Chapter 393

Xu Yixin left, leaving the camp full of grief and indignation.

On the other hand, Yu Qing also told Jiang Chengxiao about the meeting.

"100 million stone?"

Jiang Chengxiao was slightly surprised, and immediately joked: "You are cruel enough, Luokou Cang and Huiluo Cang should not have so much food."

He didn't give Yu Qingze the bottom line, but just asked him to test Yu Wenshu's conditions.

Negotiations, talk first to judge.

Du Ruming said: "In the past eight years of Hongye, the world has been in chaos. Luokou Cang and Huiluo Cang have already lost their food sources from all over the place. In addition to the 30 troops in Yu Wenshu's hands to eat and drink, there should really be no more food now."

"Isn't that better? If they don't agree to this condition, they have to agree to another condition." Yu Qing said with a smile.

Jiang Chengxiao smiled, "Don't be careless, Yu Wenshu will not easily agree to our terms."

Hearing this, Yu Qingze and Du Ruming both looked solemn, and they cupped their hands and said, "This subordinate understands."

Rubbing the corner of his clothes, he really wanted to know how Yu Wenshu would choose.

On the other side, Xu Yixin returned to Luoyang and told Yu Wenshu about Jiang Chengxiao's conditions.

At that time, Yu Wenshu chopped off the case with a knife, and was furious.

"An evil bird dares to bully me!"

In Yu Wenshu's view, this is insulting him.

"One million stones, why doesn't he grab it!"

Although there are indeed more than 100 million grains in Luokou Cang and Huiluo Cang, but that is his life-saving grain, and it is used to maintain the food and grass of the three armies. How can it be given to Jiang Chengxiao.

If it was given to Jiang Chengxiao, would his 30 troops go to drink the northwest wind?

Xu Yixin said: "My lord, according to my subordinates' speculation, King Liang probably already guessed the situation where we are surrounded by enemies, that's why he dared to open his mouth to ask for 100 million shi of grain."

Yu Wenshu waved his hand irritably, "I don't want to hear what you say now, I just want to know how to save Huaji!"

Analysis and analysis are useless, there is no solution to the current situation.

Originally they guessed that Jiang Chengxiao attacked Luoyang this time to rescue Wang Hong, Wang Yi, Zheng Shanyuan and others.

But they didn't expect that the conditions proposed this time were not like this, which made them feel powerless.

"My lord, I want to know if my lord is willing to exchange with Wang Hong and others?" Xu Yixin asked.

In Xu Yixin's view, this was the only way to make Jiang Chengxiao let go.

Yuwen said: "Except for food, soldiers and horses, you try to talk to him as much as possible."

"Yes, this subordinate understands." Xu Yixin retreated slowly.

Yu Wenshu let out a long sigh. In fact, he didn't want to give up Wang Hong and others, but he had to save his son. If Jiang Chengxiao really put forward such a condition, he had to agree.

After all, he had never fought a frontal battlefield, and he was surrounded by enemies, so he had nothing to say when he was coerced by others.

"Evil bird, let's wait and see!"

After he calmed down and dealt with Zhu Jie, Wang Kuoxiong and others, he would immediately turn around and attack Bingzhou.

However, before Xu Yixin brought back the news of the negotiation, Yu Wenshu first received the news that the Liaodong Army appeared near Gong County.

Next to Gong County is the Luokou Warehouse, and he immediately understood that the evil bird couldn't get it through negotiation, so he robbed it instead!
Negotiations belong to negotiations. Since the evil bird sent troops to Luokou Cang in private, Yu Wenshu naturally would not ignore it.

Immediately ordered Feng Shaozu to lead [-] soldiers and horses to the rescue of Gong County, and must give the evil bird a look.

Master Yan.

Feng Shaozu led [-] soldiers and horses in a hurry. When he arrived outside Yanshi County, a large group of soldiers and horses suddenly appeared from the woods on both sides.

"Meet the enemy!"

Feng Shaozu raised his sword and roared.

The black eagle flag was unfurled, General Wei Zhongyan held a horse lance, and galloped his horse towards Feng Shaozu.

Once the cavalry of the Black Eagle Army launched a charge, it would be a devastating blow to the infantry. Moreover, Feng Shaozu led the army to rescue Luokou Cang, never expecting that someone would ambush them on the way.

However, this is not a big deal for Wei Zhongyu. Since the news that King Liang ordered to intercept the reinforcements halfway, Gong County, Yanshi, and even Luoyang are all surrounded by Black Eagle Army scouts.

Therefore, the marching traces of Feng Shaozu and others could not conceal the Black Eagle Army at all. Moreover, the news about the wall ears in Luoyang City reached Jiang Chengxiao almost every day.

It can be said that Yu Wenshu had just dispatched troops, and Jiang Chengxiao knew who the leading general was and how many troops he led a few hours later.

At this time, the black eagle army of the whole cavalry took advantage of their mobility, and within a few hours they could move to a hundred miles.

Compared with the Black Eagle Army, Yu Wenshu didn't have so many cavalry in his hands. According to the composition of the twelve guards, there were only ten battalions of cavalry in one guard, which was equivalent to [-] cavalry.

