Dajin royal family

Chapter 327 Rebellion

Chapter 327 Rebellion

Outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there were loud shouts of killing, while inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there was a dead silence.

The emperor was sitting on the dragon couch, looking at the memorial in his hand calmly, and the candlelight flickered by the side, as if it was about to go out with a slight blow.

The memorial said something about Qingzhou. The bandit Li Fazhu proclaimed himself Duke of Lu, established a court, and Chen Bingjibei County confronted the imperial army.

Rebellion is not terrible, what is terrible is that rioters start to establish courts, which is dangerous.

The emperor gently put down the memorial and pinched the acupuncture points on his face.He was thinking, did he really underestimate these violent bandits, or did the imperial army become vulnerable now because of their pampering?

"Ah Weng, what do you think about the matter in Qingzhou?"

A Weng, who was standing by the side, said slowly: "Your Majesty already has a plan in mind, so why should this old slave talk too much?"

"You old loach." The emperor scolded with a smile.

At this moment, the gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation was knocked open with a bang, and Jiang Chengxiao retreated in with the remaining Jinwu Guards.

Behind them, King Qi and Yang Gan led Jingdu Wei to rush in.

"Your Majesty, King Qi conspired against him!"

Yu Wenzhi staggered, covered in blood, ran to the emperor and knelt down.

The hatred in his heart, originally he wanted to run away immediately after the fight, but Jiang Chengxiao grabbed him tightly and shouted 'I will protect you, brother', but in reality he used himself as a shield.

King Qi walked into the Hall of Mental Cultivation and looked at the emperor who had stood up and looked at him.

"Father, my son came late to rescue me, please forgive my father!"

King Qi bowed his hands and saluted, and the Jingdu Wei behind him quickly set up his crossbow and pointed it at the emperor.

The emperor sneered, "Lang'er, you have learned how to deceive others now, why did I ask you to rescue me?"

King Qi said indifferently: "Concubine Xiao murdered her father, this matter is known all over the world."

The emperor's face was distorted in anger, and he pointed at King Qi and cursed: "A wolf-hearted thing, the crime of killing the king, can you bear it!"

Yang Gan said: "Concubine Xiao colluded with King Huo of Wudu to assassinate His Majesty, His Royal Highness Qi rescued him in time, but His Majesty was already in danger, and it was King Wudu and Concubine Xiao who killed the king!"

Jiang Chengxiao opened his mouth, how could this involve him.

"Yang Gan, your father used to be the right minister and the pillar of the imperial court. I didn't expect you to be a thief who committed chaos. Are you worthy of the favor of the Hongnong Yang family!" Jiang Chengxiao wiped the blood from his face, pointed at Yang Gan, and cursed .

Talking about this Yang Gan is full of anger, but he doesn't have time to chat with Jiang Chengxiao here.

"Your Highness, the top priority is to take down the emperor!" Yang Gan said.

King Qi nodded, looked at the emperor, and said slowly: "Father, please issue an edict to allow the ministers to destroy the traitors Jiang Chengxiao, Concubine Xiao, and the third prince!"

"Do you want to rebel!" The emperor angrily slapped the dragon case.

"My son did not rebel, but my son is destroying the rebels!"

The emperor laughed angrily, "Lang'er, do you think you have a chance to win?"

"Father, Jingduwei has already taken control of the palace."

At this time, Jiang Chengxiao walked out slowly, holding the horizontal knife tightly.

"If you want to murder His Majesty, step over my dead body first!"

Jiang Chengxiao was betting that it was impossible for the emperor not to arrange a backhand.

Because the emperor had received a secret report of King Qi's rebellion before, it was impossible for him to be unprepared.

Otherwise, Jiang Chengxiao would simply agree to the emperor and stay in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation tonight.

However, the emperor has not made a move until now, which made Jiang Chengxiao a little uneasy.

"Then you go to die." King Qi took a step back with a grim expression on his face, and the Jingdu Wei behind him rushed towards Jiang Chengxiao.

Swallowing, Jiang Chengxiao didn't take a step back.

He has no way to retreat now, whether he surrenders or resists, it is a dead end.

Nan Jiyun and Kuai Siyu rushed up to protect Jiang Chengxiao. The remaining Jinwu Guards were all embroidered pillows, and they were so frightened that they squatted on the ground.

To Jiang Chengxiao's surprise, Yu Wenzhiji also slashed up with a knife.

"Good brother!" Jiang Chengxiao yelled at Yu Wenzhiji.

The corner of Yu Wenzhi's mouth twitched, he didn't want to try his best, but now there was no other way, the emperor died, Yuwen's family was the first to be liquidated, and he couldn't escape when the time came.

