Dajin royal family

Chapter 302 Dowry

Chapter 302 Dowry
Although the officials of the Jin Dynasty ignored the Tupan barbarians, they still arranged for them to live in Honglu Temple.

When there was no one around, Songtsan Gampo couldn't hold back his temper and kicked over the incense burner.

"Arrogant guys, how dare you treat us like this!"

It's nothing if there is no good wine and good food to entertain them, but they are so neglected.Let them wait for a few hours, and then dismiss them with a fluffy sentence, it is really courageous.

"Your Majesty calm down!"

Lu Zandong stroked his chest with his left hand, bowed, and persuaded him, "Your Majesty, this is in the land of the Jin Dynasty, we can't mess around."

Songtsan Gampo said coldly: "After we marry the princess and return to Turpan, I must send troops to the east and kill these arrogant Jin people!"

"That's natural!" Lu Zandong said: "It's just that the king, we still need to forbear, the Jin Dynasty is still very strong, we have to wait until they are weak."

Songtsen Gampo did not object to this.

He is not a fool. If the Jin Dynasty could defeat the Turks, it would naturally be able to defeat Turpan as well.

"On the way here, I heard that there was a rebellion in the east of the Jin Dynasty. The Prime Minister thought, would this weaken the Jin Dynasty?" Songtsan Gampo said.

Lu Zandong shook his head and explained: "Your Majesty, I think it is difficult. The Jin Dynasty has a deep foundation and a vast land, so it cannot be easily shaken."

"That's right, it's really disappointing." Songtsan Gampo showed a little disappointment on his face.

He coveted the Jin Dynasty very much.

There are fertile land, tall cities, magical tea, exquisite porcelain, and tens of millions of people!

If he could conquer this place, he would have a vast empire and an inexhaustible supply of slave animals.

Lu Zandong said: "Your Majesty, we are asking for the princess this time, firstly so that the Jin Emperor can enshrine us, so that we can develop northward and annex the Western Regions in a legitimate way. Secondly, we also need the advanced craftsmen of the Jin Dynasty to make weapons for us. .”

"But will the Jin Dynasty agree to us?" Songtsen Gampo hesitated.

Lu Zandong affirmed: "It will definitely. The emperors of the Central Plains are a group of people who are very happy and want to admire vanity. As long as we express our willingness to submit forever, they will readily agree."

Songtsan Gampo nodded, "Okay, then leave everything to the Prime Minister."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

After being left out in the cold for a day and a night, Tu Fan finally met Pei Ju, the minister of the Ministry of Rites who represented the emperor this time, and a group of officials from the Ministry of Rites and Honglu Temple.

The two sides are divided into two rows, kneeling and sitting on the soft cushion facing each other.

"On behalf of my king, I sincerely greet His Majesty, the great emperor of the Jin Dynasty. He is healthy and healthy." Lu Zandong spoke fluent Chinese, complimenting the emperor crazily like spitting out beans.

That attitude, how humble you have to be, how much respect you have to respect.

He almost said directly, Jin Chao's father, I am a good son, I am really a good son!

It is completely impossible to tell that he is the Tupan Daxiang who was just left out in the cold.

A group of Jin Dynasty officials expressed their satisfaction with Lu Zandong's attitude. This is the attitude that a barbarian in a small country should show.

Jiang Chengxiao narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Zandong, but didn't speak for a while.

After Lu Zandong and Pei Ju finished their courteous exchanges, they gradually got to the point.

"My king respects the blood of the Emperor of God very much. I hope that the Emperor of God can marry the princess, so that the light of the Jin Dynasty can shine on the land of Tupan, and save the foolish people of Tupan. Turpan is willing to submit to the emperor of Jin Dynasty forever."

After Lu Zandong finished speaking, his mouth was dry and he wanted to drink some tea, but found that there was no water in the cup.

Forget it, now is not the time to focus on this.

Lu Zandong was sure that the officials of the Jin Dynasty would definitely agree to his request for the compliment he had just given.

Songtsan Gampo beside him also thought so.

However, the more certain things are often, the more prone to mistakes.

After Lu Zandong's words fell, none of the officials of the Jin Dynasty spoke.

Those who drink tea drink tea, those who look at their fingers look at their fingers, and those who doze off doze off.

That kind of attitude is not like meeting a foreign envoy at all.

"Lord Pei?" Lu Zandong was a little confused, he suddenly realized that this was different from the Jin Dynasty officials he had imagined.

Pei Ju said indifferently: "You also said that you are marrying a princess. You asked me for the canonization from the emperor, and you also want medicinal materials, seeds, textile technology, etc. from the Central Plains as dowry."

