Dajin royal family

Chapter 377 The general trend of the world

Chapter 377 The general trend of the world (thanks to the millennium reincarnation for the reward)
Taking down Fan County, Li Fazhu's mood is much better, because Jibei County is one of the gateways to the east of the Central Plains. Through here, he can go all the way west along the river, and all military supplies can be transported along the river.

Looking ahead, Dongping County, Dongjun County, Wuyang County, Liang County and other rich lands in the Central Plains are in sight!
Why must we go west?

Firstly, the Central Plains is a densely populated place, and secondly, this place has not suffered from rebellion, so as long as it is well governed after it is taken, it can be said that he will have a place for material regeneration.

Although Li Fazhu is in a desperate situation, only he knows that the current Qingzhou army has long since reached the end of its rope!
They raised troops, and they relied on looting for food and supplies all the way!
The people in the six counties of Qingzhou are actually on the verge of collapse. If the Jin army stationed in Jibei County cannot be defeated this year, then he must retreat and spend time to restore the people's livelihood in Qingzhou.

After all, it is not a long-term solution to exhaust the pond and fish. The biggest difference between him and Shan Ding and others is that he is a nobleman.

And Shan Ding and others are just thieves!

Not only people are thieves, but their behavior and style are also thieves, and their hearts are also thieves!

That's why they never consider the overall situation when they do things, they just focus on fighting blindly, attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold, and then indulge their soldiers to plunder the city.

Is this the way to go in the long run?

No, it is absolutely not!

Li Fazhu, as a descendant of the Li family in Longxi, knows very well that if he wants to achieve great things, he must treat the people kindly, otherwise nothing will be discussed!
This time when he dispatched troops to Fan County, he tried his best to overcome all opinions and forcibly subdued the prestige of Shan Ding and others, forcing them to lead the army to follow up.

Therefore, after taking Fan County, Li Fazhu's face became very hard.

Previously, due to the prestige of Shan Ding, Qu Rang and others in the green forest, he had to compromise on some things.

But it is not necessary now, he led the Qingzhou army to defeat the Jin army several times, and his prestige has long been comparable to that of Shan Ding and others.

If it weren't for the unstable foundation, how could he have given Shan Ding and others a good look.

In the hall, Li Fazhu unquestionably knelt on the main seat.

The following are Qu Rang, Shan Ding, Chi Ju and others.

"Everyone, now that Fan County has been taken, it's time for us to enter Dongjun County. What do you think?" Li Fazhu glanced at the leaders indifferently.

Shan Ding clenched his fists and wanted to speak out to refute, but now Li Fazhu's momentum is getting louder and louder, the generals in the army know Lu Gong but don't know that Shan Ding is already there.

He did not speak after all.

Qu Rang was also slightly silent. The matter has gradually slipped out of his control. Li Fazhu's position is becoming more and more stable. Is it really necessary to fulfill Li Fazhu?

A voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked over in surprise. At this time, is there anyone else who is singing against Li Fa?
It was Chiju, Duke of Dongnae County who spoke.

Seeing that it was Chiju who spoke, Fazhu Li's face turned slightly better.

He despised Qu Rang, Shan Ding, Shan Xin and others, but only Chi Ju he could look up to, and he also relied heavily on him.

Because from the beginning, he had a good relationship with Chiju, and later when he went west, Chiju followed him the most firmly.

"What do you think of General Chi?" Li Fazhu asked.

He knew that Chi Ju was different from Qu Rang and the others, if Qu Rang and the others spoke, they would be sneering and trying to save him.

Chiju said: "Duke Lu, we have fought so far and finally won Jibei County. This is something worth celebrating. But has Mr. Lu ever thought that we are now exhausted and lack of food and grass, if we rush westward, we will go to the west?" When the imperial court sends a large army, how should we resist it?"

Hearing this, Fazhu Li remained silent.

Chi Ju continued: "I received the news that Meng Changtian of Donghai County raised his troops. Now that our army is alone, how can the hinterland of Qingzhou resist?"

Li Fazhu's face changed slightly, and the two things Chi Ju said were undoubtedly the most important.

But with such a great victory over the army, he didn't want to give up, maybe he could grab another county or two.

Cheng Zhijie said loudly: "If there is no food, let's grab it. Anyway, the Central Plains is rich."

"Shut up!" Chi Ju yelled, "Duke Lu has issued repeated orders not to plunder the people, you don't have a brain, get out!"

Cheng Zhijie twitched his lips, and just rolled away.

He literally rolled out on the ground.

Chiju: "."

Cheng Zhijie, you fucking must have done it on purpose!
Li Fazhu looked at Cheng Zhijie who was 'get out' and was also speechless. This Cheng Heizi is capable, but his character is not good.

It's not that he bullies men and women, but that this black guy doesn't do much practical things.

Let him defend the city, he must drink and gamble, let him lead the army to advance, he must be the last one behind.