This time Feng Shaozu led [-] soldiers and horses, only about [-] cavalry, and the remaining [-] were infantry.

The horse fighting power of the Black Eagle Army was not weaker than that of the Twelve Guards. Coupled with the cooperation of the battle formation, the [-] elite cavalry led by Wei Zhongxuan almost overwhelmingly killed Feng Shaozu's soldiers and horses.

Feng Shaozu was not a fool either, after Yu Wenhuaji's defeat, Yu Wenshu had warned them not to underestimate the Black Eagle Army.

Therefore, while commanding the infantry to retreat to form an formation, he ordered the cavalry to charge to buy time for the infantry.

But it was the Black Eagle Army who launched the attack, how could Wei Zhongzheng give Feng Shaozu this opportunity.

From the woods on both sides, the Black Eagle Army rushed towards Feng Shaozu's soldiers and horses from all directions, and directly killed the infantry in the rear.

The battle lasted for half an hour. Although Feng Shaozu was killed one-sidedly, his resistance was very tenacious. With his superior force, he had even begun to form an effective counterattack.

Wei Zhongyan chopped off the head of a soldier with a spear. Seeing that the battle was at a stalemate, considering that Yanshi was not far away, Feng Shaozu might send someone to Yanshi to rescue the soldiers, so he decisively ordered to retreat.

The Black Eagle Army came and went quickly, and with the sound of the withdrawal horn, the black tide receded quickly.

Feng Shaozu understood that the Black Eagle Army that suddenly attacked them was to prevent them from going to Luokou Cang for rescue, so he did not give an order to pursue them.

Furthermore, the Black Eagle Army is all cavalry, and most of his men are infantry, so how can they catch up.

"Count the number of people, and the cavalry will follow me to Luokou Cang first!"

Feng Shaozu led the cavalry to rescue Luokoucang first.

But when he arrived at Luokou Cang, he was a little stupid, because there was no fighting in Luokou Cang.

"Where are the thieves!" Feng Shaozu's face was full of violence, he rushed all the way, but Luokou Cang was fine.

The guard of Luokou Cang reported back: "General Feng, there are no bandits on Luokou Cang."

"Fart, my lord received news that Liaodong army scouts appeared near Yanluokou Cang. You actually told me that there are no bandits. You are selling longevity pills to Lord Yan!"

The guard timidly said: "General, there were indeed scouts from the Liaodong army around the day before yesterday, but the subordinates have already sent people there and strengthened the surrounding patrols. No bandits came today."

Hearing this, Feng Shaozu was taken aback for a moment.

At this moment, a scout came in the dark, he rushed to the camp and came in front of Feng Shaozu.

"General Qi, a large number of bandits appeared near Yanshi, and they encircled and suppressed the brothers who supported them."

"What did you say!" Feng Shaozu stepped forward and grabbed the scout by the neck, "What the hell are you talking about, didn't the Black Eagle Army be repelled by me!"

The scout trembled and said: "I don't know about the humble job, but the opponent is indeed the Black Eagle Army."

At this time, the lieutenant reminded: "General, the opponent is likely to feint a shot in order to lure us to rescue Luokou Cang, and then ambushes on the road to encircle our troops."

"Damn it!" Feng Shaozu stomped his feet angrily.

He was so impatient that he forgot that the Black Eagle Army didn't suffer much damage when they retreated, and the opponent was cavalry, marching three times faster than the infantry, so it was entirely possible to intercept and kill the infantry he left behind halfway.

"General, what should we do now?" the lieutenant asked.

Panting heavily, Feng Shaozu ordered: "Send scouts quickly and tell the prince the news. We will stand firm here and never let the bandits attack the Luokou warehouse."

He was a little scared, if he left Luokou Cang with his front foot, and the opponent took this opportunity to send a large number of troops to attack Luokou Cang, it would be terrible.


There are two small cities between Gong County and Yanshi, Heishi City and Luokou City.

Yan Hu led [-] soldiers and horses and Wei Zhongzheng led [-] soldiers and horses to meet in the woods outside Heishi City at dark.

"General Wei, no one left at Luokou Cang, Feng Shaozu should still be inside." Yan Hu said.

Wei Zhonglan pondered for a while, and then said: "Feng Shaozu has learned to be smart, he should be worried that we will attack Luokoucang again after he leaves."

Originally, they planned to use the fact that they had encircled and suppressed the opponent's infantry in Yanshi to lure Feng Shaozu out again, making him exhausted.

Unexpectedly, Feng Shaozu would not be fooled.

"Then what shall we do next?" Yan Hu asked.

Wei Zhonglan said: "We are going deep alone now, if something happened in Luokoucang, Yu Wenshu will definitely send troops over again, so let's retreat and return to His Highness."

Yan Hu said with a little regret: "If Feng Shaozu really comes out, maybe we have a chance to win the Luokou warehouse."

Wei Zhonghao patted him on the shoulder, "I will definitely take it down in the future."

The Luokou warehouse is completely different from the Changping warehouse he attacked. This is the largest granary in the world, and there are 8000 to [-] defenders inside. If they really attack, it will be difficult to take it down for a while.

Moreover, their task is to involve Luoyang's troops, and it is basically completed now, so there is no need to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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