Dajin royal family

Chapter 388 Rumors

Chapter 388 Rumors
As the capital of the empire, Luoyang built many large granaries around it, the largest being Huiluo Cang and Luokou Cang near Luoyang.

There is also a granary near Shan County in Henan County called Changping Cang.

This granary is a transit granary used to transfer grain from Guanzhong. Although there is not as much grain as the large grain storage near Luoyang, there is still a lot of grain in it.

Pei Yuanyan's goal is Changping Cang. He asked Wei Zhongxuan to lead 3000 people to Shan County in the starry night, and he was bound to win Changping Cang.

As long as he takes down the grain in the Changping warehouse, he will be able to persist until King Liang leads his army over.

Yu Wenshu now has 30 troops, of which 25 are stationed in Guanzhong and [-] are stationed in Luoyang. Because Li Fazhu and Jiang Chengxiao invaded Luoyang at the same time, he sent [-] troops to the south and east to stop them.

There are about 5000 defenders near Changping Cang.

After Wei Zhongzhen found out all the situation of Changping warehouse, he launched an attack by night and captured Changping warehouse overnight.

All five thousand defenders were beheaded, leaving no one behind.

"General Wei, there are still [-] shi of grain in the warehouse." A school lieutenant who inspected the Changping warehouse came to report.

"Thirty thousand stones?"

Wei Zhonglan frowned, he thought that the Changping warehouse had at least [-] shi of grain, why only [-] shi?
"Let the brothers evacuate the granary and withdraw the troops at dawn."

Although it was far from what he had expected, Wei Zhonghao didn't get entangled, and [-] stones were enough to support their army for about a month.


The news that Liang Wang and Li Fazhu led the army to attack Luoyang had spread all over the streets and alleys. In the past few days, in restaurants and teahouses, people from all walks of life were talking about it.

Together with this incident, the news that the queen and others appeared in Taiyuan and the explosion news that the first emperor's edict let the king of Liang ascend the throne spread throughout Luoyang.

This posthumous edict was approved by the queen, which surprised countless people.

Unexpectedly, the emperor did not pass the throne to the third prince, but to King Liang instead?
In this way, King Liang is orthodox?
"This time King Liang went south to defeat Luoyang and ascend the throne!" A merchant who traveled all over the country said slowly while drinking tea.

"Why didn't King Liang ascend the throne in Taiyuan?" One person asked his own question.

The merchant said: "I heard from the officials in Taiyuan that the king of Liang thinks that he should be leveled first. You understand, so I won't say the name."

Everyone laughed, of course they knew who to beat first.

"Besides, someone assassinated King Zhao. As a son of man, King Liang naturally wants to avenge his father and eradicate traitors for the country!"

Although Yu Wenshu occupied Luoyang by virtue of his military power, he was a rebel in the hearts of Luoyang people, so he was unpopular at all.

Coupled with the unwillingness of the ministers of the DPRK and China to cooperate, Yu Wenshu's current situation is actually very embarrassing.

"King Liang's edict may also be a forgery. I heard that there was a fire in the Hall of Mental Cultivation that day, and the Jade Seal of Chuanguo disappeared. How could there be any edict." Someone retorted.

"You are really stupid. The empress is in Taiyuan now, and the edict is probably brought by the empress. The same goes for the Chuanguo Yuxi." Someone said contemptuously.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Of course, Yu Wenshu would not admit this, and the Luoyang court's attitude towards this news was to deny it.

Moreover, he accused Jiang Chengxiao of usurping the throne and imprisoning the queen.

But the common people don't care about this. For them, whether it's King Liang or Yu Wenshu, whoever treats them well, they will naturally turn to whomever.

The scholars, on the other hand, favored Jiang Chengxiao because the queen agreed with the edict, which meant that the late emperor had indeed passed on the throne to Jiang Chengxiao.

Yu Wenshu is the real villain.

This kind of folk discussion can't have any influence on Yu Wenshu. He still deals with the affairs of the court and courtiers every day, and mobilizes the army to fight against Liang Wang and Li Fazhu.

But after a few more days, another news spread throughout Luoyang, this time Yu Wenshu was more shocked and angry than Jiang Chengxiao, who was passed on by the first emperor.

After Jiang Chengxiao's deliberate publicity of the news of Li Yuan borrowing soldiers, now everyone in the world knows about it, and many people have scolded Li Yuan for betraying the country and seeking glory, a traitor to the country, and a disgrace to the Han people.

The news that spread throughout Luoyang this time was related to Li Yuan.

It is rumored that Li Yuan promised the Tupan people that when they took Guanzhong, they would send a large number of Han women and money to Tupan for trading.

You know, [-]% to [-]% of Yu Wenshu's army are the children of Guanzhong. After the news spread in Luoyang, it immediately became a hurricane, which became more and more intense.