However, all the generals in the army had a good relationship with him, and this man was born with a bandit spirit.

But there is one thing Li Fazhu admires him very much. Cheng Heizi has nothing to say to his wife, and all the military pay and so on must be sent back to his wife.

Furthermore, although this man is good at drinking and gambling, his character is still passable. At least Li Fazhu has never heard of or seen this black man oppressing the people and robbing the women of the people.

Therefore, Li Fazhu usually turned a blind eye to Cheng Heizi's actions.

After all, it is still difficult to find a thug who can abide by the rules like Cheng Heizi.

All the generals in the lobby burst into laughter watching Cheng Zhijie who 'get out'. They also knew Cheng Heizi's character, so they didn't take it seriously.

Shan Ding reminded: "Duke Lu, what General Chi said is right. If we continue to fight, let's not talk about food and grass supplies, fatigue of soldiers and other issues, how does Duke Lu plan to deal with Meng Changtian of Donghai County alone?"

"Mr. Lu, please clarify." Qu Rang followed.

Li Fazhu knew that this was an excuse they caught and wanted to make trouble for himself.

However, he also knew that at this stage, it was really impossible to continue fighting like this.

"General Chi is right. The brothers have fought for so long and have worked hard. Let's go back to Qingzhou soon."

Hearing this, Qu Rang frowned, Fazhu Li is so easy to talk to?
Shan Ding didn't think much about it, he stopped Li Fazhu from continuing the fight just to kill Li Fazhu's prestige, otherwise he would really become Li Fazhu's subordinate after the Central Plains fight.

After everyone left, Chiju stayed behind.

The Hu octopus on the side said dissatisfiedly: "General Chi, aren't you on the side with my lord?"

Chi Ju said: "This is not a question of standing on the sidelines, but a question of the life and death of our Qingzhou Army. General Hu, have you ever thought that if we attack the Central Plains for a long time, we will have Meng Changtian of the East China Sea and the State of Nanchen behind us? Jiangdu Zheng Yingxuan is peeping, what do you think will happen to us?"

Facing Chi Ju's questioning, Hu Yu was at a loss.

"Okay." Li Fazhu interrupted, and immediately said: "Brother Chi is right, I was too impatient, internal and external troubles, I must find a way to solve it."

He also knew that forcing the westward march would make Qu Rang and others dissatisfied, so he readily agreed.

But that doesn't mean he's reconciled!

At this moment, a personal guard rushed in.

"Report to Lu Gong, Luoyang urgent letter!"

Hearing this, Master Li immediately stood up. His intelligence system was poor, but even so, he tried his best to arrange spies in Luoyang, the imperial capital, to learn about the important affairs of the court.

He took the letter and opened it to watch.

Half a moment later, Fazhu Li laughed loudly and said, "Yu Wenshu supported a three-year-old boy to ascend the throne. Such deception is really stupid and ridiculous!"

"I thought that after the emperor's self-immolation, the third prince would be enthroned, and Zhao Wang and Liang Wang would be the assistants. I didn't expect Yu Wenshu to take the lead. Interesting! Interesting!"

At this moment, Li Fazhu can't wait to give Yu Wenshu tens of thousands of taels of gold, thank him for usurping the throne!

If Zhao Wang and Liang Wang are currently assisting the government, he will definitely turn around and leave without looking back!

Who is King Zhao?

Who is King Liang?

With them around, no one in Luoyang dares to bully, Luoyang is still the orthodoxy of the world.

But it was replaced by Yu Wenshu, hehehe, he didn't want to leave!
Rebellious ministers and thieves, everyone gets to punish them!
Now let alone who is the orthodox and who is the rebel, Yu Wenshu supported a three-year-old boy to ascend the throne, and Da Jin has already died.

There is no orthodoxy in this world!
In this way, why didn't he take advantage of this time to make a fortune in the Central Plains!

"Brother Chiju, I'm not leaving." Li Fazhu handed the letter to Chiju.

After reading it, Chi Ju was slightly surprised, raised his head and asked, "What does Duke Lu mean?"

Li Fazhu walked up to Chiju, and said in a low voice, "Yu Wenshu just entered Luoyang, and people's hearts are not stable. If we make a quick raid, we will be able to take down Dongjun, Dongping, and Jiyin counties, and take a peek at Luoyang."

"But General Qu's side"

Li Fazhu interrupted, reaching out to pat Chiju on the shoulder.

"They look forward and backward, and they can give up a good fighter right in front of them. How can they make a big deal. Chiju, would you like to follow me?"

Chi Ju remained silent for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "Grand Lu, give an order."

Fazhu Li was overjoyed, holding his bare hands and saying: "Don't worry, I won't let you down. You don't have to worry about Qingzhou. I've sent the generals and the people back. This time you and I only need [-] elites. Too many troops become a burden."

He has a plan in mind, and if he succeeds, he will reap huge benefits!

(End of this chapter)

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