Chapter 330

Pei Ju knew very well about the emperor announcing them to enter the palace this time. After all, what happened to Yu Binghong in Taiyuan was planned by him and Wang Hong.

But another thing was beyond his expectation.

He kept the matter of Li Yuan in Longxi a secret. How did the emperor get the news about it?
Generally speaking, matters in this kind of place must first be submitted to the political affairs hall, and the seven ministers of the political affairs hall will make a decision, and then handed over to the emperor for decision.

The seven ministers are six Shangshu plus one Shangshu Ling.

Since King Zhao was neglected by the emperor, the post of Shangshu Ling has been vacant, so there are only six Shangshu left in Zhengshitang.

Because of this, many secret memorials to Li Yuan were either secretly intercepted by Pei Ju, or intercepted by the Shangshu controlled by the nobles in Guanzhong.

However, the emperor got the news this time.

Where is the problem?
Or did the emperor's spies find out about Li Yuan?
"Your Majesty, I believe that Li Yuan and his family members should be recalled to Luoyang immediately. If he does not comply, His Majesty can issue an order to arrest him. If he agrees, His Majesty can count his crimes in Luoyang, and then" Yu Shiji suggested.

This is also a common method, to "move secretly" the ministers who are plotting against the law.

The emperor nodded, this strategy is good.

Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, Li Yuan has only two options, one is to rebel immediately, and the other is to return to Luoyang and wait for death.

Needless to say, the latter point, if Li Yuan chooses to rebel, it will be exactly what he wants.

The emperor said: "Yu Aiqing, I leave it to you to draft the recall edict. Now let's talk about Yu Binghong, what should we do with him?"

Wang Hong and Pei Ju exchanged glances in secret, and then Pei Ju cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, if Li Yuan is not provoking him now, it should be because the power has not yet formed, and we still have room to turn around, but Yu Binghong has been plotting secretly for many years, and I'm afraid he has decided to turn his back on him. We can't use this trick anymore."

"What Pei Aiqing means is that I sent troops to take down Yu Binghong?"

Wang Hongdao: "Your Majesty, Yu Binghong has colluded with the Taihang horse bandits for many years, but the Taiyuan county guards have not found any clues. At this time, Yu Binghong has exposed his flaws. It must be because of his power expansion. He can no longer hide it. If he ordered to arrest him, he It will definitely be reversed.”

Yu Binghong had indeed stayed in Taiyuan for a long time, and if he really issued an edict to recall him, I'm afraid it would be counterproductive.

This point, the emperor is still clear.

Although he had been waiting for the nobles in Guanzhong to rebel, but this time there were two forces, which made the emperor feel a little difficult.

If you deal with one of them with all your strength, then the other will definitely attack the imperial army.

At this time, the servants informed Liang Wang to enter the palace.

When Jiang Chengxiao walked into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he was a little surprised that all three of Pei Ju were present, but he quickly recovered his mood and paid homage to the emperor.

"Qingque came just in time, and there is something I need to talk about."

The emperor told Yu Binghong and Li Yuan about it.

After listening, Jiang Chengxiao was secretly startled.

He was aware of the Taiyuan matter, but Li Yuan in Longxi was not very clear about it.

At this time, he suddenly remembered the news about the Dou family. It turned out that the other person prepared by the nobles in Guanzhong was Li Yuan.

"Your Majesty, I believe that Guanzhong is the most important thing. Guanzhong should be first, and then Taiyuan!" Jiang Chengxiao said.

Guanzhong is the base camp of the nobles in Guanzhong. Once Li Yuan raises his troops, he will definitely occupy Guanzhong very quickly. When Tongguan falls, Guanzhong will form its own pattern.

Otherwise, it is not Yu Binghong's home. Yu Binghong is just floating without roots in Taiyuan and cannot become a climate.

"Your Majesty can send a large army to Bingzhou to guard against Yu Binghong. First deal with Li Yuan in Guanzhong, and then deal with Yu Binghong in Taiyuan."

These words were actually the emperor's heartfelt words.

"Not bad." The emperor agreed.

Both Pei Ju and Wang Hong had smiles on their faces, that's what they wanted.

"Your Majesty, I recommend His Royal Highness King Liang to guard Taiyuan." Yu Shiji cupped his hands.

As soon as his words fell, both Pei Ju and Wang Hong agreed.

"Qingque, what do you mean?" the emperor asked.

Will Jiang Chengxiao follow what Pei Ju and others think?

Do not!
Cubs don't join wolves!

"Your Majesty, I can lead the soldiers from the three counties outside the pass to the south to quell the banditry in Zhuo County first, and then go south from Yanmen County to prevent Yu Binghong from rebelling!"

