Dajin royal family

Chapter 372 The Change of Luoyang

Chapter 372 The Change of Luoyang ([-])

The news of the fire in the Hall of Mental Cultivation could not be concealed at all. The people in Luoyang saw that the palace was on fire last night.

In other words, Yu Wenshu didn't want to hide it.

On the second day, he 'invited' a group of important officials to the Hall of Light and told them about the emperor's self-immolation in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

In fact, Yu Wenshu was in a bad mood when he said this. After the fire in the Hall of Mental Cultivation was extinguished, he asked people to dig three feet to find the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, but there was none!
Searched all over the palace, still nothing!

He even arrested all the servants who served the emperor and tortured them to extract confessions, but he still didn't come to the conclusion.

This drove Yu Wenshu crazy, how could he write the imperial edict without the emperor's imperial seal?
In desperation, he could only let his counselor write a 'blood book'.

The content of this blood book is not worth scrutinizing. Simply put, it is that the emperor felt sorry for his ancestors, set himself on fire in the palace to atone for his sins, and thanked the subjects of the world, and designated a branch of the clan as the heir.

In fact, Yu Wenshu is also very helpless, of course he wants to find a heir who is more consistent.

But the problem is that the Queen, Concubine Xiao and others took away Crown Prince Zhao, Third Prince Jiang Yan, King Abandoned Qi and other direct members of the royal family. In desperation, he could only find a member of the clan to inherit the throne.

And that clan son is only three years old this year.

Moreover, it is stated in the blood book that Yu Wenshu is appointed as the regent to take charge of the country's military and political power.

In fact, Yu Wenhuaji was very puzzled, why didn't his father ascend the throne directly with tens of thousands of troops in his hand, why did he support a three-year-old child to ascend the throne.

Yu Wenshu also has his own considerations. Although he controls all the troops in Luoyang, the problem is that the civil servants don't recognize him at all. If he ascends the throne rashly and no one goes to court, then what is the difference between him and a general without an army.

Furthermore, although the Jin family was unpopular, Yu Wenshu's ascension to the throne may not necessarily be popular.

Even counties and counties in other places will rebel one after another. After a series of considerations, Yu Wenshu decided to temporarily support a puppet emperor, and slowly care about it in the future.

This blood letter was spread among the important officials, and everyone had only one word in their hearts.

Leaving aside how nonsensical the content of this blood book is, it is unreasonable for Yu Wenshu to appear here.

The emperor clearly asked him to go to Guanzhong to suppress Li Yuan, when did he let him come back?

All the ministers understood that the emperor had been forced to death by Yu Wenshu!
Not even a single bone.

Pei Ju's expression was sad. Although he felt that the emperor was not good, the emperor was forced to burn himself to death, which still made him feel sad.

Many ministers in the Guangming Palace fell to the ground and cried bitterly.

Looking at this scene, Yu Wenshu couldn't help feeling rejoicing.

If he hastily ascended the throne, the current situation would be even worse.

"Cough cough, please be safe, colleagues." Yu Wenshu coughed twice, and then said with grief on his face: "The late emperor had a great misfortune, and we are all in great pain. However, wars have broken out in the world. In order to help the Jin family and clear the universe, I also hope that all the ministers will take care of their bodies, help protect the young master, calm the world, and return the family to Jin!"

Zheng Shanyuan and others watched Yu Wenshu stand in front of the dragon bed like a clown and perform coldly.

The six ministers and the ministers of the major temples all remained silent.

Seeing this scene, many officials seemed to have found the backbone, they kept silent and stared at Yu Wenshu coldly.

The scene stopped for a moment, and the generals headed by Yu Wenshu confronted a group of civil servants headed by Zheng Shanyuan.

"Xu Guogong!"

Yu Zheng, the official censor, stood up.

Yu Wenshu squinted his eyes, he knew about Yu Zheng's prick.

"What do you want to say, Mr. Yu?"

Yu Zheng straightened his clothes and walked to the front.

"I remember that His Majesty sent Xu Guogong to Guanzhong to suppress Li Yuan, but he did not recall you. Why did you have no order to oppose Beijing!"

Yu Wenshu chuckled, and winked at the counselor next to him.

The counselor laughed and said, "Your Majesty, His Majesty is sending your personal guards to pass on the oral order."

"Where is the guard, I want to see you!" Yu Zheng's expression turned pale.

Pei Ju sighed secretly, Yu Zheng was too straightforward, he believed such words.

Everyone actually knew that Yu Wenshu killed the king, but they couldn't say it at this moment because the entire Guangming Palace was surrounded by soldiers.

"It's clear that you are the one who caused chaos and killed the king!" Yu Zheng yelled.

Many courtiers applauded secretly in their hearts, and silently cheered Yu Zheng up.

