Dajin royal family

Chapter 356 Strategic Direction

Chapter 356 Strategic Direction
Speaking of which, Wei Shijian can be regarded as the younger brother of Jiang Chengxiao's old acquaintance.

Wei Shijian's elder brother is Wei Shilun, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. That minister left a deep impression on Jiang Chengxiao.

Over the past few years, almost half of the six ministers of the court have been replaced. Wei Shilun is indeed sitting on the position of minister of the Ministry of punishment, and he has not wavered even now, which shows the depth of his cultivation in the court.

Of course, it is also a reason why Wei Shilun came from the Jingzhao Du family.

As Wei Shilun's younger brother, Wei Shijian did a good job in Zhuo County. When Lu Mingyue's army besieged Ji County, he mobilized the whole city to resist the bandits to the death.

It even asked rich merchants and wealthy households to provide a lot of food and silver. From this point of view, this person is a practical person.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Lord Wei, this time Lu Mingyue has been driven into the Taihang Mountains by this king, but this king is afraid that she will make a comeback, and this king thinks that he may disturb Lord Wei here during this period of time."

Wei Shijian was slightly taken aback, but he did not expect King Liang to make such a request.

He knew Jiang Chengxiao's duty as Hebei recruiter, shouldn't he take advantage of the victory and pursue him at this time, and go south to suppress the bandits?
But he didn't ask, after all, Lu Mingyue had just been wiped out, so he couldn't refuse such a small request.

"I would like to thank His Highness, if there is no His Highness guarding here, I will really feel uneasy." Wei Shijian said with a smile.

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Lord Wei, don't worry, this king is only stationed here and will never interfere with Master Wei's official duties."

"Your Majesty understands."

"Thank you, Mr. Wei. The king will lead the army to enter Linshuo Palace soon. If there is anything, Mr. Wei will let you know."

"Linshuo Palace?" Wei Shijian was stunned for a moment, and immediately reminded: "Your Highness, that is the Holy Majesty's residence. If there is no order from His Majesty, wouldn't it be unethical to enter it rashly?"

Jiang Chengxiao smiled and said: "Master Wei misunderstood me. This king is only stationed outside Linshuo Palace and camped outside. He will never let anyone in. Don't worry, Mr. Wei."

Hearing this, Wei Shijian nodded, "It's just that the lower officials are worrying too much. Your Highness is naturally respectful and courteous."

Linshuo Palace is the northern palace built by the first emperor. It is similar to Linyu Palace in Beiping County, but it is built more grandly.

Here, the flying pavilion is towering, connected by multiple roads, pavilions and waterside pavilions, everything is available.

Although the emperor didn't live here, Wei Shijian arranged for people to clean it here.

"I didn't expect there to be such a palace in Beidi. It's really an eye-opener." Pei Yuanyan stood behind Jiang Chengxiao, looked at the buildings around him, and couldn't help admiring.

On the other side, Yu Chijing also sighed slightly.These days, he was used to seeing the tragic scene of starvation everywhere, and seeing such a scene again made him feel a little touched.

The three of Jiang Chengxiao came here today without bringing a single soldier, let alone wearing armor, but wearing the clothes of noble sons.

The three of them entered the garden, and Nan Jiyun had already prepared cushioned tea.

After everyone was seated, Jiang Chengxiao said: "You two must be very surprised why I don't take advantage of the victory to pursue at this time, and go south to deal with Wang Xuba."

Yu Chijing and Pei Yuanyan looked at each other and nodded.

They really didn't understand, especially when the military spirit was available, wouldn't it be better to go south to deal with Wang Xuba.

"The last general really doesn't understand His Highness' intentions." Pei Yuanyan said.

Jiang Chengxiao took a sip of the fragrant tea, and explained: "Because His Majesty sent me to the Northland with another important task."

Then, Jiang Chengxiao told about Yu Binghong's intention to rebel in Taiyuan.

Yu Chijing and Pei Yuanyan opened their mouths wide, and it took a while to recover.

"Your Highness, is this true?" Yu Chijing couldn't help asking.

"The real can not be fake, the fake can not be real."

Pei Yuanyan said: "Your Highness, if Yu Binghong really intends to rebel, it will take some effort to enter Taiyuan County from Hebei. Moreover, once Yu Binghong raises troops and sends people to block the Feihu Path, we will have to go around in circles." .”

Jiang Chengxiao nodded and said, "That's why I temporarily stopped the campaign against Wang Xuba. If we are in a bitter fight with Wang Xuba at this time, once Yu Binghong raises his troops to capture Feihuxing and Jingxing, we will delay your Majesty's important event!"

