Chapter 413
"That's because he met King Zhao." Fang Xuanzao sighed: "If he really took Liyang warehouse, and then opened the granary to release grain, I'm afraid the number of soldiers and horses under his command will increase dramatically, and then in Dongping County and Dongjun has a firm foothold, and at that time, he, the emperor of Dalu, will only have the taste of an emperor."

"Sir, your Majesty wants us to start building ships, and we need big ships, and secretly train sailors. Do you think your Majesty is going to attack the south?" Chi Ju asked.

Fang Xuanzhan shook his head, "No, your majesty's next goal should be to completely control Bingzhou, and then send troops out of Taihang Eight Xing, attack Hebei, and suppress Shandong."

"Is that so, in that case, the king asked us to build ships for the future."

"That's right, Your Majesty has never focused on the gains and losses of one city and one place. Before, His Majesty had the opportunity to take Hejian County, but for the sake of the foundation of Taiyuan, His Majesty let go of the bandits in Hejian County."

Chi Ju sighed: "Now that we are trapped in Donglai County, it seems that we can only do these things for the king."

"That's not necessarily true." Fang Xuanzhan smiled mysteriously.

"Oh, Mister has another trick?" Chi Ju suddenly became interested.

Fang Xuanzhan analyzed: "Nowadays the major forces in Qingzhou are fighting each other. We can do something to force Fazhu Li first. The king intercepted and killed this person in Liyangjin because he is a good person. If we can kill him , It may reduce a lot of resistance for the king to go south to Shandong in the future."

"The plan will come out?"

"Also ask the general to listen to you."

Hebei is not peaceful at the moment. Lu Mingyue, who escaped from the mountain nest, gathered tens of thousands of people to occupy Xiangguo County and proclaim himself emperor, and then began to lead the army to attack Zhao County.

He originally wanted to go south to Wu'an County, but some time ago he happened to run into the Qingying Army led by Yu Chijing, and was hit head-on, causing Lu Mingyue to retreat back to Xiangguo County. In desperation, he could only look away. In Zhao County.

Since King Zhao went to Taiyuan, Wang Xuba and Liu Jianhan from Hejian County became active again, and the two started fighting again.

They didn't dare to go north to Zhuo County and Shanggu County, because they were beaten too badly by King Zhao last time, and they didn't really want to trouble King Zhao.

Therefore, Liu Jianhan went to fight in Boling County, and Wang Xuba went to fight in Pingyuan County.

Liu Jianhan's development was quite smooth, but Wang Xuba was a little uncomfortable.

Because Bohai rebelled violently and established the Qi State, and now it is also marching into the plains, the two sides will encounter each other sooner or later.

However, what he didn't expect was that Gao Lie was very interested in Hejian County.

After all, Bohai County and Qi County are separated by a big river, so it is not easy to march, but Hejian County is different.

Besides, Gao Lie thought for a while, although Li Fazhu is weak, but a lean camel is bigger than a horse, he doesn't want to provoke the violent bandits in Qingzhou for the time being, and stabilize the north first.

Hebei is like this, all parties have their own thoughts, and the fight is quite fierce.

A random word may be the most perfect summary of Hebei.

As for the common people?

Hehe, who cares about your life.

The grass and trees are withered and yellow, the winter is harsh, the old people are wearing clothes, the young children are crying barefoot, and the women and children look at each other in confusion.

I don't see the horseman in the past, but I see white bones.

Help neighbors and look after each other, or sigh or mourn.

"A tragedy on earth."

Qin Yujing was heartbroken watching this scene, but he couldn't take care of himself.

Since leaving Qi County, he took his family to escape disaster in Shandong.

But the world is so big that there is no place for him to hide. The world is full of wars and rebels everywhere. No matter where he goes, he can't find peace.

"Li Fazhu is now the emperor, drunk and dreaming of death, how can he care about the lives of the people." Wang Boju came from the side.

Qin Yujing snorted coldly, "An anti-thief is always an anti-thief, even if you become emperor."

"Second brother, where should we go?"

Looking at the fleeing people around, Wang Boju felt desolate in his heart. The empathy is probably what Wang Boju feels now.

"Boju, what do you think?" Qin Yujing really didn't know where to go now, the world is full of rebels, where is the safe place?

Wang Boju pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "Second brother, to be honest, I want to go to Taiyuan."


"Yes, I heard that King Zhao re-established the Jin family in Taiyuan, and the people under his rule live and work in peace and contentment. I want to go there and have a look."

"Okay, then let's go to Taiyuan to have a look."

"it is good!"

At this moment, Wang Boju's wife, Wen Shi, opened the curtain of the carriage.

"Husband, if I go to Taiyuan, I have an idea."

"What do you think?" Wang Boju looked at his wife.

Back then, on the streets of Chang'an, during the Lantern Festival, he and his wife fell in love at first sight. Although there were twists and turns in the journey, the lovers finally got married. They were harmonious and beautiful, respecting and loving each other.

