Chapter 424
The news of Xinle being captured and Liu Sheng's death soon spread to Liu Jianhan's ears, along with the news that Yu Chijing's [-] troops had come to kill Xianyu.

Hearing the news, Liu Jianhan was heartbroken. Liu Sheng is his younger brother.

But at the moment, he doesn't have much mood to remember Congdi, because a bigger threat has come.

Liu Jianhan summoned an army of [-] troops and confronted Yu Chijing outside Xianyu City. The two sides fought for a day and a night. Liu Jianhan was defeated and fled towards Hejian County with the remnants of the defeated general.

Although he knew that he was not the opponent of the Northern Jin Army, but when he actually met him, he still had a terrified feeling of surviving a catastrophe.

The Northern Jin army was really not something they could fight against. No wonder Wang Xuba's tens of thousands of troops could only flee in a hurry. The combat effectiveness of the soldiers on both sides was not at the same level at all.

A few days later, Yu Chijing wiped out the bandits in Boling County, pacified the counties, and immediately led the army to Hejian County.

Liu Jianhan fled all the way and returned to his capital Hejian three days later.

"Your Majesty, the battle is fierce. We still have [-] troops left." Kong Shaode reported the situation to Liu Jianhan on the throne in a low voice.

Although he knew that he was beaten badly by the Northern Jin army, he didn't expect to have only such a small fortune left, which made Liu Jianhan feel confused about the future.

"Prime Minister, what should we do?" Liu Jianhan's face was gloomy.

He couldn't fight, and it was impossible to negotiate a peace. Could it be that he was really going to be beheaded by the Northern Jin army?

Kong Shaode said: "Your Majesty, the only plan for now is to ask Wang Xuba for help."

"Wang Xuba?" Liu Jianhan's face was unpredictable, "He is my deadly enemy, can you agree?"

"He will definitely agree!" Kong Shaode said confidently: "The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The purpose of the Northern Jin army's attack on Hebei this time is to capture Hebei. It is impossible for Wang Xuba to be unaware. If His Majesty loses, he, Wang Xuba, will never escape being wiped out Destiny, you can only join forces with us!"

"Okay, Mr. Trouble must persuade Wang Xuba to join hands with me!"

At this moment, Liu Jianhan didn't care too much. Facing the powerful Northern Jin army, he had no power to fight back, so he could only hope that Wang Xuba would rescue him.

Otherwise he is really dead.

Kong Shaode knew that the matter was urgent, and after getting Liu Jianhan's consent, he immediately left Hejian with a group of people and headed straight for Wang Xuba's capital, Jingcheng.

Not long after Kong Shaode left, Yu Chijing led the army to the outside of Hejian City and started a new round of battle with Liu Jianhan.

In Jingcheng, Wang Xuba met Kong Shaode who was running all the way.

Knowing that Liu Jianhan was defeated by the Northern Jin army, Wang Xuba was also shocked. Although he had guessed that the Northern Jin army would attack Hebei, he did not expect that Liu Jianhan was so weak that he was killed by the Northern Jin army to the capital with almost no resistance.

"Everyone, what should we do now?" Wang Xuba sullenly said.

When the Northern Jin army attacked Hebei, the target was definitely not Liu Jianhan. The goal of King Zhao must be to take Hebei, so he, Wang Xuba, would definitely not be able to escape.

Gao Xi stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, immediately go on strike with Gao Lie and fully support Liu Jianhan, otherwise we will be in danger!"

The generals who have always disapproved of supporting Liu Jianhan did not stop this time, and they are not fools. This time King Zhao came over and made it clear that he wanted to kill them. At this time, he refused to rescue Liu Jianhan. When Liu Jianhan is destroyed, they will bear the brunt of it Against the Northern Jin Army.

They still haven't forgotten the war in Wen'an back then.

"But will Gao Lie agree to strike with us?" Liu Sidao doubted.

"He will." Gao Xi said: "Liu Jianhan is dead, we will be the next one, and Gao Lie will be the next one. I am willing to go to Bohai Sea to meet Gao Lie. Knowing the interests and interests, let the two sides stop fighting."

Wang Xuba nodded, agreed with Gao Xi, and immediately ordered the mobilization of troops to Hejian to support Liu Jianhan.

Bohai, Yangxin.

Gao Lie was born in the direct line of the Gao family in Bohai. His grandfather Gao Xun was defeated in the court battle, and the momentum of the Gao family was greatly weakened.

But after the rebellion, Gao Lie discovered that the surrounding environment was very bad. To the south of the Dahe River was Shandong, where Li Fazhu was entrenched, and it was very difficult to deal with.

Wang Xuba of Hejian County was not made of mud either. The double-handed fight in Pingyuan County was inextricable, and so far there has been no winner.

