Dajin royal family

Chapter 362 Get off the horse and enter the city

Chapter 362 Get off the horse and enter the city
Teams of soldiers were cleaning up the wreckage of the outer city of Taiyuan, which had been stormed by Yu Binghong day and night for several days, and it was supported by the high walls of the city.

But relatively, the soldiers and civilians in the city also suffered heavy casualties, and all four thousand Taiyuan defenders died in battle, which is why the people of Taiyuan feel uneasy.

If Yu Binghong leaves and returns, how can they resist?

Xiang Xian dragged the corpses of the violent bandits and put them on the cart. All the corpses of the soldiers who died in the battle were claimed and taken back. If no one claimed them, they were all burned and buried.

In the past, they were buried on the spot, but Taiyuan is here. If they were buried on the spot, no one would be able to bear the stench from the tens of thousands of corpses.

In addition, the plague that broke out from the corpses when the Grand Canal was dug made the people all over the world terrified. Therefore, in order to avoid such things, they all chose to burn them on the spot.

"General, will the rebels come back?"

The lieutenant carried the corpses and piled them together.

Xiang Xian reassured: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter even if he comes back, His Royal Highness King Liang's [-] troops are stationed in Taiyuan, so what can the rebels do."

The captain nodded thoughtfully, and said with a smile: "It's true, His Royal Highness Liang Wang has never been defeated in suppressing bandits. With him in Taiyuan, I think too much."

While the two were talking, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance, followed by a soldier's exclamation.

"That's the flag of the Green Eagle Army!"

A large flag fluttered in the wind, and a green eagle with a black background soared in the air, looking majestic.

Under the banner, the Qingying Army wore standard armor, an eagle-prismatic helmet on their heads, and an eagle with wings spread on their chest armor, and their horses neighed.

"No, there is also the Black Eagle Army banner!"

On the other side, the banner of the Black Eagle Army unfurled, and the black cavalry of the Black Eagle Army appeared.

Compared with the cyan armor of the Qingying Army, the Black Eagle Army has uniform black armor, and the horse spears in their hands are all black.

In the middle of the two armies, a "ginger" flag flutters.

The banner is inlaid with silver edges, which represents the royal status of the leader and coach.

"His Royal Highness King Liang has finally come, pass the order, line up to welcome, and open the city gate!" Xiang Xian showed joy.


Jiang Chengxiao was dressed in armor, with a long sword on his waist, and he looked heroic on a horse.

"Uncle Wang, I'm going to bother the Wang family more this time." Jiang Chengxiao smiled and said to Wang Xun beside him.

Wang Xun sent [-] shi of grain to Jiang Chengxiao, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. His [-] troops went south to Taiyuan to confront Yu Binghong, and basically all the grain in the three counties of Liaodong was emptied.

Now with these [-] stones, it should be able to last for a while.

Furthermore, with these grains, Taiyuan can be stabilized, and it can also win the hearts of the people in Taiyuan.

This is a feat!

Wang Xun hurriedly said: "Your Highness is too far-fetched. Your Highness is fighting everywhere for state affairs. The Wang family just took out a little food. This is the duty of the Wang family. Your Highness must not take it to heart."

At this moment, Wang Xun was actually a little uneasy, because he recognized that this Liang Wang was actually the young general of the Jin army that Hongye had been asking for food for the past three years.

Looking back at that time, I sternly refused.

If he bears this grudge, wouldn't he have to wear small shoes?
"Your Highness, the Wang family eats the king's salary, and should repay the king's kindness. Now that bandits are everywhere, His Highness is constantly fighting everywhere. Naturally, the Wang family will do their best to help." Wang Xun said seriously.

Jiang Chengxiao chuckled, feeling a little sad in his heart.

This is the power of the aristocratic family. He took out one hundred thousand shi of grain without blinking his eyes. In addition to the prestige of the Wang family in Taiyuan, with their assistance, he can quickly appease Taiyuan.

If the Wang family supports Yu Binghong, Jiang Chengxiao dare not imagine the consequences.

"The Wang family are all loyal and patriotic people, Qingque will remember." Jiang Chengxiao patted Wang Xun's shoulder with a smile.

This action made Wang Xun feel a little more at ease.

Not long after, the army arrived at a distance of fifty steps outside Taiyuan City.

Xiang Xian came on horseback, got off his horse, knelt down on one knee, and said in a loud voice: "His Royal Highness Liang Wang, the general of Taiyuan, Xiang Xian, was ordered by His Majesty to station in Taiyuan. Now I hope that His Highness will station in Taiyuan and restore Taiyuan's stability!"

"See King Liang!"

Crash, all Taiyuan soldiers knelt down on one knee.

