Dajin royal family

Chapter 386 Yuwen's Worries

Chapter 386 Yuwen's Worries
Hanoi County.

Pei Yuanyan led [-] black eagle elites through Taihang Xing and entered Hanoi. Across the river was Henan County.

Since their march is absolutely confidential, no one knows that [-] fine riders have entered Hanoi County.

Pei Yuanyan was well aware of the burden on himself. He had to cross the river before King Liang arrived and set up a stronghold in Henan to ensure that King Liang's army could cross the river and fight Yuwenshu in Henan County.

Therefore, after entering Hanoi County, Pei Yuanyan did not stay, and arrived at the place ten miles away from Mengjin after a day.

In the middle of the night, [-] Black Eagle troops were hiding in the dense forest, and the surrounding three miles were covered with scouts from the Black Eagle Army.

Jiang Chengxiao told him that no matter where the army is stationed, within three miles, scouts must be patrolled at all times, and they must not slack off at all.

Therefore, in the Liaodong Army, the position of scouts is very important.

Pei Yuanyan sat on the big rock, feeding the horses to graze, and biting the mustache himself.

He is thinking about his strengths and weaknesses, trying to find a way to win Mengjindu as quickly as possible.

At this time, the scouts sent to the front to investigate returned.

"General Qi, there are not many defenders on the south bank of Mengjindu."

"About how many?"

"About 2000 people."

"2000 people?" Pei Yuanyan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Send the order, the three armies are ready, and attack in half an hour!"


The flames of war ignited, and Wei Zhongzheng led 3000 people to attack first.

From the beginning, this was a raid war. The Luoyang defenders on the south bank never expected that at this time, at this sudden time, an army would storm Mengjindu.

The Black Eagle Army was brave and good at fighting, and after only two hours, the Vanguard Battalion entered the south bank.

Until dawn, Mengjindu had been captured by Pei Yuanyan.

"Build the pontoon bridge, send the eagle letter to His Highness, Mengjin Ferry has been captured." Pei Yuanyan rode on the horse and gave orders to the guards around him.

Mengjindu was only about [-] miles away from Luoyang. A few hours after Mengjindu was captured, Yu Wenshu in Luoyang received the news.

Xu Wangfu.

Although Yu Wenshu is now in control of Luoyang, he did not live in the palace, but set up a system of hundreds of officials in Xu Wangfu.

Most of this system are his former subordinates, and a small part came into effect later.

"Who is the other party!" Yu Wenshu was furious. Of course, he also felt a little regretful. He was a little careless. He should have sent more people to defend at various points earlier.

"The opponent is flying the Black Eagle flag, it should be the Liaodong Black Eagle Army."

"It's King Liang!"

As soon as he heard Black Eagle Army Yu Wenshu, he knew the opponent's background.

When he was conquering Goguryeo, he was greatly impressed by a Qingying Army under King Liang. Later, King Liang led the crowd to suppress bandits in Hebei, and the Black Eagle Army and Qingying Army became famous.

"Okay, it's really brave to kill the envoy sent by Gu, and now to send troops to attack!" Yu Wenshu was furious, got up and walked back and forth in the hall.

When the envoy was killed in Taiyuan, he knew that King Liang would become his threat, but he didn't expect that King Liang would send troops to attack so soon.

Yu Wenhua stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Father, don't worry, my son is willing to lead the army to meet the enemy."

Yu Wenshu nodded, "Naturally, I can't tolerate bandits running amok in our court. You immediately lead an army of [-] to meet the enemy, and you must defeat the invading bandits!"

"Yes!" Yu Wenhuaji was ordered to leave.

However, what Yu Wenshu never expected was that when Yu Wenhua went ahead, another scout came back to report.

"My lord, Li Fazhu led an army to attack Dongjun, and the counties in Dongjun are in a hurry."

"What are you talking about, where are Wei Chijiong and Changsun Sheng, the guards of Jibei County?" Yu Wenshu suddenly stood up from his seat, and looked at the scouts with dark eyes.

The scout's scalp was numb from Yu Wenshu's look, but he still insisted on saying: "Return to Your Highness, I heard. I heard."

"What did you hear, tell me quickly!" Yu Wenshu urged him violently.

"I heard that Yuchi Jiong's army disappeared, and General Changsun Sheng died in Fan County!"

"What!" Yu Wenshu's eyes widened immediately.

In the past few days, he has been sorting out major government affairs. Because of the lack of cooperation of Pei Ju and others, many things are now backlogged in his hands.