"My concubine has an older sister who has settled down in Taiyuan, so maybe we can go and seek refuge with her."

Wang Boju hesitated slightly, "Madam, will there be some trouble?"

They dragged their families and a dozen people to seek refuge with others, which seemed a bit unreasonable.

Wen said: "Husband, don't worry. We are not penniless. We are just staying for a few days. Husband has hands and feet, so don't be afraid."

Wang Boju smiled slightly, "Ma'am is right, I am a man with hands and feet, so why not be afraid."

Jiangling in South County.

This is the capital of the Xiaoliang Kingdom. Compared to the chaos in Shandong and Hebei, this place is very peaceful, and the people don't show much worry about life.

Whether it is the rule of the Jin Dynasty or the rule of Xiao Liang, there is not much difference to the people in the south.

What's more, Xiao Liang was originally his homeland, so it was even more cordial to them.

When Xiao Tong raised his army, due to his many years of planning, once he raised his army, the entire Jingzhou responded. Now he controls the counties of Jingzhou and some of the counties in central Shu. Since there was no war, the scene here is very peaceful. .

However, Xiao Tong's life is not very comfortable now. His goal is not to settle down in a corner, but to fight for hegemony in the north.

But Wang Kuoxiong from Runan and Zhu Jie from Nanyang caused him a lot of trouble, and behind him were the natives from Jiaozhi County, and Nanchen had to be on guard in the southeast.

The Jiangling Palace was built on the site of the original Xiaoliang Palace. Since it has not been completely renovated, it does not look royal.

Xiao Tong didn't mind this, he was used to simplicity, and even his meals were still very simple.His frugality was praised by the ministers of Xiao Liang.

After he proclaimed himself emperor, Cen Zhenben and Zhang Xuan were promoted to be the left and right ministers to assist him in handling the government affairs.

Chuide Hall.

Xiao Tong is dressed in a dragon robe and a crown on his head, standing in front of the Kanyu map with his hands behind his back.

Behind him, Cen Zhenben and Zhang Xuan were talking about what happened in the world in the past year, and the people's livelihood under Xiao Liang's rule.

"In this way, General Yuqie can only stick to Chunling County now."

Xiao Tong looked at the counties such as 'Chunling' and 'Xiangyang' on the Kanyu map, feeling a little troubled.

Cen Zhenben said: "Your Majesty, Zhu Jie of Nanyang is cruel by nature. I heard that this man has no food and actually feeds on people. The soldiers under his command are all desperadoes. If he is forced to attack, he may be forced to jump over the wall in a hurry. Then he will be in trouble. .”

Xiao Tong frowned, "So, we can't take Nanyang down?"

"Hehe, Your Majesty, the so-called good will help more than others, Zhu Jie is so cruel, how can he win the hearts of the people?" Cen Zhenben said: "I'm sure, he won't be able to survive this winter, and when there is no food in hand, Zhu Jie will definitely leave Nanyang. Either go north to attack Yuyang County, or go south to Chunling County."

"Yu Wenshu has [-] soldiers in Fuyang County. He dare not go, so he should go south. General Yu Qie waits for a rabbit, and Zhu Jie will be defeated."

"Good." Xiao Tong smiled slightly, "Let General Yu Qie get ready to wipe out this rebel for me!"

Zhang Xuan cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this year there have been floods in three counties, and many counties have failed to harvest, and the imperial court is in need of disaster relief."

Hearing this, Xiao Tong rubbed his face tiredly.

Flooding is an old-fashioned problem in the south, and such things happen almost every year.

"Let the household department host the disaster relief."


Cen Zhenben said: "Your Majesty, I got news that King Zhao not only defeated Yu Wenshu in Luoyang a few days ago, but also forced him to let go of Pei Ju, Zheng Shanyuan and others, and even asked Yu Wenshu to pay 30 yuan in grain compensation. "

Hearing this, Xiao Tong moved his gaze northwards and landed on the Central Plains.

"It's not surprising. Yu Wenshu's foothold is not stable, and he is surrounded by enemies on all sides. For the sake of the overall situation, he can only negotiate peace with my nephew."

"But Yu Wenshu, an idiot, shouldn't let Pei Ju and others go." Xiao Tong's eyes darkened.

Cen Zhenben nodded, "Yes, Pei Ju and others have returned to Taiyuan, King Zhao has the support of the nobles in Shandong, and Bingzhou is already owned by King Zhao."

Xiao Tong took a deep breath, "My nephew is not easy to deal with."

Zhang Xuan said: "Your Majesty, we and Bingzhou are separated by the Central Plains and the big river. There is no conflict at present, so there is no need to worry for the time being. We should take precautions against Nanchen."

"You are right, maybe we will have the opportunity to cooperate with my nephew in the future." Xiao Tong smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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