Dajin royal family

Chapter 311 Attacking Licheng

Chapter 311 Attacking Licheng
In the Baili Plain, the sound of shouting and killing was loud.

Qin Yujing led the [-] vanguard army into the [-] vanguard army led by Qu Yao. He waved a spear in his hand, picking or stabbing, and where the shadow of the spear passed, bright red bloomed.

"This Qin Yujing is amazing."

Qu Yao, who was far behind, saw the brave and invincible Qin Yujing in the formation at a glance.

Even though the army was blinded, Qin Yujing's offensive was unstoppable, and when he entered the formation, he pushed all the way, causing Qu Yao's army to retreat steadily.

"General, do we need to send more people?" A lieutenant reminded Qu Yao from the side.

"No need, let's withdraw first."

Qu Yao gave the order lightly, turned the horse's head and left.

He is not a fool, the 4 people under his command have no equipment, no fighting power, so what can they use to fight Zhang Suguo?

What's more, the elder brother's order is very clear, just hold Zhang Suguo.

Oh oh oh!
With the sound of the horn, Qu Yao's army withdrew like a tide.

Qin Yujing led the army to chase and kill them all the way, beheading more than [-] people before stopping.

After a big victory, the soldiers naturally laughed and laughed, but Qin Yujing, who was the leader, frowned.

This is too strange, if it was a desperate fight, they would not be able to withdraw so easily, and the bandit army they faced this time was obviously low in combat effectiveness, and could not be compared with the bandit army he had fought against before.

After returning to Daying, Qin Yujing told Zhang Suguo his guess.

"If this is the case, then these bandits must be plotting something." Zhang Suguo walked back and forth in the camp.

He also felt that this matter was strange, the leader of the bandit couldn't be too loud, and tens of thousands of troops came here just to give away the head.

"General, do you think these thieves are still testing us?" Wang Boju speculated.

Qin Yujing shook his head, "That shouldn't be the case. If it was a test, they wouldn't send so many people this time. 5000 people are enough. And this time, I don't think the thieves seem to have much will to fight. It seems that they did it on purpose. Do the same."


Zhang Suguo was taken aback, but before he could say anything, a scout rushed into the tent of the Chinese army.

"General, something is wrong. Last night, the bandit army secretly went to Mount Hua and joined the bandit army there!"

"What did you say?!"

Zhang Suguo was both shocked and angry. The one who was shocked was the sudden mobilization of the bandit army, and the one who was angry was that the bandit army played tricks on him!
Qin Yujing hurriedly said: "General, the purpose of the rebel army is to attack Licheng. Now there are only 20 You Xiaowei there. I'm afraid they can't resist the [-] rebel army!"

The generals in the tent are very anxious, their families are all in Licheng, if Licheng is captured.
"General, go back and help Licheng!"

"General, the general is willing to lead the troops back to help."


Almost all the generals under him are urging him to go back to help immediately.

At this time, another scout came to report.

"General Qi, the bandit army is coming again!"

Zhang Suguo understood that the tens of thousands of thieves were not trying to kill him, but to drag him here and prevent him from going back to help Licheng.

At this point, Zhang Suguo had no choice but to order.

"The generals obey the order, and defeat the invading army at full speed, and we will return to Licheng!"

He knew very well that the family members of these generals were all in Licheng, and it was impossible not to go back.


Following Zhang Suguo's order, the entire army of 3 Qi County soldiers attacked Qumao's [-] people on a large scale.

This is an unequal battle. The 3 people under Qu Yao's command are simply mobs, how can they resist the soldiers of Qi County.

It took only one day for Zhang Suguo's army to defeat Qu Yao, behead more than ten thousand people, and force Qu Yao to flee.

The victorious Zhang Suguo immediately led the vanguard to rescue Licheng.

When the battle broke out between Zhang Suguo and Qu Yao's troops, Qu Rang and Shan Ding had already led their elite soldiers to the camp of Li Fazhu and Chiju.

There was no embarrassment at all after the two sides met, but they didn't know that a quarter of an hour ago, they were still calculating each other in their hearts, hoping that the other party would become a bait to help them attract You Xiaowei's attack.

"How does the lord plan to march?"

Qu Rang sat on the horse, stroked his beard, and looked at the man beside him.

Behind them is a long line, a total of 20 troops.

