goes south, it only takes one day, and Tingshan County will be attacked from both sides.

And once he is defeated, Qi County will no longer be able to fight, and the bandit army will drive all the way into Licheng.

"Traitor Lizi!"

Zhang Suguo was heartbroken and shouted to the sky.

The sudden emotional change interrupted the dull atmosphere in the camp, and all the generals looked at Zhang Suguo one after another.

"General!" Wang Boju came out and asked, "General, what happened?"

Zhang Suguo handed the letter to Wang Boju and sat down on the cushion.

After the generals watched it, people suddenly became panicked.

Zhangqiu has been occupied, and the situation in their Tingshan County is not good. Can this Licheng be held?
If Licheng can't keep it, their family members.
Qin Yujing's complexion also became extremely ugly, and he scolded Yu Wenhuaji in his heart for being a pussy. The [-] Zuo Xiaowei elite can be defeated, what an incompetent person!

Everyone asked Zhang Suguo what to do now.

What else can I do?
When Zhang Suguo was about to withdraw his troops and return to Licheng, a soldier rushed in from outside.

"General, the bandits are attacking the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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