Yu Wenshu snorted coldly, he was not at all surprised that someone stood up and scolded him.

"My lord, the late emperor ordered me to come back to protect the young master. How can this be a lie? You think too much." Yu Wenshu replied with restraint.

"Rebellious officials and traitors!" Yu Zheng pointed at Yu Wenshu and yelled, "Repetitive villain, ashamed of His Majesty's kindness, conspiracy and usurper, you traitor, villain, traitor!"

The more Yu Zheng scolded, the worse it sounded, and Yu Wenshu's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker.

Yu Wenzhi couldn't bear it anymore, he pulled out the horizontal knife, and walked quickly to Yu Zheng.

"Old man, stop scolding!"

One finger away from the tip of the knife is the tip of Yu Zheng's nose.

Many courtiers who were about to move became quiet for a moment, secretly swallowing their saliva.

Yu Zheng sneered, "The old man's scolding is still light. Your Yuwen family was originally a slave in the Northern Wei Dynasty. You broke the wild head, was born in the grass, fed on wild animals, and was so inhumane. It's like you're waiting for a thunderbolt from the sky"

"court death!"

Yu Wenzhi and the horizontal knife swung out, cutting off Yu Zheng's head abruptly.

Blood spattered Yu Wenzhi all over.

Pei Ju, who was closest to Yu Zheng, also had blood splashed all over his face.

It was completely quiet now, and the courtiers who were about to move immediately turned off the fire.

Yu Zheng's head fell among the ministers, causing him to scream again and again.

Seeing this, Yu Wenzhi sneered.

"Hey, they're all fucking poor literati, eggless waste!"

Yu Wenshu did not interrupt, he needed such a deterrent, otherwise these courtiers would have thought that the emperor was dead!

"Master Pei, you are the Minister of Rites, tell me, have I usurped?" Yu Wenshu's eyes fell on Pei Ju.

All eyes fell on Pei Ju, waiting for Pei Ju's statement.

If Pei Ju admits it, then this indirectly recognizes the legitimacy of Yu Wenshu, and completely affirms that the emperor's death was suicide.

Yu Wenzhiji held the horizontal knife and stared at Pei Ju covetously.

"My lord Yuwen, the most important thing now is to deal with His Majesty's funeral, not to argue about it here, what do you think?" Pei Ju responded to him indifferently.

Hearing this, Yu Wenzhi was about to step forward to give him a knife, but Yu Wenshu reached out to stop him.

"Master Pei is right, let's discuss the late emperor's funeral first."

He knew that this was Pei Ju's plan to delay the attack, but he didn't care, because the whole Luoyang was under his control, and it was difficult for Pei Ju and others to fly out even with their wings.

Now he really can't kill Pei Ju, Zheng Shanyuan and others.

The status of these old fellows is very different. If they were killed easily, the scholars in the world would abandon him, and if he killed the ministers at will, the people would question his legitimacy.

He can't do that just yet.

As long as this stage is transitioned, he can take care of Pei Ju slowly in the future.

Furthermore, Yu Wenshu is very clear that he does not have the support of the nobles in Guanzhong, and if he can, he wants to win over the Shandong gentry.

Otherwise, he would not be able to resist Li Yuan's influence.

Now the world is in chaos, and the forces currently in his hands are only a few counties in the Central Plains and two counties in Guanzhong. His foundation is not yet stable.

"Zhiji, step back." Yu Wenshu scolded.

Yu Wenzhi glanced coldly at Pei Ju, and slowly backed away.

The ministers have no objection to this result, or dare not have objection.

Yu Wenshu dared to let Yu Wenzhiji kill people in the Guangming Palace, what else would he not dare?

Because the emperor died by self-immolation, there was no body buried at all, and only the emperor's clothes were placed in the coffin.

Several imperial concubines knelt in the Guangming Hall and wept.

Yu Wenzhi glanced at one of the exquisite imperial concubines, recalling the wonderful things of last night, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

After the mourning, all the ministers gathered in the imperial study to discuss the emperor's posthumous title, mausoleum and other matters.

There is no problem with the mausoleum and so on. After the emperor ascended the throne, the construction of the mausoleum in Jingzhao County started.

Just transport the coffin in and seal the mausoleum.

But the posthumous title, everyone has a disagreement.

Pei Ju said: "Emperor Gaozu is Emperor Wu, and His Majesty is Emperor Taizong Wen. What can we say?"

After the words fell, Yu Wenshu's counselor stood up.

"Master Pei is wrong." The counselor slowly said: "Emperor Gaozu unified the world, and his martial virtues were manifested, so he was naturally Emperor Wu. But the first emperor killed the people, regardless of the life and death of the world, how can he have the posthumous title of 'Wen'? This is very wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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