Many soldiers from Guanzhong asked Yu Wenshu to lead his army back to Guanzhong.

Therefore, Yu Wenshu is now one head and two big.

Enemies from outside are on the lookout, and the inside is unstable.

This is his current status.

Of course, Yu Wenshu also sent his confidants to secretly investigate the source of the rumors, but the population of Luoyang is unknown, so how could they find out in a short time.

What's more, what can be done after the investigation, Li Yuan did borrow Turpan's soldiers, this cannot be denied, who knows exactly what conditions Li Yuan agreed to the Turpan people.

From the moment this rumor appeared, it has been successful.

Yu Wenshu didn't close his eyes for several days in a row.

At first, it was because the Black Eagle Army repelled Yu Wenhuaji, and later, because Li Fazhu was invincible in Dongjun, he even took down Wagang Village.

In the last few days, first the empress and others appeared in Taiyuan, announcing that the late emperor would succeed him as the king of Liang, and then there was the rumor about the Turpan people.

Yu Wenshu didn't care about the matter of the first emperor's succession as king of Liang. He believed that other forces in the world would not recognize the late emperor's edict just like him.

What's more, the emperor is gone, so what's the use of the will?

In the final analysis, it still depends on who has the biggest fist.

But the rumors of the Turpan people made him restless.

Because he himself couldn't confirm whether it was true or false.

What's more, it is a fact that the Turpan people appeared in Guanzhong. No matter how much he refuted the rumors, the soldiers from Guanzhong would still be worried.

In this way, the morale of the army is slackened, how can we fight?
"Sir, what should we do now?" Yu Wenshu looked at the counselor opposite him with a haggard face.

This adviser is named Xu Yixin, who has followed him the longest and is also the person Yu Wenshu trusts the most.

He was the one who gave the posthumous title 'Yang' to the late emperor last time.

Xu Yixin said slowly: "My lord, don't worry, Guanzhong is still in our hands. Your lord can send 1 people back to Jingzhao County to stabilize the morale of the army."

"In addition, the prince must defeat King Liang first. As long as King Liang's army is in Henan County, the soldiers will feel uneasy."

Yu Wenshu pondered for a moment and asked, "Is it useful for 1 people to return to Guanzhong?"

Xu Yixin said: "My lord, the situation in Guanzhong is rotten now, Li Yuan is in the west, and Yu Binghong is in the north. Given our current situation, it is very difficult to hold on."

"Isn't this sending Guan Zhong out?" Yu Wenshu was stunned.

"This is something that can't be helped, my lord, think about it, we are surrounded by tigers and leopards all around Luoyang. First, we are not stable internally, the government has not been adjusted, and the surrounding counties have not completely surrendered. This is why King Liang The reason why Li Fazhu and Li Fazhu forcibly attacked when they knew that the prince had a large army in his hands."

"Secondly, Xiao Liang in the south has great intentions to go north. Once we get into a hard fight with King Liang and Master Li, the south has to pay attention."

"Thirdly, once Li Yuan and Yu Binghong join forces in Jingzhao, Jingzhao County will be lost. At that time, Tongguan will be blocked, what should we do?"

After hearing Xu Yixin's words, Yu Wenshu's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Before he knew it, his situation had become so dangerous.

"Sir, can you do something?" Yu Wenshu looked at him earnestly.

Xu Yixin said: "I have three strategies."

"Please enlighten me, sir."

"The best strategy is to discuss peace with Li Fazhu in the east and repel King Liang with all our strength. Once King Liang retreats to the north bank of the Dahe River, we will have room to move around. At that time, we will send more soldiers to Jingzhao County, and the crisis will be solved."

Yu Wenshu shook his head and said, "It's not that simple. Master Li is greedy and a traitor. He won't easily agree to negotiate peace with me."

Xu Yixin said: "My lord can make him King of Lu and let him guard the land of Shandong. What he lacks now is a title. If my lord is willing to give this title to him, maybe he will be willing."

"Is this okay?" Yu Wenshu doubted.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to talking about white wolves.

Xu Yixin smiled, "Your Majesty, what we lack now is the time to deal with King Liang. We just need to hold off on the east side. As long as King Liang is repelled, and then turn the gun to deal with Master Li, he will surely die."

"Okay, I can send someone to read the imperial decree, but I still want to hear the master's plan. After all, I can't put all my hope on Li Fazhu." Yu Wenshu looked at Xu Yixin and said.

Xu Yixin nodded, "Naturally, the prince thinks this way, so he is considerate. The central strategy of his subordinates is that the prince immediately lead the army, bring the people back to Guanzhong, occupy Jingzhao County, and block Tongguan."

Yu Wenshu was taken aback for a moment, then immediately vetoed it.

"Absolutely not!"

(End of this chapter)

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