Jiang Chengxiao did not deceive Pei Yuanyan and Yu Chijing on this point, he was really worried about this, so he stopped the pace of suppressing bandits.

"Now we only have the military capital of Juyongguan in Zhuo County, but this is not enough. If Yu Binghong raises troops and we go south from Duxing, we will have to go through Yanmen County and Loufan County, which will take too much effort. "

"Do you understand what I mean?" Jiang Chengxiao looked at the two of them.

Yuchi Jing said: "Your Highness means that next we will go south to Shanggu County, Boling County, and Hengshan County to control Feihuxing and Jingxing?"

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "That's right, taking Feihu Xing is equivalent to taking Puyin Xing. We can directly enter Yanmen County, which greatly shortens the marching time. And once Jingxing is taken, I don't need to say more. From Jingxing, you can directly enter Taiyuan County, directly into Binghong's heart!"

It can be said that Jingxing is the best path in Jiang Chengxiao's mind.

Pei Yuanyan said: "Your Highness, the next step is for me and General Yuchi to lead the army south immediately?"

Jiang Chengxiao nodded, "At present, Shanggu County, Hengshan County, and Boling County, there are no big bandit forces circling in these three places. You can lead your army through these places easily and control Feihu and Jingxing."

"But we lead the army to leave, what will Zhuo County do?" Yu Chijing asked worriedly.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled slightly, "You don't have to worry about that, I have asked General Gong to send [-] Green Eagles here, and there is nothing serious about it. However, before we leave, we still need to teach Wang Xuba a lesson."

Hearing this, Yu Chijing and Pei Yuanyan were both taken aback.

If the situation in Zhuo County is not too bad, then the situation in Hejian County is corrupt. Two bandits of equal strength are fighting inextricably in Hejian County.

One is Liu Jianhan in the west, and the other is Wang Xuba in the east.

These two gangster forces have been fighting for Hejian County since the day of the rebellion, and there is no winner until now.

There is not much difference between Hejian County and the counties of Qingzhou now. The officials of the imperial court have been killed, and only the violent bandits are left here.

When the news that King Liang led his troops to pacify Lu Mingyue in Zhuo County spread to Hejian County, the people here were looking forward to when King Liang would come to suppress Liu Jianhan and Wang Xuba every day.

Unlike the common people who expected King Liang to suppress the bandits, Wang Xuba and Liu Jianhan obviously did not want King Liang to enter Hejian County.

Although they were not afraid of King Liang, they did not dare to underestimate King Liang. They did not want him to enter Hejian County to disrupt the situation.


This was originally the county seat of Hejian County, but now it has become Liu Jianhan's headquarters.

"Your Majesty, good news!" Counselor Kong Shaode walked into the remodeled palace of the Hejian Yamen in three steps and two steps, and met Liu Jianhan, who proclaimed himself the 'King of Han'.

"What good news, sir, I see you are in a hurry." Liu Jianhan put his arms around his concubine and looked at Kong Shaode who was sweating profusely with a smile.

Liu Jianhan is in his 40s. He looks inconspicuous, even a little thin and short, but he is vicious and violent.

Back then, he was an ordinary servant in Hejian County, and he was well-known in the green forest. Later, Lu Mingyue rebelled, Wang Xuba rebelled, and he followed suit.

He committed suicide for the sheriff of Hejian County, and took over the sheriff's beautiful wife and concubine.

"Your Majesty, King Liang led the crowd to fight Wang Xuba in Wen'an!"

Hearing this, Liu Jianhan pushed the concubine away, and asked eagerly, "What's the result?"

Kong Shaode swallowed his saliva, "King Liang won a great victory, annihilating more than 4 Wang Xuba, and chased him for more than ten miles!"

Liu Jianhan's pupils shrank. As Wang Xuba's deadly enemy, he certainly knew how effective Wang Xuba's soldiers were.

This King Liang was able to annihilate more than 4 people in Wang Xuba, and naturally he could also annihilate more than 4 people.

"You are worthy of being the champion of Emperor Jin's praise. You really cannot underestimate him." Liu Jianhan's face was somber that he could drip water.

This time Liang Wang went south, the target was him and Wang Xuba!

"How about King Liang's loss?"

"Less than three thousand casualties!"

Hearing this, Liu Jianhan gasped.

It's not that he has never heard of the bravery of the Liaodong Army, but how fierce is it to wipe out [-] enemies and less than [-] damage?
"Sir, what should we do?" Liu Jianhan asked, "This king of Liang is coming in a menacing manner, and he is not an easy man!"

He couldn't help but not worry, Lu Mingyue was a lesson from the past!
(End of this chapter)

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