Dajin royal family

Chapter 348 Wei Zhonghong

Chapter 348 Wei Zhonghong

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Chengxiao looked away from Zhuojun and Hejianjun, and rubbed his eyes a little tiredly.

"My lord." Nan Ji Yun brought tea.

Jiang Chengxiao took the tea and took a sip.

"Jiyun, next step do you think we should go to Zhuo County to deal with Lu Mingyue or Hejian County to deal with that Wang Xuba?"

These two are currently the top forces in the counties of Hebei, and they are also violent bandits who occupy the city and operate, and tend to develop towards Qingzhou violent bandits.

Nan Jiyun pondered for a while, and then said: "This subordinate feels that Zhuo County should be given priority."

"How to say?"

"Zhuo County is a county adjacent to Yuyang County. If you don't pacify Zhuo County and rush to deal with Wang Xuba of Hejian County, you may suffer from the enemy."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "You're right, Lu Mingyue of Zhuojun is indeed a troublemaker."

At present, Lu Mingyue has occupied a lot of cities in Zhuo County, from Changping, Liangxiang, Zhuo County, to Longhuo City, Gu'an, he has occupied almost half of Zhuo County.

When the two were talking, Xue Li, who had been silent all along, confessed his mistake.

"Your Highness, I will eventually realize my mistake."

Jiang Chengxiao was 'surprised' and said: "Why is General Xue still here, didn't he go down to rest?"

Although the tone is surprised, but the face is very calm.

Knowing that King Liang did this intentionally, Xue Li could only bite the bullet and say: "The last general knows his mistake, and the last general should not underestimate the enemy and make rash advances. Please punish him, Your Highness."

"What's wrong with you, I'm the one who's wrong." Jiang Chengxiao said lightly.

Xue Li lowered his head even deeper.

Jiang Chengxiao walked up to Xue Li, and said: "I was wrong because I saw the wrong person, General Xue, you are so brave, you took my light cavalry as your heavy cavalry and fell into the camp. This king was wrong, this king I don’t know soldiers, let alone generals.”

Xue Li's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Your Highness, I will know my mistake in the end, and I will be willing to be punished in the end."

Jiang Chengxiao acted as if he hadn't heard, and continued to say: "Do you know, the only soldiers available to this king are General Yuchi's [-] Green Eagle Army and General Pei's [-] Black Eagle Army. Each of these [-] brothers is my brother. brothers, but I leave their lives to you to decide, it is all the fault of this king."

Hearing this, Xue Li finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Your Highness, the final general really knows that he was wrong, and the final general is willing to deal with it by military law."

Putting the teacup on the desk, Jiang Chengxiao knelt down, picked up a pen and began to write letters.

Xue Li bowed his head and didn't dare to raise his head, so he didn't know what Jiang Chengxiao was doing.

After half a stick of incense passed, Jiang Chengxiao finished writing a letter, blew on the ink on it, and asked Nan Jiyun to seal it with wax paint.

"Temporarily step down from your post as General of the Black Eagle Army, and return to Liaodong with this letter. General Gong will arrange for you after reading the letter."

After a pause, Jiang Chengxiao went on to say: "As for your punishment, remember it for the time being, and let it be your meritorious deeds in the future."

Xue Li nodded, and stretched out his hands to take the letter handed over by Nan Jiyun.

"The end general knows, thank you Your Highness."

Jiang Chengxiao said: "General Xue, this kind of mistake must not be repeated in the future."

"The general understands, please rest assured, Your Highness." Xue Li said seriously.

"Okay, pack up and go back."

"Yes, I will retire at the end."

Xue Li withdrew, Nan Jiyun said: "My lord, will General Xue feel dissatisfied?"

"If he is really dissatisfied, there is no need to use it anymore." Jiang Chengxiao looked indifferent.

Although Xue Li is brave, he is not irreplaceable, but his manpower is still not free, and many generals have not been promoted.

Xue Li walked out of the tent of the Chinese army, just in time to meet Pei Yuanyan and others who came to discuss matters.

"General Xue, how did His Highness deal with you?" Zhao Jiao asked.

All the generals of the Liaodong Army are very familiar with them, and the people in the army have always spoken outspokenly, without as many twists and turns as the literati.

Xue Li lowered his head and said dejectedly, "Your Highness asked me to go back to Liaodong."

Hearing this, all the comrades showed sympathy.

There are so many violent bandits in Hebei, they are evil ghosts in the eyes of others, but they are military exploits in their eyes.

Now that Xue Li was sent back to Liaodong due to negligence, I am afraid that Xue Li will miss a good opportunity to accumulate military exploits this time when he suppressed bandits in Hebei.

"Don't worry, I'll go in and plead with His Highness for you." Zhao Jiao said.

"Nonsense!" Pei Yuanyan interrupted with stern eyes, "This matter is no small matter, His Highness must be angry in his heart. If you go to intercede with him at this time, you are not helping him, but harming him."