Although the power is now in his hands, Yu Wenshu did not feel the majesty of the king's presence in the world, but was very tired.

Especially after he announced that the little emperor was enthroned, no one in the world recognized him, and even many counties and counties announced their separation from the Luoyang court.

What he can control now is only a few counties around Luoyang, Jingzhao County in Guanzhong.

It is precisely because of this that Mengjindu was easily captured by the Liaodong Army, which in turn allowed the Liaodong Army to enter Henan County.

But he didn't expect that something would happen to Yu Chijiong and Changsun Sheng who had been sticking to Jibei County.

Li Fazhu's invasion of Dongjun brought Yu Wenshu a great crisis. In his original plan, he should first borrow the late emperor's edict to lure King Liang back to Luoyang, and then secretly execute him.

Then he recalled Yu Chijiong and Changsun Sheng to Luoyang, and replaced the generals of the garrison in Jibei County with his confidant generals.

However, news came back from Taiyuan a few days ago that Liang Wang beheaded his envoy in public, and blamed Zhao Wang's death and the emperor's death on him.

As the Liaodong Army entered Henan County, Yu Wenshu knew very well that King Liang would become his archenemy.

Now that the two lines are in an emergency, he must deal with them all, otherwise there will be a crisis if they are not handled properly.

Especially now, he cannot be defeated, otherwise the soldiers and civilians in Luoyang will reject him even more.

If he loses, those hesitant officials and fools will definitely fall to King Liang immediately.

This must never happen!

"Decree, let Yin Kai lead the left and right Weiwei to Dongjun, and be sure to kill Li Fazhu's troops!"


After the scouts left, Yu Wenshu slapped the case table. King Xu's seat was not secured yet, so he didn't expect King Liang and Fazhu Li to come first.

No matter what, he had to win this time.

The news of Luoyang's frequent mobilization of troops could not be hidden from the officials in the city. Soon after, they knew that there were two forces this time, one from the north and the other from the east, attacking Yu Wenshu.

Moreover, they also knew that the one to the north was King Liang, and the one to the east was Li Fazhu.

Many officials are looking forward to the outcome of this war. For officials in Luoyang, whether it is Yu Wenshu or King Liang, even if Li Fazhu wins in the end, forget it, King Liang will win.

Whoever wins doesn't matter to them.

Now that the orthodox emperor is dead, what is the name?
It doesn't matter, the important thing is how to live.

Of course, it's different for others.

For example, several leaders of the Shandong gentry.

When Pei Ju and the others heard that Jiang Chengxiao led the army to the south, a little excitement really flashed in their hearts.

Their trust and investment were finally not in vain, and King Liang still had a conscience.

Wenxi County Government.

In the study room, there are more than a dozen burning tallow candles on the candle holders, illuminating the study room transparently.

"Pei Gong, have you made a windfall recently?" Zheng Shanyuan straightened his sleeves, looked around, and asked him with great interest.

Pei Ju was taken aback for a moment, and asked in confusion, "What does Brother Zheng mean by that?"

"Your candles are quite expensive." Zheng Shanyuan jokingly said.

Hearing this, Pei Ju immediately understood what Zheng Shanyuan meant, and quickly coughed twice to cover up his little embarrassment.

"Duke Zheng is in a good mood. We will joke when we meet today." Wang Hong said with a smile.

"Aren't you too?"

A few old foxes didn't tell the truth, and gave each other a 'you understand' expression.

"Okay, we should think about how we can help King Liang and give him a helping hand." Pei Yun said.

Wang Yi said cautiously: "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Now we are all under house arrest, and we can't get out. We are surrounded by people from Yu Wenshu. It is difficult to send a letter. How can this help Liang Wang?"

Since they refused to be loyal to Yu Wenshu, they were put under house arrest by Yu Wenshu.

In view of their identities, Yu Wenshu did not dare to tamper with them for the time being.

However, they still lost their freedom, and their life and death were in Yu Wenshu's hands.

This made everyone very uncomfortable.

Wang Hong nodded, "That's right, most of the officials in the court have been replaced by Yu Wenshu, and the rest are either scumbags or Yu Wenshu's lackeys. Our people have all been withdrawn, what else can we do?"

Hearing this, several people were silent.

Although I don't want to admit it, but the current situation is so.

Pei Ju said: "No matter what, we have to find a way to get in touch. Even if it can only cause a little trouble for Yu Wenshu, it's better than sitting around and waiting."

"Brother Pei is right." Zheng Shanyuan nodded in agreement.

Immediately several others joined the discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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