Pei Ju and Wang Hong were stunned for a moment, this is different from what they agreed on, isn't it going to Taiyuan.

"Your Majesty, will there be any delay this time around?" Pei Ju gently persuaded, and at the same time gave Jiang Chengxiao a puzzled look.

Jiang Chengxiao replied that he should be safe and don't be impatient.

"Qingque, what do you think?" the emperor asked.

Jiang Chengxiao said confidently: "Your Majesty, Lu Mingyue's rebellion will be pacified within ten days. If Yu Binghong rebels first at that time, the minister will go south to attack Taiyuan and attack back and forth with the imperial army. Yu Binghong will be defeated then."

"At the same time, Your Majesty can reserve the imperial troops to guard against the incident in Guanzhong."

The last sentence spoke to the emperor's heart. He has always been reluctant to use the military power of the court, which he used to deal with the nobles in Guanzhong.

If the troops are divided to guard against Yu Binghong, the strength of the imperial court will definitely be weakened, and it may be difficult to annihilate Li Yuan as quickly as possible.

Jiang Chengxiao's plan just solved his problem. As long as the army outside the pass is in the north, Yu Binghong will not dare to move.

"What Qingque said really touched my heart."

Immediately, the emperor appointed Jiang Chengxiao as Hebei recruiter, fully responsible for quelling the banditry in the counties of Hebei.

Under the strong decision of the emperor, Pei Ju and Wang Hong swallowed back all the words of persuasion in their stomachs.

Although, both of them looked a little ugly.

Immediately, the emperor dismissed Pei Ju and others, leaving only Jiang Chengxiao alone.

"Qingque, your trip to Hebei is of great importance, and you must not disappoint me." The emperor warned secretly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely not disappoint Your Majesty."

"That's good, I believe in you."

After a pause, the emperor asked: "Qing Que, did Concubine Xiao get hurt the night Yang Gan rebelled?"

Jiang Chengxiao was stunned for a moment, his thoughts turned a little fast for no reason.

Is the emperor concerned about Concubine Xiao?

"Reporting to Your Majesty, when I arrived, the Jinhua Palace was in a mess, and Concubine Xiao was also greatly frightened." Jiang Chengxiao said truthfully.

"It's just a fright, did you suffer any physical damage?" The emperor squinted his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

Speaking of this, Jiang Chengxiao felt strange in his heart. Could it be that the emperor suspected that Concubine Xiao was ruined by the rebellious army?

"This minister doesn't know, but Miss Xiao was really scared at the time." Jiang Chengxiao said vaguely.

To be honest, he himself didn't know whether Concubine Xiao had been ruined or not.

Probably not, because Concubine Xiao was in good condition at that time.

Moreover, he didn't smell anything when he hugged Concubine Xiao at close range.

But he didn't know what the emperor thought.

"Okay, you go down." The emperor waved his hand.

"My minister retire."

After Jiang Chengxiao left, the emperor looked at A Weng, "What did the person sent say?"

A Weng bent down and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, most of the maids in Jinhua Palace have been persecuted by the rebel army. I am afraid that only Lady Xiao herself knows the specific situation."

Pei Ju and Wang Hong did not leave immediately after leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but stayed under the palace wall and waited for Jiang Chengxiao.

Not long after, Jiang Chengxiao saw the two of them.

"Duke Pei, prince, let's go for a walk together." Jiang Chengxiao didn't wait for them to ask, and invited them first.

Pei Ju is not in a hurry, anyway, today he must know why Jiang Chengxiao changed his mind temporarily.

"My lords, you should know that the most important thing in His Majesty's heart is the nobles of Guanzhong."

Pei Ju nodded.

Jiang Chengxiao continued: "Guanzhong is the lair of the nobles in Guanzhong. If the crisis in Guanzhong is not resolved, His Majesty will not be willing to send troops to other places. This can be seen by the two adults who failed to suppress the bandits twice in Qingzhou. "

"If I lead an army from the imperial court, His Majesty will definitely not agree."

Hearing this, Wang Hong said: "It turns out that His Highness thinks this way."

Pei Ju still didn't speak.

Jiang Chengxiao shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, and one more thing, if I really lead the imperial army to garrison Taiyuan, what will Yu Binghong do?"

Pei Ju was slightly taken aback, he had neglected this.

Once the imperial court sent Jiang Chengxiao to garrison Taiyuan, any fool would know what the emperor wanted to do, let alone Yu Binghong.

I'm afraid that Yu Binghong will rebel first and then occupy Taiyuan to fight against the court.

This is not what they want.

What they want is for Taiyuan to pass safely into Jiang Chengxiao's hands, not to be beaten down by Jiang Chengxiao.

But now, there is no other way.

(End of this chapter)

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