The emperor looked at Jiang Chengxiao and others who were fighting in the crowd, and nodded slightly.

At this moment, a large number of soldiers suddenly poured in outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Looking at their armor and clothing, they were Zuo Yuwei!
I saw a cold light flickering on the horizontal knife in the hand of a general, and abruptly cut a bloody path. This person is the deputy general of Zuo Yuwei Zen Master Yuwen!
After a fierce battle, Jingdu Wei was defeated, and King Qi and Yang Gan were captured alive by Zen Master Yuwen.

"How is it possible? How did you come over so quickly?" King Qi looked at Zen Master Yuwen in disbelief.

The army of the twelve guards is not stationed in Luoyang on weekdays, but is stationed in the military town outside the city. Their rebellion is to take advantage of the convenience of the Kyoto guards guarding the palace city. here.

"I sent them here." The emperor's cold voice came.

King Qi was shocked, "You already knew, why did you wait until now to do it?"

"If the treachery has not been revealed, what will the law do?"

King Qi's face was ashen, and he knelt on the ground and lowered his head.

In Jiang Chengxiao's view, this is the appearance of a defeated dog.

Immediately, Jiang Chengxiao looked at Zen Master Yuwen again.

Sure enough, the emperor prepared a second move and secretly dispatched Zuo Yuwei to come over.

He felt something was wrong from the very beginning, it is impossible for the emperor not to know that it is impossible to guard the Hall of Mental Cultivation by relying on the Jinwu Guard.

That's right.

"Why rebellion?" The emperor asked him coldly.

In his heart, the emperor's heart was already throbbing. Just a few days after the death of the eldest son, the second son actually rebelled.


King Qi smiled desperately.

"Isn't the father the clearest?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The emperor was angry, is it my fault that you rebelled?
Seeing this, Jiang Chengxiao hurriedly stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, there are still Jingdu guards making trouble in the palace, and I will arrest them."

Next came the father-son conversation between the emperor and King Qi. Jiang Chengxiao didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing.

"Go." The emperor waved his hand wearily.

Jiang Chengxiao left the Hall of Mental Cultivation with Nan Jiyun, Kuai Siyu and a part of Zuo Yuwei.

After walking out, Jiang Chengxiao heaved a sigh of relief, today is really too dangerous.

"Hurry up and arrest the rebellious Jingdu Wei!" Jiang Chengxiao greeted Zuo Yuwei behind him.


After Zuo Yuwei left, Jiang Chengxiao took Nan Jiyun and the two slowly wandering around.

There were corpses all under the palace steps, and bloodstains were scattered all over the steps.

Step on it, and the blood that has not dried yet leaves bloody footprints on the ground.

"My lord, you are not injured." Nan Jiyun worried.

Jiang Chengxiao shook his head, "No, you are well protected."

In fact, it wasn't completely absent, his arm had been scratched a lot of wounds, but those were just minor wounds, nothing much.

Compared with today's excitement, minor injuries are naturally negligible.

One thing Jiang Chengxiao couldn't figure out was why the emperor had to wait for King Qi to come in before he did it.

It's definitely not what the emperor said, "how can the law be done before the treachery is revealed", the son rebelled against me, this is a scandal, and it is the subject's talk about the emperor's doubts!

Jiang Chengxiao always felt that the emperor was not waiting for King Qi today.

Could it be the nobles in Guanzhong?
Thinking of this, Jiang Chengxiao shook his head and looked at the stars all over the sky.

"Jiyun, tell me to go on, we must leave Luoyang in January at the latest!"

Even if he bears the fate of being wanted by the court, he must not stay here anymore.


In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, only the emperor and King Qi are left at this moment.

"Who told you to do this." The emperor looked at his son who was tied up and knelt on the ground.

Once upon a time, he was really optimistic about this son, but he was too frivolous and not wise enough.

Leaving him in the palace is not only punishment, but also hope that he can understand his own shortcomings.

"Didn't I say, it's you." Qi Wang said with a miserable smile.


The emperor slapped King Qi on the face.

King Qi laughed even more presumptuously.

Facing his crazy son, the emperor felt heartbroken.

"Jiang Hang!" The emperor roared, "Say it or not!"

"Father, the eldest brother is already dead. When Jiang Yan succeeds to the throne in the future, the son will still die. Uncle Hanwang's blood has not been shed yet."

The emperor's face turned pale, he can now be sure that King Qi really wanted to rebel by himself, and he was not bewitched by anyone.

But the more this happened, the more heartbroken he was.

"Why do you think so, I haven't decided yet!" The emperor was heartbroken.

King Qi gave a bleak smile, "But sooner or later."

He had already disregarded him, and his father didn't like him at all.

(End of this chapter)

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