Dajin royal family

Chapter 334 The Xue Brothers

Chapter 334 The Xue Brothers

Huining County, Liangchuan County.

Horse leather shrouds, how many people fought back in ancient times?

Xue Baili was dressed as a poor man, pulling the former Zhending Princess Nanjia.

In front of them was a dilapidated house. The original owner of this house had died among the bandits, and the house was naturally abandoned.

It's only ten miles away from Liangchuan County, but Xue Baili didn't dare to go on, because he's already 'dead' now!

From Jingzhao County, sneaked into Beidi County, and finally came to Huining County.

To the north is Lingwu County, which is also his final destination. Only when he arrives in Lingwu County can he be truly safe.

Because it is the farthest from the Central Plains, it is also the safest place.

"Xue Lang, how many people will fight in ancient times is a good sentence."

Princess Zhending no longer looks like the princess she used to be. She is dressed like a peasant woman, making her look very ordinary.

Although she traveled day and night these days and drilled the woods everywhere, she didn't feel any pain at all.

Instead, she felt an unprecedented freedom.

After leaving the golden birdcage-like palace, she was finally able to live freely with Xue Lang.

Every time she recalled the thrilling night in the capital, she felt that the people around her were sent by heaven to save her.

Xue Baili smiled slightly, and clenched his sweetheart's little hand.

"Nanjia, I didn't say this. It was said by the champion general when he came back from his first battle against Turks."

"Champion General?" Nanjia was startled for a moment, but then remembered, "Xue Lang is talking about Wudu King?"

Xue Baili nodded, "Back then, I had the honor to fight against the Turks in Bingzhou with the General, but it's a pity that I was just a nobody at that time. The General must not remember me now."

Speaking of this, he also sighed for a while.

Who would have thought that the prince who was ridiculed as a sick child in Chang'an back then was actually a natural handsome talent, the champion of the Jin Dynasty.

The two didn't stop at this topic, and walked into the room hand in hand.

"Nanjia, let's settle down here first. After a while, I'll contact Bai Shao. He can send us out. We'll be safe in Lingwu County."

Xue Baili said to Nan Jia while cleaning up the sundries in the house.

Although Princess Zhending is an expensive princess, she is not such a delicate princess who does not touch the spring water with her ten fingers. She cleans up the sundries in an orderly manner.

"As long as Xue Lang is by my side, home is everywhere."

Hearing this, Xue Baili smiled slightly.

In the evening, the chimneys had already set off fireworks.

The two drank hot water, ate some dry food, and were about to go to sleep with their clothes on, when suddenly the sound of a horse howling came from outside.

"Officers and soldiers?" Xue Baili immediately took out the horizontal knife from the bag, and protected Nanjia behind him.

Nan Jia looked out the door worriedly. If they were really officers and soldiers, how could they escape?
Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Brother, it's me, Bai Shao!"

"It's Bai Shao?" Xue Baili was taken aback, he hadn't informed Bai Shao yet, how did he know he was still alive?

Opening the door, there was a man who looked very similar to Xue Baili standing outside. He was Xue Baili's younger brother, Xue Baishao, Liangchuan county lieutenant.

"Brother!" Seeing that his elder brother was indeed alive, Xue Baishao immediately hugged him to death.

Xue Baili was also very moved. Needless to say, there were mixed feelings when he fled for several months and saw his relatives again.

"So, the court has announced that Zhending and I are dead?"

After listening to his younger brother's talk about what happened in the court recently, Xue Baili was inconceivable. He thought that he would not be able to escape the pursuit of the court this time, but he did not expect the court to think that he and Nan Jia had already died in the sea of ​​fire.

The worries of these days suddenly dissipated.

Xue Baishao nodded, "The court's statement is that the countries in the Western Regions wanted to prevent us from getting married with Tupan, so they secretly sent people to assassinate Tupan's prime minister, which caused the eldest brother and the princess to die together."

"Okay, okay." A smile appeared on Xue Baili's face.

At first, he was worried that because of his recklessness, he would bring disaster to the Xue family, but he didn't expect it to become like this.

This is really a life escape!