Jiang Chengxiao's face was calm, and he steered the horse out of the army formation slowly.

At this moment, the wind is rustling, but tens of thousands of people are present, but it seems very silent.There are occasional sounds, or the snorting of horses, or black eagles circling in the sky.

Jiang Chengxiao took off his helmet, his long hair stood up high, his hair was tied into a high ponytail for convenience, and a jade medal was worn on top of his head.

His long hair fluttered in the wind, and Jiang Chengxiao's eyes fell on the head of Taiyuan City, where a flag of the Great Jin Dynasty was flying.

"Thank you General Xiang, get up."

Jiang Chengxiao threw the helmet to Ji Yun behind him, got off his horse, walked over and helped Xiang Xian up.

Xiang Xian looked excited, cupped his hands and said: "Your Highness, please get on the horse, and I will lead His Highness into the city at the end."

Jiang Chengxiao shook his head, "No, I want to enter the city on foot."

Hearing this, Xiang Xian was taken aback for a moment, then without thinking too much, he stretched out his hand to ask Liang Wang to go first.

Jiang Chengxiao lifted his feet and walked, and behind him, the Black Eagle Army and Qingying Army's chief generals, deputy generals, school lieutenants, including documents, marching counselors, Sima, etc. all got off their horses and walked.

Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of soldiers from the Black Eagle Army and the Green Eagle Army all dismounted.

Such a scene, not surprisingly, fell into the eyes of the people in the city.

"Dismount and go?"

Wang Ling was drinking medicine when she heard the servants report the situation of entering the city.

"Yes, fourth master, King Liang dismounted first, and then the others dismounted."

Wang Ling nodded, and waved away the servants.

"What a powerful King Liang, this scheming is unrivaled in the world!"

Daughter Wang Yuan'er who was sitting on the side asked curiously: "Father, how could King Liang get involved with scheming when he dismounted?"

Wang Ling chuckled and explained: "If King Liang led an army into the city on horseback today, the people might feel that King Liang is invincible and feel at ease. But this will also make the people feel uneasy."

Wang Yuan'er was confused, how could she be stable for a while and restless for a while.

As if seeing her daughter's doubts, Wang Ling continued: "Soldiers, fierce! The people of Taiyuan have just experienced a battle with the rebels. At this time, if King Liang faces the people of Taiyuan with the attitude of an iron-blooded commander, it will make people The people are afraid."

"On the contrary, King Liang dismounted and entered the city on foot. Although the momentum was slightly weakened, it was more than enough to make up for it with the prestige of tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, and the people's vigilance against King Liang would also be somewhat weakened."

"This is where King Liang is clever."

Wang Ling sighed, this child is young, but his scheming is so deep, and he doesn't give others a chance to intervene in things.

Not long ago, he tested the Wang family, and now that he entered the city, he began to buy people's hearts, which completely put an end to the Wang family's desire to cooperate with him to appease the people.

I am afraid that in the near future, the people of Taiyuan will only know King Liang, but not Wang.

At this moment, he felt uneasy, supporting Liang Wang, can the Wang family really live in peace?

he does not know!

Judging from King Liang's behavior, the depth of this man's scheming is frightening.

Until now, he didn't dare to think about why Liang Wang didn't enter Taiyuan!

"Father, the Wang family has made this move, but there is no turning back." Wang Ling closed her eyes, trying to get rid of the uneasiness in her heart and annihilate the doubts.

He dare not think wildly!
"Yuan'er, bring some tea for father."

After talking a lot, he was a little thirsty.

The copper pot tilted slightly, and the tea fell into the cup, and a young man with a clear face gave the tea to Wang Ling.

Wang Ling opened her eyes and saw the young man startled slightly.

"Hui'er, why is it you? Where's Yuan'er?"

The young man in front of him is Wang Hui, the son of his third brother who passed away.

Wang Hui smiled faintly, "Grandfather asked me to resign and sent me back overnight. As for Yuanniang, she seemed to be in a hurry and went out with her maid."

"This girl." Wang Ling shook her head, took a sip of tea, and then put down the cup.

"Father asked you to come back, but what's the big deal to inform us?"

Wang Hui shook his head, "There is no major event, only one sentence."


"Cooperate fully with King Liang."

Wang Ling nodded, "Naturally."

After a pause, Wang Ling asked curiously, "Hui'er, have you heard about King Liang dismounting and entering the city today?"

"Slightly heard."

"What do you think?"

"Heart is like mud under the sea."

Wang Ling smiled gratifiedly, this child is still smart.

"Then what do you think of King Liang?"

Hearing this, Wang Hui fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Wang Hui shook his head, "My child still can't see through."

"Don't worry, let's talk about the situation in Luoyang." Wang Ling said.

(End of this chapter)

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