Hearing this, all the generals fell silent.

They have followed Liang Wang for a long time, and they understand that Liang Wang's temperament has always been one-sided, especially the general's "no jokes in the army" is very important.

This time Xue Li was reprimanded, I am afraid that it would be useless to plead for mercy.

Pei Yuanyan patted Xue Li and said, "Go back and have a good rest for a while. After a while, I will find a way to ask His Highness to ask you to come and help me."

What can Xue Li say now, it was his fault to underestimate the enemy and make rash advances.

"Thank you, General Pei, for your help." Xue Li cupped his hands, bowed his head and bid farewell to the generals.

Wei Zhonglan complained in a low voice, "Your Highness is too strict, didn't Lao Xue win the battle?"

Zhao Jiao narrowed his eyes and quickly covered Wei Zhonghao's mouth.

"Bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? Where is this place? An dare arranges His Highness behind his back. You are courting death."

All the generals took a bad look at the young general, then looked away immediately, and followed Pei Yuanyan into the big tent.

Zhao Jiao warned: "You boy, next time you dare to speak ill of His Highness, be careful with your tongue."

Wei Zhonglan nodded quickly, "Uncle Shi, I know, I won't dare next time."

"Stop talking nonsense and come in with me quickly."

In the tent of the Chinese army, Jiang Chengxiao saw Wei Zhongzhen and Zhao Jiao coming in, and said just now: "Xue Li underestimated the enemy and rushed forward. This king has already sent him back to Liaodong. This king hopes that you can take it as a warning."

"The Zhang Shichen we are dealing with now is just a small fish and shrimp. When we meet Lu Mingyue, Wang Xuba and others in the future, we must not be careless!"

"The final general will bear in mind His Highness' teaching."

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, and felt a little strange when he saw Wei Zhonghao who bowed his head and said nothing.

Is this kid nervous?

Wei Zhongxuan has some relationship with him. This son is the son of Jiang Chengxiao's light cavalry guard captain. The emperor died in the battle when he conquered Goguryeo, so he left this son in Liaodong and asked Jiang Chengxiao to take care of him.

This son's Kong Wu is powerful, with a monkey's back and a wasp's waist. Not only is he excellent at horseback, but his strategy is also very good.

Therefore, Jiang Chengxiao made an exception and promoted him, and took him by his side to teach.

"Zhong Hao, what's the matter with you, are you feeling unwell?" Jiang Chengxiao asked.

When Wei Zhonghao heard Jiang Chengxiao call his name, he was startled and shook his head quickly.

"No, everything will be fine in the end."

Jiang Chengxiao glanced at him thoughtfully, then withdrew his gaze immediately, and made everyone form a circle in front of the sand table.

"The violent bandits in Beiping County and Yuyang County have basically been wiped out. I will let General Yuchi wipe out the remaining three or two kittens. Now, we should set our sights on Zhuo County."

After entering the customs, Beiping County, Yuyang County, and Zhuo County were all the only routes for the Liaodong Army, and now there is only one Zhuo County left.

After taking Zhuo County, Shanggu County and Yanmen County are close at hand, and the promise he made to the emperor at the beginning has been fulfilled.

At the same time, he will also face Wang Xuba of Hejian County.

But that's something for later, now Lu Mingyue should be taken down first.

Thinking of Lu Mingyue, Jiang Chengxiao also had a wry smile in his heart. Speaking of which, this guy was able to stand up because of the soldiers he borrowed from Zhongzang.

Unexpectedly, Lu Mingyue would really use the Wuqianxi people to turn her back, which was a bit beyond Jiang Chengxiao's expectations.

"What do you think, generals?"

In the sand table in Zhuojun, every city occupied by Lu Mingyue has a flag with the word 'Lu' written on it, and there is a flag beside it with small characters like 'three thousand' or 'ten thousand' and so on.

These are Lu Mingyue's troops.

Pei Yuanyan looked at the various cities in Zhuo County, and suddenly found an unusual place.

"Your Highness, Lu Mingyue's heavy troops are stationed in Liangxiang and Longhuo City respectively. Their next step is likely to attack Lu County, and then complete the encirclement of Ji County."

Jiang Chengxiao glanced at Pei Yuanyan approvingly.

"That's right. There are 3 people in Liangxiang and 2 people in Dragonfire City. Lu Mingyue should have this idea in his next step."

Zhuojun is not a "poor county" like Beiping County and Yuyang County. Zhuojun has nine counties with nearly 9 households.

A large part of them gathered in Ji County, the prefecture of Zhuo County. Once Lu Mingyue took Ji County, the situation in Zhuo County would be bad.

Pei Yuanyan said: "Your Highness, the final general is willing to lead 1 people into Lu County to prevent Lu Mingyue from completing the encirclement of Ji County."

Jiang Chengxiao didn't answer him, but just looked at the sand table in Zhuojun silently.

(End of this chapter)

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