It is impossible for him to stay in Bohai County as a mountain king forever, so Gao Lie intensified his competition for Pingyuan County after the beginning of spring.

On this day, Gao Lie received news that Wang Xuba's envoy had come to visit.

At first Gao Lie thought that Wang Xuba was coming to negotiate a peace, but unexpectedly he brought him the news that the Northern Jin army was attacking Hebei.

"Your Majesty King Qi, the situation is urgent. We in Hebei are now at the moment of life and death. Please send troops to help." Gao Xi begged.

"It's the moment of life and death between Liu Jianhan and Wang Xuba, not me, Daqi." Gao Lie curled his lips.

Gao Xi said: "Your Majesty King Qi, don't you know King Zhao's determination to take Hebei? Once my lord and Liu Jianhan are defeated, King Zhao's next target will be you!"

This Gao Lie did not doubt it, Zhao Wang Jiang Chengxiao claimed to be orthodox, so naturally he would not come to Hebei to only eliminate Liu Jianhan and Wang Xuba.

"Come here, take the envoy down to rest first, and I will give the envoy an answer tomorrow." Gao Lie said.

Gao Xi understood that Gao Lie wanted to discuss with his courtiers, so he cupped his hands immediately, "I hope His Majesty King Qi will have a vision, and King Zhao's ambition must be guarded against."

After saying that, he followed the messenger and left the hall.

After Gao Xi left, Gao Lie asked the courtiers around him for their opinions.

Most people tend to assist Liu Jianhan and Wang Xuba in defeating the Northern Jin Dynasty who invaded Hebei.There are also some who advocate watching theatre, and when both sides lose, they are reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

Gao Lie naturally chose the latter, he didn't want to waste his troops to rescue Wang Xuba and Liu Jianhan at all.

Therefore, Gao Lie's answer to Gao Xi was that they agreed to strike, but they would not send troops to rescue.

Although angry at Gao Lie's unwiseness, Gao Xi could only take this news back and reply to Wang Xuba.

After getting the news, Wang Xuba immediately rushed to Hejian County with [-] troops.

Before leaving, Wang Xuba appointed Liu Sidao to guard Jingcheng to guard against Gao Lie's reneging.

Because of the arrival of the Northern Jin army in Hebei, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, especially when the Northern Jin army pushed all the way across the river and blocked Liu Jianhan in the river without any hindrance, which shocked everyone even more.


Yu Chijing led [-] soldiers and horses to occupy Qilijing Town. He did not send troops to attack Hejian immediately, but kept killing the soldiers in Hejian City who were trying to leave the city.

However, it was not without war between the two sides. In the beginning, Liu Jianhan formed an army and fought against Yu Chijing several times, but he was repulsed every time. In the end, in order to save his troops and wait until the rescue came, Liu Jianhan could only hide in the city.

Hejian City has high walls and thick walls, so it's not very easy to attack. These days, Yu Chijing ordered people to rush to make ladders, urged the siege equipment in the rear, and at the same time stepped up to discuss countermeasures with the generals.

"General, the scouts ahead have reported that Wang Xuba has led [-] troops to thirty miles away!"

"Understood, let's explore again!"


Yu Chijing looked at the generals in the big tent, and said: "Your Majesty had expected that Wang Xuba would come here to rescue Liu Jianhan, our plan has succeeded."

Wei Zhongyan said: "That's it, we just need to hold them back."

Wang Xuba came all the way, and there was no fierce battle as he had imagined. Instead, there was a strange calm atmosphere on both sides. However, he was attacked by the Northern Jin Army on the second day, and the two sides fought in battle in the field.

Having absorbed the tragic lessons of the last battle, this time Wang Xuba did not let the soldiers rush over, but instead formed a formation to defend against the cavalry of the Northern Jin Army.

Above the watchtower, Wei Zhonghao and Yu Chijing had a panoramic view of each other's formation.

"The shield gun is outside, it is specially designed to deal with our cavalry."

"The two wings are weak and can be attacked." Wei Zhongzheng saw the shortcomings of the opponent's formation at a glance.

Yuchi Jing said: "What you said is not bad, but Zhengfang needs bait."

"The pawns are in the center, and [-] light cavalry concentrate on attacking the left flank."

"Why the left wing?"

"The left wing is close to the central army. Wang Xuba must be among them. If attacked, the army will come to rescue. When the heavy cavalry comes out, the front can be broken!"

"That's right, you go." Yu Chijing smiled a little, and reminded: "It's enough to defeat it. It doesn't need to be destroyed in a single battle. Remember our mission."

"I will understand at the end!"

Wei Zhongyan bowed his hands and saluted, then turned and left to gather troops.

(End of this chapter)

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