Speaking of this, a stern look flashed in Pei Ju's eyes, "What about you, what dowry gifts can you offer?!"

Pei Ju's voice suddenly became cold and severe, not at all the kindness he had just now.

Lu Zandong was stunned for a moment.

bride price?

What the hell, Talu Zandong traveled all over the Western Regions and learned about everything about the Jin Dynasty.

He knew that the emperors of the Central Plains never asked for a dowry when they married their daughters, but only gave a large amount of dowry. When did they ask for a dowry?

"Lord Pei, my king asked me to come here with sincerity. I sincerely want to submit to the great emperor of the Jin Dynasty. Don't make any claims." Lu Zandong said.

He felt that Pei Ju was beating him and wanted to take advantage of him, so he brought out the emperor to put pressure on Pei Ju.

"Hmph, since you want to ask to marry Princess Chao, then naturally you have to follow my court rules. If you don't agree, go see His Majesty the Emperor yourself."

Pei Ju was also unambiguous, and he got up and left without hesitation.

When the other officials saw that the boss was gone, they quickly got up and followed.

There is a rush, and it comes and goes quickly.

Lu Zandong and Songtsan Gampo were left in a daze, which was completely different from what they thought.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

On the other side, Pei Ju flew into a rage while walking.

"Sure enough, it's a wolf's ambition. It's a small barbarian country. It's so brave to ask me to marry Princess Chao, but it's empty-handed and white wolf!"

Pei Ju is really angry, what are you talking about?
Do you think you are Turkic?
Do you think you are Rouran?
It's all right to open your mouth to ask for a princess, and it's barely okay to ask the emperor to confer the title, but what about the dowry?

Nothing, what is it to get a flowery and jade-like princess for nothing, the canonization of the Jin Dynasty, and many dowries from the Jin Dynasty?
You, a barbarian who has established a country for only one year, dare to open your mouth so brazenly.

Who gave you the courage?

"Master Pei, have you seen it?" Jiang Chengxiao walked beside Pei Ju, and said lightly.

Pei Ju nodded and said: "Before, I thought that Tu Fan's proposal to marry the princess was for the recognition of our dynasty and to seek protection from our court, and secondly, he really admired our court's poetry, books, etiquette and music."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, they actually want His Majesty to confer upon them"

The two hurried all the way and entered the palace.

"King of the Western Regions?"

After hearing Pei Ju's words, the emperor immediately got up from the dragon couch.

"That's what the messenger from Tupan really said?"

"It's absolutely true!" Pei Ju cupped his hands and said, "Lu Zandong said that he married the princess, and that Tufan and I belong to the same family, and they hope to help me pacify the ten countries in the Western Regions."

"Therefore, Lu Zandong asked His Majesty to confer King Tupan the title of King of the Western Regions."

"What a big appetite!" the emperor sneered.

The request for the canonization of the king of the Western Regions is nothing more than to use his hand of the Jin Dynasty to expand its power in the Western Regions.

The reason why he agreed to Tupan's marriage at the beginning was actually to temporarily stabilize the Southwest, and he wanted to concentrate on dealing with the country.

Now that Tupan made such a request, how could he agree.

The Han Dynasty opened up the Western Regions. If the Western Regions were sent out under his hands, after a hundred years, the history books might scold him.

What's more, Turpan is now getting involved in the Western Regions, so it's hard to guarantee that they won't get involved in the Central Plains in the future.

How could he leave such troubles for his descendants.

The Silk Road in the Western Regions is an important road, how can it be handed over to others.

"Wolf ambition!" The emperor snorted heavily.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled lightly, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, it's not that we can't promise them."


The emperor frowned and said, "Qingque, you should have something to say."

He didn't think Jiang Chengxiao was an idiot, and he couldn't see the wolf ambition of the Turpan people.

Jiang Chengxiao nodded and explained: "My dynasty is the kingdom of heaven, and the princess is naturally extremely honorable. They don't need to give us the dowry, but they must give the princess an explanation."

"Oh, what do you say?"

Jiang Chengxiao twitched his lips and said: "Since King Tupan sincerely begs to marry the princess and admires the bloodline of my Jin Dynasty emperor, he will naturally respect the princess very much, let them split up Tupan's land, and give the slaves to the princess!"

Hearing this, Pei Ju's eyelids twitched, it was impossible for Tufan to agree to this request.

But the emperor's eyes lit up, and he heard another possibility from Jiang Chengxiao's words.

(End of this chapter)

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