Although Qu Rang and Shan Ding really wanted to treat Li Fazhu as a puppet and squeeze out the food in Li Fazhu's hands, they did not expect that Li Fazhu, who looked like a "rich man", was actually a guy with a war mind in his bones.

Qu Rang and Shan Ding didn't dare to underestimate him just because he was able to defeat Yu Wenhuaji's Zuo Xiaowei.

Of course, if you don't underestimate him, you won't give up the position of leader of the rebel army to Li Fazhu easily.

"Our army is ten times stronger than the opponent's. If the three armies use their lives, we can defeat the enemy overnight!" Li Fazhu said confidently.

It's very simple, very rude, just call it directly.

Shan Ding frowned and said, "Is there no way to reduce losses?"

What he brought this time was the elite of his subordinates. If unnecessary losses could be avoided, Shan Ding would naturally want to avoid them.

"Brother Shan, do we still have a choice?" Li Fazhu asked back.

From the beginning of joining forces, they had no choice. They had to fight directly, defeat You Xiaowei, and take Licheng to be considered a success.

Otherwise, once the army is defeated, their soldiers will be agitated due to food shortages, or even bomb the camp!
Shan Ding was silent, they really had no other choice now, they had to defeat You Xiaowei and take down Licheng.

Going back is a mortal situation.

Although known as the rebel army, they robbed the people of their food and slaughtered a large number of civilians, and no one would plow the fields for them.

They can only grab!
The 20 troops finally arrived under Licheng near dawn. Li Fazhu and others could already see its quaint city walls in Licheng, which was ten miles away.

In the same way, when Li Fazhu and the others came over in mighty force, Xue Yuxiong had already ordered You Xiaowei to retreat to Licheng.

He knew very well that the enemy army was 20, and he only had [-] in his hands. What would he use to fight?

It's not that he doesn't have elites in his hands, but elites can't stand up to the beatings of tens of thousands of people.

Once the tug of war started, he would be seriously damaged.

But relying on Licheng's tall and thick walls, it can hold on.

"General Xue is too timid."

Jiang Wei appeared at the top of the city, he was wearing chain mail, and there was vague dissatisfaction in his eyes.

This dissatisfaction came from Xue Yuxiong's wrong prediction. Not only did the bandit soldiers not fall into civil strife because of the food problem, but they united together to fight to the death.

If he went all out to defeat one of them according to his previous idea, they could now turn their guns to deal with the other bandit soldier.

Defeat them all while they are not united.

But now that the initiative has been lost, with hundreds of thousands of bandit soldiers approaching the city, they can only fight a trapped beast, how can he be reconciled to this.

"If General Xue is unwilling to go, I would like to lead the vanguard to repel the bandits." Jiang Wei said.

Hearing this, Xue Yuxiong shook his head and stopped him: "Don't be impatient, general, the initiative is in our hands now."

Jiang Wei was stunned by these words, isn't Xue Yuxiong a fool?
It's this time, and you still say such things.

"General Xue, what do you mean?" Jiang Wei's voice slowly sank, he felt that Xue Yuxiong was joking with him, or pretending to be calm.

"Hey, to be precise, the initiative is in the hands of Zhang Suguo." Xue Yuxiong smiled sinisterly.

"What do you mean?"

Xue Yuxiong stepped forward and whispered something in Jiang Wei's ear.

"Can this work?" Jiang Wei doubted: "What if Zhang Suguo can't find that place? Or, before Zhang Suguo finds it, they"

"So, we can't let the bandits take Licheng."

Xue Yuxiong said firmly: "Three days, as long as we persist for three days, these bandits will be defeated!"

The voice fell, the drums roared, and the bandit army began to attack the city!

"Sure enough, the dog jumped the wall in a hurry."

Xue Yuxiong couldn't help contemptuously looking at the black crowd rushing up from below.

"Order, all ministries step up their defenses!"

With the rattling of a ladder on the top of the city, the siege battle officially started.

There were screams, the roar of falling rocks, and so on.

"This style of ant-attachment caused us a lot of losses."

An hour passed, and the battle in the front intensified. Qu Rang in the rear heard the lieutenant general's casualty statistics report, and couldn't help but speak worriedly.

Li Fazhu said: "It's just a drop in the bucket, we can afford it!"

After the voice fell, Li Fazhu took the lead in ordering his entire army to press up, and then Chi Ju asked his own men to follow.

Following closely behind, Shan Ding and Qu Rang also understood the priority of the matter, so they naturally followed to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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