Xue Baishao nodded, picked up the dry wood on the ground and threw it into the fire, the flames crackled and burned, dispelling some of the cold air around them.

"Brother, it's all right." Xue Baishao was also a little unbelievable. This respectful elder brother escaped with the princess, which was simply unheard of.

Although the eldest brother has not told him why he took Princess Zhending away, but he is not a fool, there must be something between the eldest brother and the princess!

Seeing Princess Zhending's shy appearance, Xue Baishao understood.

Xue Baili sighed: "Even so, Zhending and I will not be able to return to the Central Plains."

They have been declared dead by the court, if they reappear at this time, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the court.

What's more, at that time, Nanjia will definitely return to the palace.

That's not what he wanted.

Xue Baishao didn't know this, he said excitedly: "Brother, when will you go back with me, after mother heard about your accident, she was so worried."

He automatically ignored the phrase 'can't go back to the Central Plains'.

Xue Baili showed embarrassment, and glanced at Nanjia. The latter understood, nodded towards the two brothers, and then retreated into the back room.

Next, Xue Baili told what he had done without concealing it.

After listening, Xue Baishao was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the person who had the audacity to assassinate the prime minister turned out to be his elder brother.

Moreover, my elder brother had an affair with the princess.

what is this?
No wonder the eldest brother said that he couldn't go back, so that's what happened.

"Brother, what are your plans?"

At this time, Xue Baishao would naturally not be so stupid as to persuade his elder brother to go back.

Xue Baili said: "I'm planning to go to Lingwu County, it's closer to Beyond the Great Wall, it should be safer."

"No, brother, you must not go to Lingwu County!" Xue Baishao flatly refused.

"Why?" Xue Baili was stunned, could it be that his younger brother wanted to persuade him to go back?

Xue Baishao explained: "Brother, you don't know that Zhou Niu'er, a native of Lingwu County, colluded with the Turks to rebel in Lingwu County, and there has long been a sieve!"


Xue Baili suddenly stood up and stared.

"Collude with the Turkic rebellion?"

Xue Baishao nodded heavily, "That's right, Zhou Niu'er started rebelling as early as the seventh year of Hongye, but because of the lack of manpower, he was suppressed several times by the commander of Lingwu County, but this time he colluded with Turkic , all the way is like a broken bamboo, Lingwu County can't hold it at all!"

"Why hasn't the place been reported to the imperial court?"

"Brother, you don't know that there are a large number of thieves and bandits in Huining County, in several counties in the pass. Everyone is praying for the imperial court to send troops to quell the chaos, but no one pays any attention to it. The book was handed over and disappeared!"

Xue Baili was stunned. Although he was in the imperial capital, he didn't know much about the world. He only knew that the violent bandits in Qingzhou were the worst, and they had already occupied the six counties of Qingzhou.

But he never expected that the counties in the pass would start to be in turmoil.

"This Zhou Niu'er killed himself by his ancestors!" Xue Baili scolded fiercely.

People in the Jin Dynasty hated the Turks and other grassland tribes, but Zhou Niuer actually colluded with the Turks to rebel.
Xue Baishao shook his head and said, "Brother, this Zhou Niu'er is a slave of Turkic dogs, so it's not surprising that he would do this."

Now Xue Baili was in a difficult situation. If he couldn't go to Lingwu County, where should he go?
"Brother, why don't you go to Liangchuan County with me, as long as the elder brother lives in seclusion, the younger brother can still keep the elder brother." Xue Baishao said confidently.

"It will hurt you."

"Fart!" Xue Baishao scolded: "Didn't you ever think of failing to hurt Xue's family when you did it?"

Xue Baili: "."

That's right, what my younger brother said was right, at that time he just acted recklessly, he really didn't think about the Xue family.

He was a little ashamed.

Xue Baishao said: "This is the end of the matter, you can't go back anymore, don't say anything, go with me to Liangchuan County, it's safer there, it's better than you running around outside!"

Seeing the hesitation on the elder brother's face, Xue Baishao asked back: "If you are recognized, do you know what you will bring to the Xue family?"

With such a question, Xue Baili had nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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